Yo, what it is Sup Forums? What kind of post apocalyptic/dystopian set comics would you recommend? Also...

Yo, what it is Sup Forums? What kind of post apocalyptic/dystopian set comics would you recommend? Also, what war comics would you recomend?
I'm looking for more stories along the lines of
>Rouge Trooper
>Akira vol.3+


Blah blah blah blah whatever

Post more Ass


Never post an image more interesting than the topic.

But if you do, you're obligated to post MOAR.


I'm sorry, did you say something?

>It Was The War of the Trenches

>Crossed: Wish You Were Here

It's the webcomic, so it's free and freely available.

Literally perfect.

When The Wind Blows
Enemy Ace

Shut the fuck up Boco.