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2. Do you wear socks even when you're not wearing shoes? Like when going to bed or just walking around your house in them?

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Do you know the concept of cold weather?

>only take socks off for bed or for bathing, i'm as private about my feet as I am of my cock and ass

i wear them when i forget to take them off.

my mom used to get really mad if you walked around the house wearing socks

The only times I do not wear socks, are when I am showering or at the beach. My soles and toes are really soft because of it

1. Flag.
2. I don't go to bed with socks, but otherwise yes, I'm always walking around with socks when I'm inside.

i wear socks around the house but not in bed


hate wearing socks but feet'll get cold this time of year also feet are disgusting and should basically be covered. Wear em all the time except for when im in bed without the intention of going anywhere
Sleeping with socks is pretty haram ngl

If I'm walking around the house, I'll wear socks. I can't go to sleep with socks on, though. It just feels uncomfortable.

Yes because it's cold.

why don't you sleep with socks? It's important to keep your feet warm

depends on the weather.


got them dirty and tore it all up because i walked around the backyard with them on


It just doesn't feel right to me and makes it hard for me to sleep. I never have cold feet in bed anyway, so I never feel like I need it either.

Barefoot master race

I don't know why but I can't sleep without socks ( even in winter ) since my childhood

Monkeys aren't supposed to wear socks.

Cute socks, by the way.

I wear socks and shoes outside
I wear socks but not shoes inside
I wear neither socks nor shoes in the bed and in the shower
that covers everything I think
reason why I wear socks inside is because it's comfortable, I'm used to it, and it can get pretty cold around here
sometimes when it's super hot and humid in the summer I take most of my clothes off including my socks because hot and humid weather is unbearable for someone used to the cold like me

I wear two pairs of socks because it's so fucking cold in my apartment

i hate wearing socks in general, so keeping them while being inside is not possible for me

you'd know about that, mexicANO

1. check flag
2. i love going barefoot, if the weathers nice i like to do it outside (but only in my backyard/in grass/where people can't see me). i wear socks/shoes outside though any time else cause obviously you need them when you're actually doing shit.

other than that, ocasionally i wear socks at home if it's cold.

I wear them in winter
Sometimes put clean socks abd sleep with them when its cold

>i walked around the backyard with them on
What? Why would you go outside in socks?

yeah, that's pretty stupid haha. going outside without shoes/socks feels great, shoes are alright too for obvious reasons, but going outside with socks? weirdo.