(((Jon Stewart))) has some words for you, Sup Forums.
(((Jon Stewart))) has some words for you, Sup Forums
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Who is he even talking to in this? He doesn't think military, police and fire fighters support the left after Obama does he? Is the jew delusional?
I still can't figure out what the fuck he was trying to say with this.
Is it just an outburst of impotent Jewish rage?
>Who is he even talking to in this?
the goyim
I don't care what increasingly sweaty and nervous Jew Stewart has to say
This kike was one of my first redpills, thanks Liebowitz.
It's more a cry for attention. The dude became irrelevant after bush and he is trying to make up for it.
Back to your goats farmers you're irrelevant now
>You didn't build that
Stay mad bro.
>homeless bum's incoherent rambling intensifies
>white person saying that all whites should feel white guilt
>you don't own respect for the bravery and sacrifice for military, police and firefighters
What about members of those groups who support Trump? Like Sheriff Clarke.
>You don't own nuffin
Bitch please, I own you John Stewart.
He was saying it belongs to Hillary and its #HerTurn and #ImWithHer
In a general way, he's right. The way he was shilling with it probably isn't.
None of these are actually arguments. Just nonsensical statements that are somehow meant to justify mass muslim immigration.
Literally feelings over logic
Lets not start this debate k
My only fear is Trump will see 24 hour a day criticism of all he does from the MSM and "comedy" kikes like Leibowitz. Hopefully he is strong enough.
Just from OP's pic and from what I know of left-wing America's hive mind lately, it looks like he's talking anti-nationalism/anti-xenophobia.
i.e. if you support restricting immigration of shit-tier applications, or if you support taking action against illegal immigration, then you're literally Hitler.
>1 post by this ID
Then explain how he's right. Noone owns the land, the government does. Okay. But how does that relate to electing Trump?
Bravery of the military as they bomb hospitals on the other side of the world from 30k feet then send in close air support to gun down survivors?
Bravery of police officers who go after petty drug crime to confiscate money and property instead of solving murders and rapes?
Firefighters don't even belong with the other two.
I can't tell if this guy used to be funny, or if I was just retarded then.
>Let's try to swing voters to our side by detesting them as openly as possible and screaming that they're wrong
But we do own it. We built it, we created it. We defended it through two world wars.
People are just mad because every nation worth moving to was founded (or heavily influenced) by white people. The only non-white nation worth living in is Japan and they were heavily influenced by America after WW2.
Lol wut? Did his writers quit? Is this John Stewart uncut?
At least he's worked up from "le fox news" meme.
Does he honestily think he's gaining Democrat votes? Because he's not.
>Trust me!
Gee, where have I heard this before...
Only cause I'm posting this from mobile, and just to see what Sup Forums says to this since I saw it rt'd by some millennial trash on Twitter. It's a bother to respond to everyone.
Is he addressing BLM ?
Because that is the only group anything he is saying actually applies too.
>there is no real America
I'd love to see him say that to the founding fathers.
Although its clearly just pushing the usual agenda:
>you don't have an identity only us Jews do
>you should serve us, our lives are worth more than yours!
Remember removal/confusion of identity is a key part of the bolshevik plot. Don't fall for it, take pride in who you are.
>sick belligerents are absolved of crimes when they're sick
>cops going for low hanging fruit instead of becoming ace detectives don't still face danger
Ironically, Obama actually did the same thing in 2011 and he'll never touch on it.
>The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.
America was founded by whites for whites. This kike is long overdue for a zyklon shower.
Trust me
What? Jews are white bro
What's with the beard?
Looks like he turned to alcohol and yelling at imaginary republicans :(
Serious question, does (((Leibowitz))) actually think the majority of police, military, and firefighters support the Left? Especially with groups like BLM in their ranks shouting "What do we want? Dead Cops!"?
You guys get so mad when you're wrong. It's adorable.
He looks old as fuck now. Is just the shite facial hair doing it?
What the fuck happened to him? I've never liked him and his followers, but at least he had a smug confidence that made everyone worship him. He looks utterly broken now.
Then explain what he is trying to say. It doesn't even make sense.
Ashkenazi Jews have partial European ancestry, but have proven themselves to be the single greatest enemy of European civilization. Most Israeli kikes are Mizrahim, straight up low-IQ genetic kebabs.
It was more a criticism of the republican party I think. The idea that a liberal can't be patriotic or christian and such. I think those people are terribly misguided but they still do have a claim to being american. So yeah, in a general way he's right but the way he's shilling with it isn't.
Anybody go a transcript of what this guy said?
I kind of dont want to give it a view on youtube
It's probably for the best that Jon retired when he did. Back during the Bush administration, he had a good role in calling them out on their bullshit, but times have changed. The Republican party is in shambles and the traditional conservative is dying. The Democrats and radical left now control the top of Bullshit Mountain.
If he was still on the Daily Show, how would he cover the DNC's abuse and suppression of Bernie Sanders? I guess he'd be like Jon Oliver and completely ignore it in favor of printing Make Donald Drumpf Again hats.
One movie tried to do that last week, guess what happened?
I love how Jewish people pretend they're not really all that jewish when they're young but then become turbokikes when they get older.
>Haha this is just a comedy show that pretends to be a news show, we're not taking anything serious here.
>trust me
no I know better than to trust a jew, Mr. LEIBOWITZ
Jews are so toxic to society. my god.
Most Republicans don't say that though. I'm a Trump supporter and I admit that Jim Webb is a truly patriotic American who fought for his country. He just seems very angry.
>muh founding fathers
Those are dead for over 200 years, retard. Less strawmen more facts. Jon Leibowitz has once again BTFO Sup Forums
Sure he can spout his rethoric, but I fucking angers me when he says 'trust me'.
Like fuck yourself, why should I trust you? Eat a dick jon it probably pays more than whatever you're doing now.
>It was more a criticism of the republican party I think. The idea that a liberal can't be patriotic or christian and such.
A classical liberal can be. Even a socialist can be.
What passes for the left wing in the west, these days, gets into power by outsourcing votes to nonwhites and condemning the whites who comprise the economy and infrastructure.
You can not condemn literally EVERYTHING about America and shame the people who make up the machinery of the country and be a Patriot.
You can not be for the importation of Muslims, the enemy of Christians since their inception, in the name of charity, and call yourself Christian, unless you are either a puppet or a fool.
Yes because liberals LOVE the police and military, amirite fellas
>there is no real America, America is what we make it
>itt Democrat shill mad that the people realize they are the party of the minority special interest group, and not the party of the salt of the earth low class American
He is right. You dont own it. The banks do.
Hmm... he's a gun grabber who attempted to become relevant by bitching that Hillary didn't go far enough.
I would definitely say that 16 years ago, there were plenty of liberals who were patriotic, most alt right types were liberal by those standards (don't like THIS war? congrats you're a hippy). Nowadays? Not sure. Probably, but...
>This country isn't yours
This triggered the fuck out of me. Especially that "there is no real America" what the fuck. As liberals like to say, "I just, I can't even"
To be honest, that's been a huge problem lately. these goddamn pundits go out and attack a caricature of the other side. Liberals is attacking a racist, hillbilly right winger. Conservatives attack a retarded, millennial trigglypuff. They both make an assumption based off extremists and start painting with a broad brush. Divide and conquer I suppose.
nice ironic bait, Jon.
Moses has been dead for like 3,500 years so maybe it's about time Jews, like (((Leibowitz))) fucked off.
These shits sure as shit dont own it you fucking kike
without good writers, stewart is only the hobo you see now
it was Colbert who saved Stewart from hobo life
>influenced by America after WW2
Don't forget they were HEAVILY influenced by Germany prior to that. Their model of industrialization, education, and timekeeping came from Germany. Japan took Germany's model of efficiency and took it to soaring levels
That's rebdit or leftyblack pole, don't waste your time. Liebowitz outed himself as one of the chosen, angry that they could never really have a country of their own, only because they think they are better than the rest of us.
Too bad the country isnt yours, cuck. It's the government's. Notice why you are paying property taxes on your house and land that you supposedly bought? Haha dumb fucking goy gets swindled and somehiw believes he is doing a favor! Hahahaha. Registration on your car? Sales tax? Income tax? None of this is yours, moron. You're a fucking automation, nothing but electrical signals. Dumb fucking goy.
>you sure as hell don't own respect for the bravery and sacrifice for military
>you don't own respect
>What? Jews are white bro
jewfro and thick lips are marks of Ham, the daddyfucker
oh look the ancrap woke up
I will not belove your cuck jew message john
>bringing your kids to protest something they don't understand
mexican parents can hit the lowest levels of being shitty parents for sure
>trust me goyim
>you don't own your country, you never did
He speaks the truth, from experience
Stop putting the names in parentheses idiot. His name was Leibowitz, not (((Leibowitz))). Hell you could do (((Stewart))) if you wanted to le imply teh joo like the stormnigger wannabe you are, but not (((Leibowitz)))
((( )))
>no response
>only pathetic insults
Stay cucked and enjoy jail when you refuse to pay taxes for land that you supposedly own, goy.
Liberals changed over 16 years. The liberals of yesterday were proud white working class union democrats. Late night comedians kept calling their people racist and saying that they were inbreads, rednecks and stupid white trash. They also poured salt on the wounds of these people by signing NAFTA and throwing LGBT shit in their faces.
Its not an insult to point out someone is likely an anarcho-capitalist for having their feelings hurt by taxes of all things.
>You don't own it goyim!
>We own it goyim! How dare you question us?!
((( )))
Did anyone claim ownership of any of those things? And nothing about his rant has anything to do with the principles of this Nation, he's just aimlessly railing at Republicans (as he always has).
>you don't own respect for the bravery and sacrifice of military, police and firefighters
>you're just the only people who give a shit about their livlihoods instead of competing over who can minimize said bravery and sacrifice the most
This guy looks like he decided to become an alcoholic after he retired.
Who does own the world if not the people, Jon?
On another note, he doesn't look very well
If the left also owns patriotism why do they keep burning american flags
Part of the reason Jon changed his name was because he's estranged from his father. Insisting on calling him Libowitz anyway makes you look nearly as retarded as people who call Trump "Drumpf". Well, at least 25% as retarded.
There's no way you can legitimize being both a liberal and a patriot. Not if you're the slightest bit intelligent. And you certainly can't both respect law enforcement and support BLM
>otto von Bismarck was a tool for believing in the German empire
>Our founding fathers were fools for wanting our country free and strong
>Alfred the Great was a fool for dreaming of a unifies England
>it's another "privileged Jewish man decries nationalism and pride to advance the Jewish led NWO agenda" episode
When do they stop. The irony is palpable
Yeah, a people whose ancestor originated from modern day Iraq, who claims to be from the Middle East, who speak a language that isn't European and doesn't use Roman characters are white. If they are European then their claim to Israel is built on a lie.
((( )))
>calling a person by the last name he changed himself is the same as calling a person by the last name his grandfather changed and he had no choice in
A leaf. It was a well intentioned thought, though
>he fell for their lies