I need help. I just moved into a new apartment and it's fucking fantastic. Except my neighbors are niggers.

Now i have a decently nice car and for those that don't know, the only niggers we have here in melbourne are somalis and sudanese.

These are the same niggers that ran around a kids festival with machetes and have been doing non stop home invasions. They get their rent paid for by the government while our own citizens go homeless and i can't believe these nigs can afford to live next to me in this apartment building.

Fuck my government, anyway how does a no-gunz australian stop the niggers from ruining my new house? I just locked into a 1 year lease and diden't know there were niggers next door!


Other urls found in this thread:

Plant isis flag. Call cops.

Will the cops actually do anything?

I mean every night there's always a new home invasion or carjacking here and it's always "of african appearance" yet it keeps happening.

It feels like nothing's being done and now i'm living next to NIGGERS and i have a nice car!

Fuck, i wish i had the means to protect myself.

Do you know any knuckle dragging biker types?
Well, find some.
Have them stop by and visit when neighbors are home.
Negros will be so scared of your friends and possible payback that they'll wind up being your own private security force, making sure nothing happens so they never get blamed for anything

i don't, i know we have bikies but how do i get in touch and ask them for a favor?

Wait til they're out.
I'm not sayin', but I'm just sayin', electrical fires happen everyday.

It's an apartment block, this idea could never work.

Plus i mean, it has video cameras everywhere to prevent people from fucking shit up, but i never thought the nigs would infiltrate a high end apartment complex like this!

Now they can let their jigaboo buddies inside and home invade me, all the security is useless if they can open the door for them!


>apartment block

Well the cameras would see me, and i could burn my own place down.

There has to be a better way.

Has anyone here got experience dealing with niggers? If so, what happened?

Was in a very similar situation where 1 single black family in a government paid house ruined an entire neighborhood, they caused so much trouble, one holiday while everyone was outside trying to have fun they tried to start a fight with my family, they had all types of niggers/druggies at their house, so I finally snapped and went and got my AR-15 and came out, it could have ended badly but instead they got scared and stopped causing trouble. Also right after this huge fight all the neighbors got together in the street and talked about how much we hate this family, another black dude even called them niggers, Im sure they saw that and realized the entire neighborhood hates them. Anyway, you either become their bitch or stand up to them

>Has anyone here got experience dealing with niggers?
>what happened
My pregnant sister's nigger boyfriend pushed her down a flight of steps and snapped her neck.

Cut their cables.

Electric cables, phone cables, Internet cable, etc.

Also, fire.

Electrical fire, mailbox fire, molotov, burning newspaper under the door, etc.

GOD that's fucked mate, those fucking animals.

I really wish we had the klan here down under, it would be amazing. Put the fear in minorities again, so they can stop their bitching.
Seriously listen to this fucking song.

This one too.

Cut the power, so it cuts the cameras, then fucks their shit up.

Turn one of them into a shrunken head, tell them that the soul of their friend will bring bad mojo upon them if they violate your shit.

Well look into your self defense laws

Can you own pepper spray or knives? Can you own a gun for self defense?

There are things to know, find you most basic form of self defense, and always have an alternative, if only fists, then learn a martial art.

Buy a heavy door, buy more secure windows, always lock them, lock everything, dont leave valuables visible in your car.

Are the niggers paying rent? Try and get them fired, try and get their welfare cut off, are they selling drugs? do they own any animals? these are all good things to know

Look into your rent agreement, its probably similar to theirs, what are some things you could do to get them kicked out

DONT GET CAUGHT, that is rule number one

Observe them and gather information, is there any violence? any yelling? These things can help you

Do not make them think you are their enemy, you shouldn't exist to them

Do not call the police on them for 100 little things, wait until there is something big, or file complaints

there is more, ask me questions and I can help you, nice doubs

>My pregnant sister's nigger boyfriend
you should have pushed her down the stairs and then sudokued for letting her be with a nigger, I got my sister to hate niggers and all her college friends are nigwhores, I then showed her the shotgun shell that i would put into a niggers chest if she ever brought one home

also informed her that once you get nigger sperm in you it makes your babies part nigger

speak to them, and tell them it's really none of your business but some detectives have been asking you questions about them, related to crime and terrorism, etc. they might be less likely to act up if they think they're already under some sort of law enforcement agencies microscope.


i doubt they'll get kicked out, the government is paying their rent and this is melbourne, niggers here get away with so much because muh feels

if they do something super criminal i might be able to get them arrested, but im worried they'll jack me before that happens.

>These are the same niggers that ran around a kids festival with machetes and have been doing non stop home invasions.
Aussie bro, can you give me a link that article?
Also, do you have a link to that article when 10-14 nignogs (Sudanese refugees) raped a white girl in a park a couple years back?

don't know about the park incident but search melbourne moomba riots to find out about the machete riots

moomba is a kids festival with ride and shit for children and a few nigger gangs had a gang fight there

Your fucked user.
You made the bed, now lie in it.

i can't help i was born here mate, i'm saving up to buy a country property where there's nothing but 99% whites

this is temporary while i save my home deposit up

Fair enough lad.
Recommend getting out of the state though.
Andrews won't stop until every has has no food, but 4 sand dindus.
We also, regrettably, already have a sneaky problem as well, just not as organised as yours.
Moving out over the dividing ranges after Christmas.

I plan to move out to country victoria where nature is beautiful and the people are very anti-melbourne bullshit.

Apparently there's a huge sentiment towards traditional aussie values out there.

Mind sharing what's going on with your problem? Perhaps i can offer some insight too mate.

If this happened to me I could go to a nearby gun show this weekend, there is one/several every weekend within a couple hours drive radius. I could buy a gun immediately.

Or I could go through the background check and have a gun through a gun shop in about a week or less.

Then I could shoot anybody invading my home without fear of charges. If they stole my car and were driving away with it I could shoot them.

Move to Texas, brah. You can get a job easy with your "interesting" accent and pussy will be thrown at you. And you can have guns. Lots of guns. And you can defend yourself and your property. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE LIBERTY, BABY. WE'RE BREAKING THE CONDITIONING!!! YEEEAAAHHHHHRRRGGGGHH!!!

I hear america won't grant visas though unless you're a minority, since obama got in.

Does texas have nice greenery? I love beautiful green nature and going hunting and fishing.

Figure out self defense then

I guess using excessive force is against the law, so what I would do, is always carry a cocealed flip knife, if thats legal

And only use it if someone is attacking you with a weapon that is potentially lethal, if they have a crowbar or a baseball bat, it could help, tho you should always try and run

Also get something big for your house, a baseball bat, cricket bat(fag), they have coldsteel spears, machetes, swords, zombie tool weapons sound cringey but are cool as fuck and well made.

Pepper spray is also great, cuz you dont have to maim someone, look into tazers

Also there are keychains that are a "hardpoint" that can be used for striking and hurt like a bitch

Take a martial art class, or look on youtube, but youtube training is known to get people hurt because they think they know what they're doing, get up and practice, life some weights

Use information as your tool, see if they are selling drugs, domestic abuse, if they consume alot of alcohol

if nothing else works, become their friend, this is strange advice, but chilling with them and drinking some beer at a barbeque might save your life, or your wallet

again, secure your car, secure your apartment

America has some of the most beautiful wilderness, wherever you are, just some places are shitholes, but every state has places that are beautiful

I love florida because of this, but some states are pretty cucked about this

Just come here on a vacation visa and get a job that pays you under the table in a "sanctuary" city where they do not enforce the immigration laws. Dumbass mexicans do it with tons of success, so can you. While you're doing that, leverage your accent appeal to marry an American citizen.

oh my god i just read that

does anyone find it suspicious that defensive homicide was removed from the law in 2014, right around the time my state started mass importing these niggers who home invade?

what the fuck

Pretty much anywhere in TX. If you hate humidity stay away from the coast. If you hate mexicans stay away from the border and the coast and San Antonio. You would probably like Dallas (lots of lakes) or the Texas Hill Country.. lots of chicks in Austin you could impregnate and trap when they're drunk and the aussie accent makes them wet.

are there many niggers in texas?

like the ghetto gang culture ones i read about on here?

or are they in new york?

Maybe you should've put more thought into what neighbors you would have there partner. Also there is a difference between blacks and niggers so you just gotta hope they are black and not nigger.

I live in florida too so it is most liklely the latter house has been broken into twice here and they caught 2 of the nigs. Stay safe but don't do anything stupid or instigate shit.

you americans are lucky though, because most of you know what niggers are like and also have had the klan in the past to put the fear in nigs.

here, they're fresh off the boat from africa and our citizens think they're going to be like us. the perfect unsuspecting victims.

Yeah there is a part of every American city like that pretty much, but southern niggers aren't as bad. They know what real racism is and tend not to whine about every goddamn little thing.

So no except for certain little areas that are easily avoidable.

Pure (((coincidence)))

You really should research you state and current laws, i just did a quick jewgle search, but you should look into it more in this situation

Look into what you can own, can you own a baton? or will you have to get something like a bat or wrench so that it doesn't appear as a weapon?

I would put everything into two categories
>home defense
>self defense

home defence, i would go all out, if someone is in your house and they're not supposed to be, they could easily kill you, crack their face with a heavy wrench and dont give up, make sure to call the police unless you think they will arrest you

For self defense, I always carry a knife, but not in my pocket, i clip it to the inside of my shorts or pants, right near my cock, sometimes have a belt on, this keeps it concealed, and less likely to be found in a pat down, mine is just a blade, but you may want to get a multi-tool, so you can say it is a tool and not a weapon

you could also look into security devices like a camera, or spy devices like bugs and listening devices, to gather intel on the nigs

again if all else fail, make friends with them for the time being, you dont even have to see them that often, but just do some nice things, idk if you have community grills at ur residences, but thats always an option

There are nigs everywhere

you just gotta pick a good area they keep them in the ghetos pretty well

Found it:
>He claimed to be a member of Blackdanna, a self-proclaimed ''alliance of all niggas'' in the Blacktown area who share photos of drugs, knives and graffiti online and wear black bandannas.

Get your shit together Aussie bros.
If you think Arabs are bad, niggers are 100x worse.

Dob em into the cops for possesion of drugs

Bet you wished you owNed a gun now faggot. Hahahahhaha.

The nuggets I knew we're pussies. I had a few neighbors who were beyond obnoxious. They stole packages (forced me to stop buying shut from Amazon), they let their niglets do anything they wanted, and one tried to break into my house (Mr. Gun wanted a word with them. Pic related, I just like leverguns.) If there is one thing I know most nigs are massive wimps when you try to confront them. Keyword is try because once you confront them they run faster than Bill Clinton looking at a cheap white.

At least they moved out and my neighbors legally immigrated here. Based fucking Estonians moved in, I converted them to hasguns. Estonians who are here, thank you for my based neighbors.

Niggers* new phone autocorrects.

Pic related and an oak baseball bat that you carved yourself with a hachet you made yourself. Literally make all of this on your front door. And when they see/or ask what you're doing , just say , its a hobby.

Now you're the crazy aussie shit poster on meth with an axe and base ball bat.

... is there something you want to tell Sup Forums?

Why'd you move to Apex st user?

Didn't know that australia is this cucked also.

Have fun, your choice, learn to live with it.

Btw. I'm god tier half somali half finnish myself.

>based fucking estonians
They're all drunken vampire looking retards that are related to russians, have fun with them.

So OP i want to know, after this thread, what do you think you will do to fend off these groids?

I want to hear what your takeaway from this is


Major problem at our shopping centres, security has to walk old duckies out to their cars or the Somalis mug them.
Give them a fuckin crevice mate, they'll stuff twenty km there and mug you in the dark.
Cops won't do a thing, apparently it's a "cultural clash".
It's not, but it's going to be.

There problem here is that you won't accept that black people are the chosen ones in this world.

Fuck off nigger, you aren't "half finnish" your 100% nigger, the one drop rule, what are you even doing on this website?

And how dare you make fun of Estonians, they are saviors of the white race and their country was better 500 years ago than Somalia is today


When niggers put niggers on the moon, we can talk.
Than theys can be starmans and shiat.

Well OP, I got my neighbors evicted.

I was renting half a duplex and in the other half was an Indian couple who would cook curry every day. Due to the rental's location and a lack of comparable places to rent on the market, I couldn't move. After 2 weeks, I was going insane. I could not stand the smell. It was a mix of rot, curry, body odor and some weird incense.

Anyway, the owner had a no pets policy. So I waited until they left one day, went and adopted the most deranged, feral looking dog possible at the local shelter, went through their back door (they never lock it) and let him in.

I then called the landlord complaining about barking the last few days. She drove over and called the pooinloos. They got in a heated debate, I heard the landlord mention the smell, it escalated from there. They ended up being evicted.

I never heard or smelled them again although the smell did somewhat linger for like 2 months. I believe the dog was put down because it was inbred.

Nope. Google Melbourne home invasion. Or Melbourne aggravated burglary. Or Melbourne carjacking. There's at least one a night. Too many to list. The Moomba riots are apex gang. These are black kids who smash a rock through window and demand keys to luxury cars. Then they smash you in the head with a bar or a hammer. What the media don't report is that there's been attempted sexual assaults as well. The kids are all teenagers and know the police call off pursuits because of a policy to lessen police chase-related road fatalities. So they speed up and the police back off and they get away. Operation Cosmas (Victoria Police taskforce) has been set up to combat it but they are ineffectual because the kids are 14. They keep getting bailed and go out to do it again. If they actually do get incarcerated it's to sit around literally playing video games and practicing GTA which is what inspired them in the first place.

Vigilante groups have sprung up. The cops are begging residents not to take matters into their own hands but it's only a matter of time before they get fed up and someone make gets killed.

We've taken security precautions and planned out how we will bottleneck them and take them out. I know my rights. (See section 10.4 I don't condone violence but if they come to this house we are ready.

I'm half finnish if i have a finnish father you redneck, how are you going to deny something that is biologically a fact?

And estonians look like russians so they are ugly.
I have been in moon already, with your mom.


Is that your face when your gramma sticks her finger in your butthole?

Both of my Grandmas are dead.
But at least I'm White.

But would you have a face like that if she would still be alive and stick her finger in your bum?

>If she would still be alive
Only sometimes when I dream

being this much of a fucking nigger you chimp out online
>literally using yo mamma jokes in a niggerish attempt to fend off this intelligent predator

But i'm clearly fending him off and destroying him?

I just wish my Grandma was still alive.
And no, I don't think about those sorts of things, I have music to play, and maybe compose...Enjoy Autismland though, your just a commodity, a stone in the river's path.

Plz let me be your commodity


Pick one and only one.

Okay, return to Africa, or wherever your Mother came from, use your White genes to improve the country and encourage non-whites to come there and build a Kingdom or Democracy or SOMETHING, and then maybe I'll consider it depending on how good the economy, industry, and entertainment are and if you are female only.

> niggers in Melbourne , Australia

As there was no nigger importing via the slave trade, which politicians allowed them into Australia?

Can you start a campaign to force such politicians to live next to the niggers, so that they can be enriched?

Kek is pleased by this.
Kek shall be with you in your arduous Journey.
Will it be difficult?
Will it be Noble?

How can i "return" to africa if i'm not from africa in the first place, isn't that a bit of a paradox right dere?

Because it is where your roots are.
I can already see it within you, Kek reveals to you that you are the hope of your people, that you will one day save many African lives and return Europe to the old ways, restoring the World to its natural order.

Biologically my roots are both in finland and somalia, also i have been pretty much raised in finland my whole life so considering also the fact that i don't speak arabic nor somali it would be literally retarded for me to back there.

Buy a fucking bow and train. There are deadly weapons other than firearms. And if you're not a full beta, you can even trick them into thinking you know how to use it.

>go to bar
>drink a beer and smash the glass on the counter
>demand theire full attention
>explain situation
>get back to the nigs and strangle em like nogs

Meanwhile your care is gone your home empty you got fired for racism and the hospitalbill is ruining the rest of your life

Well here's how I keep safe: I'm not remotely afraid of prisons in commonwealth countries.

I have lines which if crossed will result in a severe beating with whatever's on hand that looks hard enough to get the job done with minimal damage to my hands.

And because I absolutely will smash people who fuck with me, nobody ever fucks with me. I've NEVER had a non-white cause me any problems, the only people who have ever caused me any trouble are fellow whites who are too sheltered to understand that some people will not tolerate bullshit.

Just make the conscious decision to immediately seize back any respect that anybody tries to take from you, and non-whites will never trouble you, they'll point all of their nonsense in somebody else's direction.

No, it would be Noble of you, to both lands.
You, the genetic dead end of your father, returning to your mother's homeland which is the source of the curse Finland is experiencing, to vanquish it via prosperity.

>curse finland is experiencing
>genetic dead end of your father
Biologically the fact is still that i have roots in finland AND in somalia, which pretty much means that i can choose that where i stay if we're thinking this rationally, of course some people like to take it always to an extreme level, just like some people don't like to have fat people in the gym, even if it would be logical for them to be there.

Your ideology unfortunately is based on a "opinion" factory which means that when you say that it would be noble of me, to both lands is literally your opinion, not the truth.

To add still in the end, by your logic, i would be considered as a curse in somalia too so what you're saying literally doesn't have any logical reason behind it, only "muh feelings" and "muh opinions".

Are you part of a somalian community?

> just like some people don't like to have fat people in the gym

Now you got me curious muhammed. Which gym is this?

Btw. good movie in dat pic

No the thing is that Finland has better living standards than Somalia, so Somalians coming to Finland lower the living standards for everyone, while you going there can raise the living standard in Somalia, because they are less likely to kill you because of your skin.
A fat person can loose weight.
A Somalian can't become Finnish nor do they belong in Finland.


Sup Forums is now jew central

God. Just treat them like anyone else and they'll blend in. Imb4 lmao2bombs bombs. Im australian.

No you're a filthy Globalist

Somehow i think that me lowering the living standards a bit of absurd statement as i study in university at the moment. Also i didn't "come" to finland, i was born here as i stated before so fallacy there again. And if i were to go to somalia alone there wouldn't be much that i would be able to do to "raise" the living standards there. And how do you know that they are less likely to kill me there because of my skin? I'm not getting killed in finland either.

And yes fat person can lose weight and that's why they should be at the gym exactly, but even that fact is real, look at this photo: Some people don't want them there, even when all the odds are against their opinions.

And i agree, a somalian that has both of his or her parents from somalia is an somalian, but a person that has a one parent from finland and one from somalia is half somali and half finnish, that's a biological fact. When it comes to the "who can become finnish and who belongs to finland" is having that opinion factor in it, just like you have.

I know a few ''mixed'' people and they always share more of the same views that I do. Or actually, it is easier to discuss with them and elaborate on different topics even if they didn't share the same views. These mixed born and raised in a white neighbourhood though and are not very religious.
Do you have white friends?

I've always had whites or half white and half X friends mostly, never really completely somali or arab friends as i really don't enjoy their company nor really understand them in general = don't wanna hang out with them.

Nowhere in that picture does milo says he doesn't like having fat people in the gym, muhammed. Try again.

Buy a pair of plastic "brass" knuckles. If they've got spikes of some, they a better. The more money you put into it the better. Use this for personal, public defense.

Get a big ass "this is a knife!" tier knife.Use this for home defense. I didn't suggest this for a self deference tool because

a) You are on the wrong side of the law if you cut someone up really bad in public. It's safer to do it in the home. Remember, "the knife is just a camping tool that I happened to have at hand at the time of the break in".

b)Both the plastic knuckles and the knife are illegal to carry pretty much everywhere I am aware of, however you WILL get in worse shit for being caught with a knife.

c)You can use the knucles in public and get away with it. Cuts last longer than severe bruises, and severe bruises can be explained by your Muhammad Ali tier punches which you totally have.

Learn to throw punches, and learn to kick a little (this can be done online if martial arts training is not available). The nigger is not a good fighter. He attacks with numbers on his side. You must be a league superior to him for every nigger present.

The best way to combat the nigger is to fight semi-proficiently, be stronger, be fitter, and have better weapons. The middle two might be further from your reach but I recommend them.

You might get a pass.
Just don't tell me ur name is Muhis.

continuation for a scrub.

No it isn't.


>Born in finland
>half somalian
You're not Finnish.
That is the problem
You think you're just an isolated incident?
No, you're just another pawn in the Jew's game of destroying the West

But don't be so quick to call all Estonians Russian looking and ugly. Years of Russian influence has had a toll. But among Estonians are very based and proud people.
To be honest Estonian-Finnish friendship should be promoted more and more.
Ever been outside of Tallinn?
Met any other Estonians except the stereotypical construction worker on a weekend binge?

Buy some drugs and put them in their house. Report them to police for selling drugs.

Apartments are for Asian drones, not real Aussies.

So was the tweets legitemacy verified, mohammed? That picture suggests otherwise.