Holy shit

China will eat us all.

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For a cunt that has only 24 mil population i think we're doing alright


>ghost cities
>sky rocketing labour costs
>debt-fueled growth
>no allies
>apocalyptic pollution
>economy based on making plastic toys and cheap clothes


that is because australia kowtows to china

All the anglos are doing exceptionally.

WTF is wrong with Eurozone and India? Literally Africa tier.

>"super power"


They do have a habit of eating pretty much everything. Maybe you're right.


WTF is that?

Considering half of EU are brown third world countries who waste their time either complaining about EU/germany or voting for fascists instead of making money 7,9% isn't even that bad.

>Russia and Iran
Wow such global threats very dangerous.

The eurozone has always had lower GDP growth than non-eurozone EU countries, and Europe in general have has very low growth the last couple of decades.
This is a dead continent.

Duck heads.
I worked with some Chinese guys in a research department and they got me to try a broth containing large chunks of intestines once. Not as bad as I thought it would be but still pretty grim.

>printing more meaningless money for banks to add to their economy destroying glorified spreadsheets is how the modern world allows people to live like kings or starve
Shit system, to be honest. Money had no real value.

Stop creeping into Finnmark, you cunts.

Economical growth is easy to predict, especially macro trends on short term. Personally I think they are underestimating other aka africa and assorted but keep being a moron though if that helps you sleep at night.

Don't you faggots under American flags ever get tired of posting garbage?

A rabid dog is still dangerous even if it only attacks neighbors.

120 million people here and we just generate that. We are fucking useless.

Yeah but only because Russia is desperate enough to sponsor far-right and far-left extremists in the West.

Iranians are bro-tier and can hopefully put enough pressure on Israel to treat Palestinians like human beings.

mfw the bubble pops

China is doing regulations
on capital movement (especially overseas),
foreign exchange interventions,
restrictions on investment, import restrictions.

It's natural to become stronger.

don't they have Japan tier municipal debt rates right now

They're already seeing their growth slow down, it will suck for all of us during the transition

Iran is a spiteful theocracy. They are most certainly NOT bro-tier.


fuck off anglo

*r*n**n subhuman detected

its true

Still better than russians.

Lego and bacon embargo for you
Enjoy your economic collapse

Continental Europe has had slower growth rates than the Anglo world since the 70's or so and you still haven't really recovered from the recession. It's difficult to form a coherent response to an economic crisis when you're planning for 30 different countries

India just has poor geography and poor government. Few of their rivers are well suited for large scale commercial use and they were never able to industrialize in the same way that China did

Top part of your comment is cuck tier.

Bottom part of your comment is Sup Forums tier.


I'd take Iranians over t*rks or p*kis any day.

>Top part of your comment is cuck tier.
It's true though, you're a moron if you think otherwise.

>Bottom part of your comment is Sup Forums tier.
Fuck off israeli apologist.

Turkey and Mexico are truly the greatest allies.

>iran is a poor spiteful theocr-..

Denmark and Sweden will always do fine so i dont see the problem.

>Fuck off israeli apologist.

But I am from Sup Forums and I agree with that part only.

>China bubble will burst any minute now, says increasingly nervous man for the 9457th time this decade


>Trump and Xi are best friends
>China becomes more capitalist by the day
>Collective bargaining movements taking place
>Middle class forming
>Upward mobility now possible
>Now making incredible medical advancements
>Having the next lingua franca

Haha m8 yet such a kidder

>Having the next lingua franca

I will never let this happen.

English is the most beautiful language in the world.


I agree English is more beautiful. But Chinese is far more practical in use

40% of the inmates in the prison he died in are Muslims.

Th'ts China

>Yeah but only because Russia is desperate enough to sponsor far-right and far-left extremists in the West.

Kaveh the year is 2017. We can do a reverse search and reveal that pic is from China.

i, for one, welcome our Chinese overlords

fucking shills

Wasting time proving obvious statements is not part of good argumentation.

Let's instead talk about how russian economy tanked after sanctions were put in. Do you think crimea was worth turning russia into a poor third world shithole?

crimea is worth a half decade of economic decrease lol

I'm pretty sure that's Singapore.

looks a bit smol

tbf russians claim on crimea is more legitimate than ukraines.

>Wasting time proving obvious statements is not part of good argumentation.
So you got nothing?

>Let's instead talk about how russian economy tanked after sanctions were put in.
Oil prices getting fucked is what killed our economy not sanctions, but thanks for them, dumb russian bydlo blames ebil west for hurting russian economy and not dumbfuck government who did nothing for 17 years to diversify it.

This Holy fuck how dense can you be? Do you know how hard it is to get any territorial gain in this day and age?

isn't 2014 when gas prices started tanking because the arabs were trying to kill fracking

>Russia lower than MeMexico
>this and the past year Mexico GDP decrease


Cyber crime is difficult to prove in the first place, there are usually no easily understandable incriminating documents, just entries in some server log. I have some anecdotal evidence of Russia's troll stuff during the Scottish independence referendum though, if you want to hear it.

Well no one here provided me any proof of Russia sponsoring far right and far left parties so i had to find them myself.
Very convincing, doesn't say anything about far left parties tho so i guess they are safe, just never vote or support right wing parties they are under Putin's control.

Notice how the ryssä immediately tries to disengage when someone offers him proofs.

Enjoy living in a poor, AIDS infested dictatorship for the rest of your life.

Ghost cities are literally fake news propagated by an eternally assblasted soy boy on youtube.

it's comfy though

t. eternally assblasted chink

Radical centrism.

It's easy to climb out of the gutter. Europe did it decades ago. So did Japan. Can't sustain that growth.

Chinese "ghost cities" are cities that were made as predictions that people would migrate there. Most Asian countries make this stupid mistake.

ₚₗₑₐₛₑ ₛₚₐᵣₑ ₒᵤᵣ ₗᵢᵥₑₛ

Your president approval rating is same as Putin.

and he did that without violently suppressing opposition politicians and without controlling most media outlets. Impressive, no?

There have been multiple reports that these ''ghost'' cities ARE being populated more and more since about a decade ago. The downfall of the West will be that they keep acting on either old propaganda or entirely made up propaganda (like they do for NK too).
Just look at this list of purely fake news, like that Norks believe in unicorn. And the western populations just eat it up, even though it's completely fake news.

Or without doing anything at all really.
It is impressive.

>like they do for NK too
Here's not propaganda but russian tourist impression, wonder how much changed in 11 years.


So ~60% of the world population generates 86.5% of its growth, not that extreme if you were to consider the development state of some of the remaining countries.

How is India 8.6% if its 1.3 billion?

Am I just retarded because this doesn't make sense.

Hey Israeli settler

I hope you get a stone in your face

He gives this dystopian vibe to it when you can find the same thing most cities in Russia, and even other big cities like New York, Chicago and London. It's still senseless propaganda from an outsider who doesn't know much about their way of living. 99% of Africa is a more miserable place to live in than NK.


The fact that Mexico can generate that much when hobbled by cartel violence and a unsympathetic US administration is quite remarkable. Don't feel bad, Mexanon.

Half of the population still doesn't poo in loo, that's why

shut up mehmet
Also I am a Palestinian you newfag

Yeah it was because clay is hard to get dude. Russia is playing the long game.

I mean, I ostensibly agree that all the doomsaying about China is pretty repetitive, but unless China has somehow found a magical way to solve economics forever, they'll have to experience the flip-side of the business cycle, recession, eventually.

>over one billion Indians
>literally the same amount as chinks
>only 8.6%
lmao what are you pajeets doing?

>Also I am a Palestinian

Then go throw a stone at an Israeli.

The resistance never sleeps.

You're right, Arabs shouldn't have that land, it belongs to westernized Khazars!

They were in middle ages till recent decades.

>being this much diaspora cancer

Correlating population size with possible economic growth is the worst meme to come out of the 2000s boom in developing economies.

ameriniggers love being delluded, its similar to their use of crude stereotypes when doing banter. they think in simple formats so its easier for their fat polluted brains to process crude chunks of interpretation of reality

nigga u chinese


It's true, but for some reason people on Sup Forums like to pretend that will somehow magically wipe away all the progress that they have done thus far. China is a future super power, and the faster everyone accepts that reality the faster western countries can come to an agreement on how to deal with them.

How bad is the Israeli / Palestinian conflict? I can never trust the western propaganda machine. Are Palestinians persecuted as much as Americans are told? I have a friend that visited Israel.. he told me that he saw plenty if Israelis and Palestinians getting along just fine, and saw Palestinian shops and restaurants right next to Israeli shops and restaurants