
How do Anglos and other europeans feel about snowniggers? I mean considering their history of fucking you up.

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We don't care about them.

Based Danes smashing Angl*s and hunting arabs out of Sicily

where do you think the anglos came from?
where do you think the saxons came from?
that's right

You got my back and I got yours!

>I mean considering their history of fucking you up.

They literally don't even get a mention in European history. Completely irrelevant.

>Completely irrelevant.


Now you anons never ever talk about my country, wife and her son again. Just leave us alone...

we like and respect them more than m*ds and sl*vs

Where exactly do you think that the Angles and Saxons came from?

Whos history did Finns fuck up?

denmark does you little dike nigger

We have not fucked up anyone. All we want is to be left alone to be depressed.

le mongols fuck up le entire history of le world :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

England is a danish colony, the british royal line is descended from Rollo, a scandinavian reaver....

Anglos btfo

You propably shouldn't call anyone a nigger mr. 56%

Finns don't wewuz like snowniggers, you accept your humble nature.

how do we wewuz exactly?

Stop it, it is us who are snowniggers
Fucking newfags

Literally a tribe from danes

Actually from Angelen in Germany. Saxons are from Saxony in Germany

they weren't related us though, and they weren't really on the peninsula either, only in the very bottom of it. they didn't speak the same language as jutes or danes either.

Which was danish untill 1864.

old danish territory

>you forgot denmark

Wrong, saxons didn't even live in jutland and angles lived below the Eider which was a border to the historically danish lands.

Rollon, or Gangerolf was Norwegian

hey "we" removed araboids too


Vikings are considered one of the 3 founders of Europe for their establishment of huge trade routes.

there's no use in wewuzzing him cause different sources claim he was from more and others from denmark. in any case, he was probably a noble who got banished, so trying to claim him as some danish/ norwegian achievement seems pretty asshole-y

that image doesn't disprove any of what I said though and I don't get why you even posted it.

Indeed, Rolf was Swedish.

clearly the danish territory goes below the eider

what's up nerds?

>fucking you up
Vikings were ran out for the most part and when the normans invaded they intermingled with the Gaelic clans and became indistinguishable after a number of generations

General view: no history vikings who are right now living in the most wealthy, civilized, educated, top countries, free of corruption, inequality, etc.

When someone wants to give an example of ideal succesful society he would talk about "the nordic countries".

They literally build all your important cities. How is that running away?

Since literally every great European civilization through history was started and ruled by NORDIC men they're bound to have a little bit of an inferiority complex towards us.

not if we're speaking ancestral lands, denmark occupied holstein but it was never danish. They didn't even speak danish until they were forced to as a danish vassal.

they mainly founded dublin (cork and galway were already there but the vikings made them bigger by bringing them into the viking trade routes iirc) but they got involved in a war between some of the Gaelic clans and ended up losing and were driven out of the country afterwards

Uhm sweetie

the anglos and saxons migrated during that period where it was danish land. it doesn't metter if we're speaking ancestral lands. then jutes aren't danish either

somalis = modern day vikings

they weren't "driven" out, dublin was norse until the normans came along

Except their inhabitants seem sad and robotic, they cant enjoy life. God gives god takes I guess

We went to Scotland, they were nicer to us there.

You cant be bad if you enslaved wh*te people

>free of corruption
They just hide it better

They dindu nuffin, we literally turned them into muslim cheesemakers

>People abroad know about the vikings

Literally how? Even we don't care.

"denmark" wasn't even a thing during the anglo-saxon migration period, jutes were situated all the way down to the eider where they dug the dannevirke.
also jutes and danes spoke more or less the same language which is why they united in the first place, and they interacted with each other way before actually uniting.

Together we will sow fear in the eur*poid's heart

Let us end this discussion with this one

that story is a myth, we don't really know if they were scandis or not

Nah, not really.
Corruption objectively does not have a societal impact in nordic countries like it does in corrupt countries. You'd have to be some kind of a mouthbreathing moron who has never stepped foot outside to disagree with that statement.

t. Russian snownigger

you can thank hollywood for that, they pretty much made them out to be pillaging psychopaths despite not being any worse than any other people in europe at that time.

I fucking love them

yeah too strong a phrase. An Irishman was proclaimed high king and the norse were relegated to being only a regional power afterwards.

>who are lestas
>what are sauna friends
>keskusta in smaller municipalities
There's corruption, but it's rooted in the system differently. Saying there's no corruption or any impact on everyday is stupid
Sipilä himself is a prime example. What the whole corruption personify

That's because you were colonized by them while meds and moors fucked them so hard they abandoned any kind of invasion wish and became trading pals.