What happens here?
What happens here?
Ambar, and low taxes.
Why is everyone so scared of such a small country
No one is scared of Poland.
Secret plans to invade Europe
qt baltic sea
german architecture
wow it looks first worldie
I think most parts look like though
new commieblocks
almost looks like a sunny resort on the shores of the black sea on these cherry picked images
contraband cigarettes/ narcotics passing into based lietuva
They look so comfy. Like something out of a Miyazaki film.
Need to back to Nida someday,see the new museum
Best russian underground rapper lives here.
The "evil partisans" (funny blog about training and shooting) live there.
>shit crap 90s """architecture"""
>cherry picked
i meant the weather
i doubt the baltic shore is sunny like this
I heard it is super windy and humid and their sea is dirty and cold af. I actually live in Sochi, fuck snowniggers pretentious faggots who live there.
Prussia slumbers.