I'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative

>I'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative

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>I'm socially conservative but fiscally liberal

Whenever anyone says that you know they're retarded. The free market and equality aren't compatible.

>you will never be a female that is on the receiving end of reviewbrahs cock

You will die in a car accident 5 months from now and be reincarnated as a girl, one which will be impregnated by reviewbrahs cock three times, raising a healthy white family.

el peruANO

>legal equality =\= economic equality

>I'm socially conservative but fiscally liberal

t. i have no arguments that disprove the philosophy of minarchism much less libertarian nationalism and to a lesser extend libertarian reasoning in general i resort to ad hom because i still believe socialism is a workable philosophy

It is literally the only thing I can say in public without being verbally assaulted. Fuck you.

Just say moderate republican.

Please don't bully Reviewbrah. He is pure. He's even spoken about how neckbeards have ruined the fedora for him.

>on all levels except physical, i'm a conservative


>you have never been ad homed at the levels of ad hom i can ad hom you at

>be libertarian
>everyone else conforms to corrupt 2-party system
>get treaded on daily

You deserve it, class cuck.

Nice meme fedoralord but you have just commited the fallacy fallacy

Nice meme fedoralord but you have just commited the fallacy fallacy

Kek prevails

what about the fallacy fallacy fallacy?

I'm socially conservative but fiscally conservative

nice candidate you got there


>I use ad hom to complain about ad hom

who /libertarian nationalist/ here

i was never confronted with anything what should i do? argue against what? youre a fucking retard (ad hom) is this what you want from me? i could fallacy all day but it would not make you any less fallacy

> t. mental gymnastics

Amazing political insights OP

>3 posts by this ID

You're trying too hard.

Don't talk about Reviewbrah like that he's a good young man and doesnt afraid of anything

i could ad hom all day it would not make the initial ad hom any less ad hom

Just you.

Nationalist policies and Libertarianism are polar opposites and anybody with a shred of political comprehension knows that.

Anhyone using the fallacy fallacy fallacy is actually guilty of using the fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy

I have never used ad hom against you, what you have just done is a fallacy

^^ above is ad hom just because it is 3 layers deep in irony doesnt make it any more of an argument meaning:
>I have never used ad hom against you,
>what you have just done is a fallacy

Your first comment is literally ad hom
I however, did not make a comment, only posted an image. Therefore you committed the fallacy fallacy.

Perhaps "nationalist" isn't the right word. Maybe a word that fits more is a libertarian sovereign-ist or something. A libertarian who values sovereignty and advocates for policies that protect our sovereignty.

>doesnt afraid of anything

So you're a libertarian?

>I'm alt right

Literally me.

>socially liberal

It's better than saying
>I'm a libertarian.

All I want is to come home at the end of the work day and take in +90%of my pay, be able to freely invest in any doomed crypto without a tax, have the assurance of firearms and my neighbors' firearms if hoodlums come out, be able to freely say anything (non threatening) online or off without fear of a lawsuit, and to fuck the shit out of my wife.

This. Some people are so deeply bluepilled that the only way I can tiptoe around their ignorance is to try to address economics and then work my way from there.

>im conservatively social and fiscally liberal

come one man, go visit australia and learn bants

it was a strawman but a strawman in response to (literally) a strawman isnt any less strawman youre still 5 fallacies deep wheras in 4 fallacies deep but mine dont count since i did not initiate the fallacy chain



>open borders
>immigrants don't care about your libertarian nonsense
>they vote it away

A strawman in response to a strawman in repsonse to a strawman does not make a fallacy a fallacy but your strawman in reponse to a strawman, though ironic, is a fallacy

so you are opposite of Sup Forums

>agree with 90% of liberal standpoints
>never agree with anyone who has the same opinions
>literally spend every political conversation for the last five years criticizing people who agree with me
>all my friends think I'm pro-Trump/mass deportations/police brutality/Israel because I'm a fucking cunt and hate my own political views

Thank god no one actually needs me to make a decision on anything.

>i have never heard of a closed borders libertarian
a strawman is a fallacy it doesn not have to "make" one it is one

Appeal to authority. We're done.

>trying to beat an aussie at shitposting

In other words
>I'm a greedy sodomite

Basically, national socialism.

You faggots are giving me cancer

holy fuck you got me in a rage so i guess you win this round troll wisely my friend

But,,, Then Reviewbrah will be a pedophile...

aka "a libertarian who doesn't actually approve of the free market because it's intrinsically opposed to national sovereignty"

Watch out for all these millennial authoritarians they might get mad and call you a degenerate

National socialism is literally just socialism but only for one people. It doesn't guarantee being 'socially conservative'. You could have a national '''''''socialist'''''' government and a light social atmosphere.

Just stop already. I can't take part in this tired old dance day after day.

another way of looking at it is approving of the free market within our borders and not wanting the free market outside our borders to erode our sovereignty.

Mind distributing this meme comrade?

Restricting a market by the use of border controls makes it not a free market.

if the market doesn't stop at our borders then it stops at someone else's borders. there is no truly free market.

That's just another way of saying "I'm a hedonist".

The "freeness" of a market is relative. That said, if there are two markets, one that stops at the nation's borders, and another that stops internationally, the latter is more free (and consequently more in line with libertarian ideology).

Tariffs (and government economic interference in general) are not libertarian. Nor do they even work to benefit the economy; they serve to benefit those protected by the tariffs, at the expense of every other consumer in the country. TANSTAAFL.

I'm socially liberal but fiscally moderate.

between Trump and Hillary I'd take Trump in a heartbeat.

I guess from my perspective the economy is not the only thing to base my views around. If the market stops at our borders we may not have as strong of an economy but we'd have better results in other areas.

>we'd have better results in other areas.
Which areas?

He waits until she is 18.

Yup, he's a hedonist alright.

so, what are we then?

>I believe bathrooms should be gender neutral

>what are we then?
If that post made sense to you, I'm gonna go with retarded