Saana mountain (ok...

Saana mountain (ok, it is not a real mountain I guess) was lit up today to honor the 100th anniversary of Finland’s independence.

What do you think about it? I think it is quite beautiful.

i think that was the last time

nationalism is a mental illness

pls pay attention to us

Fuck off

>100th anniversary of finland's independence

Love it, we love this sort of thing here

I like Finland.

>the hateful dane strikes again

Is this mountain fed annual sacrifices of Russian blood?



It`s actually sacred place for Samis.

good post

Why are Finns such attention whores here?


I don't get attention in real life so I beg it on the internet from complete strangers.

Same here.
Waiting for death is lonely work.

oh, we have a shy guy here.

you might want to shutdown your computer and stay inside your cuck shed

I know right? 95% of all Finland-related threads are created by Finns themselves, when will you realize that nobody cares about you?

Congratulations Norway!! XD
The lighted up mountains and the houses' lights are also very beautiful.

I am horrified when I heard Russian say so... :_(

>when will you realize that nobody cares about you?
Except a certain butthurt Ivan posting under a German flag, who posts in every vaguely Finland related thread and begins fuming

>Except a certain butthurt Ivan posting under a German flag

Let's praise the father of finnish independence in this thread

How is this thread only "vaguely" related to Finland you low IQ idiot? Anyway it seems like I'm living rent-free in your head so I see this as a compliment.

our forefathers hided him in finland and then sent him to russia to keep them busy for a while.

the plan worked quite well, I think.

That was a German plan. No one even knew Stalin and Lenin were here.
Would've been better if shot them

That's really nice actually.

Thanks to his actions 40 million russians died violently. If i could I'd immediately send 3 more lenins in there.

It's the 100 years thing actually if you think deeper about it.

This is way too easy.

That's very nice. I didn't knew Finland had mountains either

to be quite honest I don't think he has the mental capacity to try and pretend to be multiple people.


söpö kot


aina saa hävetä

We still don't. The highest peak is over 1360 meters

>Thanks to his actions 40 million russians
Kurwa, now I hate all the Finns if they share your point of you. Btw, not only Russians...

No one gives a fuck about you finland, stop making million threads per day about yourselves

>sage nimikenttään

You're alright Finland.

Sorry my friend, it's still worth it.

This, they are by far the biggest attention whores on the internet

You woke up my imperial chauvinism and now I want to make the Russian tsar the tsar of Finland again

Saana mountain light up = good thing
the 100th anniversary of Finland’s independence = good thing

And yet, why is this thread in a bad mood?

yeah it's good and all but just getting tired of these attention threads

no other nationality does this

congratulation baste bro :) ;) );) ;) give Åland ok, we have no more claim than that and i respect your integrity

>Khan of Finland reconquers Russia
>Partitions Poland

Finns are very bad at showcasing happiness publicly.

Have you already forgot about big and strong Swedish dick in your asses?

It's busily filling the gap east of Germany