International Food Thread

>pic related is what I made for dinner, Chorizo and veggie stew with pimientos de padrón

Are you proud? Congratulations, lad.

looks gud

looks ok... at least the piemientos

Eh a tad bit. I'm just interested to see if there are any more cu/ck/s on Sup Forums.

no bully

chilean food in usa

Yes there are
Muh lentejas

comida chilena en la usa

Looks good

Probably kranjska klobasa, same as most nights. I pretty much live off of that stuff.


Fuck me, I could destroy that entire dish of hummus in one sitting. That stuff is just too good, man.

Silly lad.
It's not hummus it's Moutabel

Am I right in saying that it's like hummus but with eggplant instead of chickpeas? Because either way, I'd still shovel it into my gullet.

nice stew
i made poor mans chili with sambal oelek instead of chilis

>pimientos de padrón

in december? where are you from?

Madrid. I just saw them in the super market on sale.

Is there such a thing as a rich man's chili?

well, then I doubt they are from Galicia

Maybe original texas recipe? (New world gulash)

Lelno. Texas-style chili is basically a cheap cut of beef (traditionally brisket or flank/skirt steak), chili powder and a few seasonings. It's an extremely economical recipe.

Definitely not, I got them from simply.

Today I ate aguachile

Today I will remind them.

indian and dutch food are god tier

turkish food is dog food

>turkish food is dog food
Have you ever had quality Turkish food?

>el dominicANO

Replace the german flag with an austrian flag