Be american

>be american....
>get to 12th Grade...
>still don't know useful stuff like how taxes work or what is a mortgage
But hey, at least I know who George Washington is and the square root of Pi.
That'll surely help me get a job!
Explain our education system fellow ameritards, why have so many repetitive types of required courses between middle school and college?

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Homeschooling bro

Why has this cunt taken 23 years to pay off 26,400? God forbid she actually buy a car or get a credit card.

This has always bothered me about Australia.
Not taught in schools: tax system, parliamentary system, banking system etc.

>Homeschooling bro

>America is degenerate
>I send my kids to public schools

Choose one.

Thats why i teach critical thinking to kids 11-18. This way they can learn whatever they want on their while i give them the foundation to do it.

I'm lazy
Can a mathfag calculate the interest on the original loan?

because the credit system is an american invention, and even in america you can live a significantly less riskier life if you avoid using credit entirely

>I'm too retarded to learn personal finance on the internet
>better blame the education system!

literally am going to make 70k out of college even with 30k in debt. Shit will get paid off real quick . Her problem is she has a degree in toll booth attending.

>Can a mathfag calculate the interest on the original loan

Excel does this for you in literally one cell.

The formula is =pmt()

If you want a 30 year loan, at 5%, on a 100,000 amount, do this:

=pmt(5%/12, 30*12, 100000)

- rate: 5%, divided by 12 months,
- term: 30 years times 12 months (360)
- loan amount: 100000 dollars

mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

>paying less than the monthly interest
>"faithfully" paying a loan
>doesn't change payment behavior once in 23 years
This can't be real

How little does she pay each month? Jesus christ

Too many unknown factors to determine

Better yet, how the fuck did so much interest accumulate? Did she pay for college with a credit card?

it's called operant conditioning.

>paying for college with a payday loan
Are Americans really this stupid?

Dropped out in 9th grade, got GED, went to college on and off then realized it was for suckers, currently make 60K.

>6% APR
>credit card or payday loan
>burgers in charge of math

>bragging about not managing college
Went to college, got a job in my field, 100k in my first year. Not even special, the compsci guys make more.

Should have shopped around for a better interest rate.

maybe if you used the internet to learn those things instead of wasting time on a cambodian kite enthusiast forum you'd be better off.

Pretty sure that's a lie. Current interest rate is 3.76% for undergraduate so even withough paying shit for 23 year her loan would only be 61k. Unless you Americans are cray cray and set the interest to monthly.

I took a basic personal finance class when I was a freshman. It was easy, but it helps explain all this shit. I suggest you look one up. Or just start googling that shit. Throw in car repair and maintenance too. Generally speaking, living life isn't something you learn in a classroom.

my student loan, I paid off in ten years. How did she manage to pay lesss than the interest amount monthly? I only paid the minimum amount and it still got paid off.

My friend's wife did something like this. Pisses him off to this day since he's stuck with the bill.

My aunt homeschools my cousins. They are retarded due to her ineptitude as a teacher/parent.
Jesuit private schools. Its a system rooted in stoicism. By the time your little monsters graduate, they'll be able to play the system better than jews.

>>still don't know useful stuff like how taxes work or what is a mortgage

Im sorry your dad left, Tyrone, but its not the states fault you don't know about taxation

If only there were some sort of magical machine where you could access information about various topics..

You can definitely find rates above 3.76%, especially 20+ years ago.

We place heavy emphasis on Mathematics and Natural Sciences first, as well as Critical Writing and (to a lesser extent) History. A firm grasp of physics and calculus, or alternatively statistic, are absolutely necessary to both advanced problem solving IN REAL LIFE, as well as an enlightened view of the natural world. In my opinion, two years of physics should be necessary, as opposed to the standard one, but with the growing relevancy of computer science, I can understand spending a year learning Java or C++.

Taxes and mortgages are almost common sense. In fact, you can use google to answer any questions you might have on them, as well as a number of "real life" issues. Unmotivated students site these as things schools should teach because they simply don't care enough to learn them on their own and use it as a "gotcha". The fact of the matter is, these are topics so simple, and minute, that they couldn't possibly fill more than an hour of teaching, let alone an entire course.

As for student loans, they are not great, we all know this. You can still make smart decisions about them, though. I went to college paying about $40,000 per year, but I would just stop after every semester, work full time, pay off that semester's loan, and go back. It also gives you ample time to consider if it is worth the money along the way. The fire and forget method of borrowing money is the student's fault first, and the institution's second.

American education has produced some of the most brilliant minds of our time, both in terms of sciences, and arts, with our arts schools being rivaled by only a handful of others (i.e Canadian film schools).

And no, you don't have to be "naturally smart" to succeed. I had to take an IQ test in a psychology course and I placed at basically dead average, you just have to be motivated to succeed.

This one is famous for her stupidity. She took out a shit ton of loans, and no I dont mean a large sum in one loan, I mean many different loans with multiple interest rates.

She then proceeded to use said loan money to travel overseas and buy dumb shit like a car. Low and behold not consolidating your loans into one loan because all the banks realize you are a shit person and lied about what the money was for leads to interest applying on multiple loans again and again every year.

Paying the minimum doesnt work when you arent paying the minimum for all the loans. But at least you end up with a nice facebook image and tons of likes.

burgers fooled again by the superiour Heeb

Well, I'm sorry explosive debts blow me away. Exponents are surprising once you let them get to a certain magnitude. Paying off your loan in 10 years makes you pay a fair price but double that time and suddenly you're a wageslave.

6.15% APR.

This is assuming she's being truthful when she says "paid faithfully for 23 years."

Her APR was even lower if she had penalties tacked on.

TL;DR: dumb bitch took a loan at a sub-6% interest rate and couldn't even pay maintenance on it

>Jesuit private schools
Is it the same systems that were so successful in South America and Mexico neighboring tribes would raid their settlements?

I think my loans are forgiven after 10 years, so long as I don't default.
Not sure what type of loans this person got.

but it certainly wasn't 3.6% 23 years ago. Mine are only 5 years old and my highest rate is 6.8%. Also, student loans in the US are 10 year loans by design, this bitch would have to be dumb enough to stretch her payments out by more than double because she can't afford the cost of the loan. Additionally, I'm doubtful someone who couldn't afford the loan they signed up for without doubling the term was able to "pay faithfully" all those years.

>can't pay off a $26,000 loan in 23 years

i wonder what her major was

wtf i hate college now

Student loans seem pants on head retarded to me. When I was 18 I got turned down for a $500 limit credit card due to having no credit history. My bank would have given me $20,000 without blinking an eye if it was for "school"

I went to a ghetto school and they thought us how to do stuff like banking, taxes, etc. They even handed us a book with loads of info to keep to go back to it in case we forget.

The whole school didn't teach us how to do taxes meme needs to die.

Catholic high school grad here. We had a few actually jews go to our school just because we had a fuck ton of AP's and electives without any nigger gangbanging fights

I had to look up the "average" loan rate at the period and you're right. Considering she also paid only 1400$ on average it doesn't even cover the fucking interest on the first year.

Taught* I guess my school failed somewhere in my education lol

you cannot have a student loan forgiven, even if you are bankrupt
also there's a big difference in the interest rates on a credit card and a student loan

>Paying back student loan.
Haha fuck that noise come and get it from my dead corpse filthy jews.

>Borrowed: $26,400
>Still OWE: $45, 276.63

Just how much of a retarded degree did she pick that she couldn't even pay interest only?

She hasn't been paying it 'faithfully for 23 years' that's for fucking sure.

>I could pay my loan off
>Or I could get a new car

>I could pay my loan off
>Or go on a holiday

>I could pay my loan off
>But I need tons of excessive stupid shit

It's not hard to fucking manage.

"A new study by my company and called “The Multi-Generational Job Search,”
found that only 2% of employers are actively recruiting liberal arts degree holders.
Compare that to the 27% that are recruiting engineering and computer information systems majors and 18%
that are recruiting business majors"

You mean Faggots that get in debt to puruse meme degrees

There is no shit about personal finances on the SATs so most schools only taught PF as an elective.

DESU the basics of finance could be taught to a downy. Make a budget and pay for shit like insurance and a mortgage before you buy concert tickets, Check the APR rate on loans and dont get fucked

How did you get that answer?

It was in my school and my sisters school. We even got an excursion to Parliament and to a magistrates court. We also had a compulsory class on personal finance.

To be fair, the way interest rates on loans work literally help cause debt to exceed money supply. It's actually economically unfeasible to have this unless you are constantly pumping money into the economy in the right ways.

>common core
enough said

>Went to college, got a job in my field, 100k in my first year


found the art major

It is designed to create an easily controlled working class that votes democrat, not functional independent adults.

They got raided by inidians in north america too, what of it? Those tribes are now catholic, raiding the us. Those raiding tribes also created a south american jesuit pope, who is calling for more indulgences to fund political activism. They are worse than the jews, and I kind of respect them for it.

You should know who the first leader of your country is, you fucking sperg.

Jesus warned us about interest and the synagogue of satan

>what of it?
I wanted to make sure I was thinking of the right concept, really like their historical works of the time. Glad their system survived, I need to learn it.