>never achieved anything of note
>religious nutjobs
>ugly people and ugly cities
give me one good reason to like this country
we fix you toilets :DDDDDD
Nothing wrong with being religious
>give me one good reason to like this country
There are none. Don't ever go to Poland. It sucks and you will hate it.
>never achieved anything of note
First multireligious and multicultural republic in the world. Not by "LET'S IMPORT URQA BURQAS", but by simply leaving people to live in peace.
>religious nutjobs
Meh, they might be zealots but at least they don't bug people with their religion. Unlike certain the mor(m)ons and the rednecks from the Bible Belt, the neopentecostals...
>ugly people and ugly cities
Like Iga Wyrwał, right.
their women are champions of women's rights!
about 37% of polish senior management positions are held by women
go polish women!
Zimmerman is that you?
Poland is tolerant.
Everything is wrong with being religious.
funny, you assuming that we give a slightest shit about how random western kurwa feel about us
I'm so butthurt I'm gonna go to Western city and explode my anus killing more people than all terrorist attacks combined.
What will you say when your child asks:
Why didn't you invest in Polish women?
unwilling human shield of europe
>never achieved anything of note
>religious nutjobs
>ugly people and ugly cities
you've described american nation
pls don't I secretly like boland
>He kind of got the joke
There are some differences
damn ameriexplodes btfo
I like them, that's good enough
now fuck off, Schlomo
poland is a fucking joke
Our cities are beautiful
literally never had a problem with the poles, they all seem to like cars,drinking and trying to get away with goofing off on the job as much as they can so either i'm polish or they are good guys
>t. factory worker surrounded by jakubs
pretty sure most would rather live in poland than nigera tho
leave indonesia alone
I'm sure there's "good Poles" in the world who aren't blindly nationalistic and can see the shortcomings of their country and are ashamed of how their countrymen act abroad
Ugly language, bad cuisine, very shitty people, terrible politicians, boring countryside and shitty culture, hideous cities, shitty music and cinema, pathetic army, neo-colonial economy with almost non-existant native industry and the list goes on.
Poland is literally the shitbucket of europe
Its as big as germany with half the population and nothing impressive ever came out of it
Never won a war or start an empire
Sucks ball at sports of any kind
Implied huge jewish population but sucks shit at finance and economics
Hitler literally see the poles as subhumans and wants polish clay so he can populate the aryans from germany in it.
Any average person will only know poland as "that country that was annihilated by the germans in the WWII".
Most are surprised it still exist.
Most people cant even find poland on the map and consistently mistook poland for either hungary or austria.
Its a country that is consistently bullied by countries around it and have absolutely no power to fight back due to its absolute low morale within its army and people.
Poland is so uninteresting and dull that nobody, even the arabs or the indians(well known for their immigration to western countries) wants to live there
Poland was supposed to be extinct and the amazement of it continuing its pathetic life like a dying rat is what makes poland literally the shithole of europe.
So fucking useless and incompetent you mistook it as a 3rd world country.
They have job for ukrainians. So you should like them because Ukraine and USA are friend now and you should like those who have some good things for your friends.
just nuke it already
>good Poles
there are none ;) we all are bad to the bone
poles are subhuman
Nigeria has economic opportunities and most of the locals speak English
Poland has better movie posters tho
that is a pretty impressive movie poster indeed
maybe you
I am an intellectual and a businessman
pic related, me
you fucking polish peasant
All our criminal bydlo left west, it's your problem now. Warsaw has statistically less crime than London, and we're glad it will stay like that.
>never achieved anything of note
You're right, aside first modern democracy, heliocentric theory, first moon observation, radium, mine detector, moon car, walkie talkie, keroseme lamp, windscreen wipers, cyclometer, bulletproof vest, crashing Warsaw Pact, breaking Enigma, 4 literature Nobel prizes and GOTY of 2015, Poland isn't very outstanding
>religious nutjobs
How many people did Poles kill in name of religion?
>ugly people and ugly cities
t. knows Poland only from Marcel's memes
>give me one good reason to like this country
It doesn't host niggers and kikes like you
That's a poster from Ghana.
The only annoying thing about Poland is that Poles seem more likely than not to be excessively patriotic, when Poland as a country has neither earned nor deserved such reverence. It gets grating.
Other than that, they're nice enough lads.
can we talk about how lit this stuff is, dead cheap too
Nope. Maybe 1-2% but htat hardly make every Pole a thief.
>never achieved anything of note
Same is true of any East Europeans whatever.
>religious nutjobs
Not really, just regular Catholic.
>ugly people and ugly cities
THIS IS THE BIGGEST LIE, Polish people are gorgeous!
>population of Nigeria 186 million
>population of Poland 37 million
Yeah they're sure doing terribly
>excessively patriotic
you mean nationalistic
there are both patriots and nationalists here
patriots focus on loving the country and wanting it to be better place and are rather humble/modest
nationalists are the cancerous and most vocal ones
Fuck off, America loves Polish people.
>when Poland as a country has neither earned nor deserved such reverence
It has, though.
And what you consider "excessively patriotic" is your subjective opinion.
Thanks to that we don't have muslim problems
Poland isn't rich or famous, people are average, but we don't have
>suicide bombers
>big fucking cartels like MS-13
>big ghettos full of criminals
>any muslim invasion
>active shooters
>disgusting american donuts
>so many very fat people
>ugly people of walmart
>houses made of cardboard
don't you fucking dare insult my donuts
>getting butthurt over a copypasta
typical poles
polan is nice country
need to invest more in education. bydlos and nationalists will eventually bite them in the ass
Do American donuts taste the same as a Berliner?
don't know what the fuck a berliner is but american donuts are the BEST
The Catholic State of (Poland and Lithuania) has arisen by the blood of the martyrs
The Catholic State has arisen by the crusade of the pious
fuck antipope Francis
there are literally no reasons to love poland
The path of war is the only true way to glorify Holy Father
Same street :)
>diaspora cancer
>living in sweden
like clockwork
But you're Israeli diaspora.
you are worst slav. you are the slav idiot you are the slav smell. return to byelarossia. to our belarus cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,poland we will never forgeve you. partizan rascal FUck but fuck asshole slav stink polisjh toilet clean idiot ..poland genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead slav..ahahahahahPOLAND WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .russija we kill the king , russia return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot slav and pole smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE PELMEN
>all this unPolished barking butthurt ITT
and yet we are still here like 1000 years ago XD
pls keep licking my ass with these threads
p*les are savage brutes with close to none intelligence
What's your angle Daneman?
They have like 5 times the people and oil
Whiter than you, Muhammad
>tfw worse than Nigeria
depressing but also lol at our nationalists who hate blacks so much
Only reason for Poland to exist is the we wuzz history. Nobody really cares about that country anymore.
what de fuggg :DDDD