Many dead. Syrian suicide bomber outside music festival. Hey media good luck pretending he Dindunuffin and was white-Syrian. If this continues, will Queen Angela Merkel resign?
Many dead. Syrian suicide bomber outside music festival. Hey media good luck pretending he Dindunuffin and was white-Syrian. If this continues, will Queen Angela Merkel resign?
>Many dead.
only he died, also the blast was German.
i read nobody died except the retarded muslim rapefugee
The blast was German?
that said, the fucker was known to german authorities for being violent and even though they refused him asylum 2 years ago they sure as fuck didnt do shit to kick him out. even paid for his room and board in a hotel the entire time. germany is doomed, i dont think anyone can really dispute that fact
syrian refugee german. have you not heard about the new 'german'?
The blast was German, check your sources.
But what does it mean for a blast to be German?
It's Tanned German, shitlord
It says right in the fucking title he was syrian.
meh, they fixed it.
>"The blast was German"
Beer, sausages and sauerkraut?
Hmm Oktoberfest is coming up....
i think hes having a hard time translating what hes saying, but is implying the bomber was german
bomber is syrian refugee merkel, check your sources before speaking on a public website again!
>Authorities said the bomber had previously applied for asylum in Germany but had had his application rejected. He was also known to police in Ansbach for previous offenses. German media outlets reported that he had previously attempted suicide.
Welp, this is how they're gonna spin it. Clearly we need to let in everyone who applies for asylum so they don't blow themselves up.
That's it.
Germany is litterly a warzone.
shut up
id be surprised if they make it a week without something else coming up
Cheers. Lbc news said 12 dead but now they are saying just some injured. Hard to know so early. Are Germans in disbelief that Merkel has started a wave of attacks that won't stop?
It was a tanned german explosion.
You like CNN you faggot?
>tfw i'm safer in the third world than in Europe or USA.
I thought of that. All the left in Germany will say Germans are bringing these attacks upon themselves, they are being so cruel by denying asylum.
Of course, goy... i mean fellow countryman
>syrian rapefugee
>he was german guise
>implying any german ever did a suicide attack
>being this retarded
Leftists in full shill mode
just wait until you feel the effects of thousands of venezuelan refugees
>ynr in 2014 when all this immigration was going on being against it and watching all the lefties protest and call you racist for assuming that anything bad would happen
now i dont know what the fuck to do. we tried to warn you idiots. you shouted down facts with ad hominems and now you're the creators of your own undoing.
3 in 3 days, wew lad. is the fire rising?
>i think hes having a hard time translating what hes saying, but is implying the bomber was german
>he doesn't know that the blast was german
Wtf #Fuckbordersandsafetyandshit
Merkel 4 life.
Let's see them try and get in.
We have no cuck brainwashing stopping us from deporting their asses back to their commiehole.
>being this cucked
I feel like everyone is on crazy pills!
They're worse than satire at this point
Man I'd be definitely safer in the favela just outside the town than in any superior world country to be honest
from terrorists maybe, but most of us will still outlive you.
The pressure wave was German
They say it as if he's a victim and not the bomber.
Just goes to show you how powerful the media and internet memes are. Keep believing that.
Obviosly mudshit the nazi's are coming back
>f this continues, will Queen Angela Merkel resign?
From what I've seen she has over a 50% approval from the loving and benevolent German populace.
What do you mean? I never went to school/university with fear of getting shot, i never went to a concert or shopping mall or an airport with fear of being blown up, i never went to celebrate a national holiday with fear of being run over by a truck, i never had to be afraid of getting killed for drawing an image of some goatfucking prophet, i have never felt risk of being jailed for posting "racist" comments on facebook, i have never gotten assaulted for carrying alcohol in a shariah zone.
I changed my profile pic to Syrian already. RIP
In Germany there is ordnung. Despite the attacks you hear about the overall level of order and co-operation in the society is ridiculously high. From what I know, safety is something that Germans always value as #1 and through the EU it has even bled here.
Now these attacks are a recent development in Germany and I'm sure there will be a reaction to it. Despite the narrative that is pushed here on Sup Forums, the Turks have been there for a long time and they have also been apart of the safe, proud Germany of the past decades. The immigrant waves didn't even change their demographics that much so they're still far behind France and the UK.
I've heard Colombia is becoming safer quickly, but there are still "rules" which apply to pretty much to the whole South America (and they used to apply to my homeland and this area just maybe 10 years ago). These include: avoid night, avoid public places, don't trust anyone, always watch your belongings, no expensive things etc. Obviously the experience of locals will always differ, but as long as these rules are in place you have no business comparing the safety of Colombia to Germany. Germany is as first world as it gets.
>the Turks have been there for a long time and they have also been apart of the safe, proud Germany of the past decades.
Nice Freudian slip there friend.
A relative of mine bought cars from there, he has been talking about the German Turks since the 90s. To think they just appeared because m-muh Merkel is soooo stupid and ruined everything is just plain wrong.
Perhaps i should have phrased it as "i feel safer", because of course if you bring actual numbers here we have many times the murder rate of Germany for instance, but like i said before, no one is afraid of being blown up, no one is afraid of being randomly shot, no one is afraid of being run over by a fucking truck, no one is afraid of the consequences of calling the goatfuckers on their bullshit.
Of course Germany is safer than Colombia, that's a fact confirmed by every single data out there, duh, but i'd argue the sensation of impending danger is way higher there than it is here.
Like i said, people just got randomly shot in a mall, and randomly blown up in a concert. That shit just doesn't happen here, not in the middle of our cities.
Fucking when? 4 Reich rise fucking WHEN?
This I can agree with. desu I have postponed all travel to Western Europe indefinitely until they get their shit together. The chance to actually get caught up in a terrorist attack and die remains quite low, but I don't feel like taking it. Even if you're in the same city, or nearby or maybe even in the same country you will get struck by the feeling of terror. Imagine if you have to evacuate from a suicide bombing site or zig zag away from gunfire. These people never end up in the statistics, but they might be fucked for the rest of their lives.
The problem doesn't lie in the police or the society, it lies in the fact that European countries have completely overwhelmed themselves with foreign culture. You can't domesticate these people in such numbers.
Yeah, memes aside, this situation is just sad for everyone. When i talk to people here it's kinda bizarre how they decide to stop looking up to europe and want to just stay here, that stuff has never happened before in all of our history.
It's bittersweet because we're definitely getting better ourselves, but it also feels like everyone we admired is going down the gutter. I can only pray we don't meet a similar demise.
2bh I wouldn't be surprised if many ARE dead from this attack, with the German police trying very hard to cover it up.
But he could have been the next Steve Jobs!
Ahmed, at least learn english and german properly before you use your free internet to tell lies
Tfw you are going to Germany in a matter of days
>Many dead.
"Twelve people were injured, three seriously."
Your own country is not really significantly less dangerous.
I don't know if that's assuring.
You're fucking stupid. The BLAST ITSELF was German. The Syrian immigrant died in the GERMAN BLAST.
>tfw the counter is 2 digits long now
>tfw it will still never reach 10
Im a britbong in Belgium, been here for a couple of days. Its a lot less cucked than I thought it would be, well the flemish part at least
Come here, we are insignificant, terrorists dont see us as a target.
Arent you meant to be joining this socialist shitstain soon anyway
I truly don't want any more attacks to occur (unless they only kill muzzies) but every single one of these attacks works in Trump's favor.
>tfw Brexit isn't going to happen
>we are going to accept free movement of people to retain access to muh single market because leftist cucks are scared of living frugally for a few years
>unlimited refugees coming
thanks leftists
Germany's comfy, too. A little too hot for my taste these days though.
As you said, randomly. It usually doesn't happen here either.
>All these happenings
>All in Bavaria
I ain't even mad
is John Oliver going to make an episode about this campaign of violence
Yes but our goverment said 2020 we will get memebership, since our goverment is lying thats about 2025-2030, if you survive by then.
You joining along with other former yugoslav states?
Which one? Croatia and Slovenia are already in, so Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Montenegro and even Albania are negotiating, lol, i just read what i wrote, run bro! Fucking run!
Only people joining the EU are Arabs mate
Well being british I technically am doing just that
yep that feel when going to Germany next month...
Dont want to get snackbared mang.
Smartest decision ever, last time Bosnians, Serbs adn Croats shared the same space was edgy as hell!
Oktoberfest is gonna be great
> Germans ask if a man wearing FUCKING BOMBS who tried to entire a stadium "was he just trying to kill himself"?
Fuck you kangaroo fucker. Maybe you try posting this before me next time and get all the facts right. Radio said 12 dead, later they said injured.
You're fucking retarded, m8.
top kek
USA are at 4, Germany is below 1.
>A failed Syrian asylum seeker has blown himself up
surely they mean 'engineer/doctor'?
You have no room to talk. Rape Gangs, no go zones, bombings, arrests over online posts, beheadings on the street etc
>tfw having to go through brussels is bad enough
>surely they mean 'engineer/doctor'?
Explosives expert.
>will Queen Angela Merkel resign
that question
merkel ahahahahahah
resign aahahahhahahahaha
no. she won't. she will kill us all.
> Soldier gets beheaded
> Masses of people burn down Mosques and place bacon on the smouldering remains.
> 9 people die in Munich
> Don't be racist goys he was a tanned German!
>United States Virgin Islands
>Virgin Islands
>the blast was German
is so hope for this to become the newest and dankest 4ching meme
So is this shit just going to happen out there every day now?
How long can this go on before the entirety of native Germans go redpill?
>The blast was German
Guten tag Herr Blast, wie geht es Ihnen heute?
just because merkel made europe the main tourism place for terroirist? Nobody reports here about some nigger in somalia killing people, I doubt that you even have sufficent data to know the real crimerate of these places. Who knows how many murders go unnoticed
> Don't be racist goys he was a tanned German!
Yeah lets ignore people burning down refugee homes for months now and put your trust in media who lies about everything!
Surely we are the same as you who stood by for decades while pakis raped your daughters
Well fuck. I think we can officially say this has become a struggle for the survival of western ideals.
Lets make peace and agree that Muslims are shit for everyone?
>Yeah lets ignore people burning down refugee homes for months now
If only those refugees would stop setting their own shelter on fire.
Walloons are communist shits
And freemasons ruined everything here.
Other than that the Flemish really aren't that cucked. You can compare our cuck level with the Denmark and the Netherlands