It just keeps happening

Another German bites the dust. How much longer must we stand idle.

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>he was depressed so its OK

Ban all knives. And fucking assault trucks.

Background checks on all silverware my be our only hope. Have a Dixie day

>she was Polish
WTF GERMANY. You want to import savages to rape your women and kill you in the streets? Fine. Weird fetish, but it's your choice.

But leave Polish qts out of it, you filthy cucks!

Agree, they need to copy the US and start to kick out those shitskins and slavs asap.

Germans cant gather their neighbors up in a political party to break out of Merkel's cuckdome.

Lazy!!! Fat!!! Apathetic!!! Mirroring Americans!!!

BMW driver gets charged with murder, spends the next 2 decades in prison. Also has to pay compensation to the refugee's family.

Oh my gawd what a hero.....oh wait it's geany many years did the racist bmw driver get?

Ya bro, the ride never ends. I managed to stay away from all the news sites for the whole weekend just so I could get huge amount of shit piled infront of me when I finally decide to check the updates.

It makes me angry that even tho we have these fuckinh happenings almost on daily bases now the libturds and alike are still blindly repeating that same old song. "Nothing to do with Islam", "not all Muslims", "White privilige". I mean seriously, you have to be severly retarded if you can't see the obious connection between these attacks and Islam.

War is at our doorsteps and the mudpiss is arming his bomb right in front of us while no one is willing to do anything to stop it. Fucking hell...

Bro, its the Germyns. The only thing that would actually suprise me when they are concerned would be the beginning of the 4th reich. That however is a fools wish and will not happend in this reality.

He was a turk so 0

We should really ban assault cars so that no one else can run someone over.


it's ok because:
>woman was Polish
>they knew each other
>the guy seemed nice at first

I'm screen capping this post now. I'm sure you'll be proven right in the next few weeks.

Just learn to live with it.


>'The attack happened in the south western city of Reutlingen near a DONER KEBAB stand'
>'Blood can be seen spattered across the ground outside the SNACK BAR where a man killed a pregnant woman'
>'Footage filmed by passers-by also showed the 'BEARDED ATTACKER'

Seriously though, it seems like a domestic dispute (albeit a Muslim one, so everything is dialled up to 11).

>assault trucks

I spit out my drink.

>45 years old
White trash slav.

Honestly who cares?

Germans deserve to die.

They are useless bags if flesh. Basically like French.

Merkel could litterally Holocaust white people and no German would have the balls to stop her.

>plastic utensils

How fucking lazy do people have to be. They would rather buy plastic knives, forks, spoons to throw away after use instead of using metal ones and re-using them. How much of this shit ends up in landfills and oceans? How fucking lazy are people?

Every dead german is a good german, literally invited them all here, and when they had millions, they wanted to force them everywhere

Video of most recent terror attack

this is what I wonder: at what point will the scales tip?

If mudslimes commit, say, 1 act of terrorism per year per white continent, killing 20 people, I don't expect any liberals to care.

What if it becomes 1 per month? What if it's 1 per week, per country? We're almost there already. At what point will liberals care?

1 per day per county/state? 2 per day per city? Like how bad must it get?

If it's like 1 per year per continent, even redneck me will put up with muzzies, but if it gets to like 1 per day per city, I'm done. I'm just done. I will literally find a white supremacist organization in my city and join it.

99% of ethnic germans who invited this upon themselves must die, no point in saving a group of people who will then persecute you and turn around and do the same thing again . after the dust settles you can rebuild a true german society from a better stock, who will stamp out the sickness of liberalism whenever it rears its disgusting head again

but user, these suicide bombings and mass shootings weren't terrorist attacks :^)

In Germany we learn that cars are weapons. Because they are fucking weapons.
We are taught to respect our cars and always be aware of the responsibility that driving a metal bullet across a road brings with it.

I'm just wondering what others will do.

White liberal faggots can hide behind their 3rd wave intersectional feminist bullshit because they live in peaceful white neighbourhoods.

Its when they have to share their living space with niggers and sand niggers that they wake up. I'd wish they'd wake up already, but I know that's not going to happen. I'm trying to figure out when it will.


Keep up Amerifats. Refugee just blown himself up outside a German music festival.

Ban assault BMWs

>driving a metal bullet across a road