What will happen when the war breaks out between China and Japan?
What will happen when the war breaks out between China and Japan?
We have your back Nippon
We will give you nukes to protect yourself.
what friend?
Lots of slants die?
Vietnam will join Japan in its fight against China
The Return of the Viet Congs
I'll be balls deep in sum captured chinese pussy
No we won't. USA has no business in other people's wars. Japan has their own Militay. Stop letting USA rewrite history
Why would they do such a thing?
Tokyo massacre :D
I will masterbait furiously
Can I fight for Japan? Like, get residency and join the JSDF?
There's not much more American than killing Chinese, I say.
more comfort women desu
Basically the plot to any of the Gundam animes?
China loses because they can't into navy and Japan's an island nation.
Also they basically lost every single time in history. Their loses have just been extremely humiliating post Meiji restoration, instead of slim loses.
China basically fucking blows. Can I sign up for JSDF, Tojo? I want to try out these comfort women I know you'll have.
rape of nanking 2: electric boogaloo
The nips will get rekt
how many nukes does China have again?
nanking never happen, again
China will get cucked by the small island like they always have
It depends on the geopolitical satisfied of such an age, but it will definetly be during WWIII. If that stage is anything like it is today it'll be Russia and China and their allies vs the world, and if anti-ballistic-missile devices haven't been invented yet then you can bet your slanted eyed ass your island is gonna go up in nuclear fire that'll make Hiro and Nagasaki look like a lit cigarette. And all things considered it will be Korean War II electric boogaloo, cuz unless another divine wind comes China can use Korea as a jumping off point for an invasion, which will succeed thanks to your horrendous gun laws and pacicucked population. But really it's impossible to really predict.
the fall of the american empire and enslavement of japan
AKA a return to the rightful order of the world
We can give you some nukes and finish the job nip
You make a new MR2 and then well have your back Japan.
Sure thing, Jack :^)
I expect it will look something like this.
If I ever get my hands on nuclear launch codes I'm aiming them straight for Sydney. Fuck your goddamn shitposter island.
No no you've got it all wrong it'l look like this.
The Chinese navy gets sunk and it either ends there or shit gets absolutely nuclear
Japan is kill.
Nah it looks like this youtube.com
The Chinese have nukes though.
And Tokyo is within their range.
Me too mate, fuck them Asians
US will side with Japan.
Viet congs get btfo because no need to avoid killing "friendly" gooks
good, fuck those city faggots
make sure to carpet bomb melbourne with nukes
Do nips have nukes?
>In a surprising twist of events, Japan nukes China
They've allied with you John. Don't be so tsundere
How could I forget this
They had 2.
>Anybody using a nuke ever again
Yeah nah.
Vietnam has BTFO of China before
They can do so again
ill come to save you freund
if by nuke you mean unleash a nuclear driven mecha, then yes
How not to know history 101
It's unlikely that the Chinese will use nukes unless:
1. The US faces China directly or China involves itself in a war between Russia and the US.
2. If there are imminent dangers to the CCP's ability to retain power if they lose or if there are social unrest in China that they could not control.
lol no
I think Japan will hire Mercs and Chine will straight out just fully invade the islands. They can overrun the Japanese.
The Japanese would need to bomb the shit out of China if they want to land.
Japan will rape china again, again and again
Americans underestimate how far we've come since the Korean War
>implying vietnam has strength in numbers
>implying vietnam defeated the US and not the US policies lead to the US defeating itself.
Its current year. Everything that happened with vietnam in the past doesnt apply to what can happen to vietnam in the future
Because intervention in war in the east worked so well in Vietnam, right?
Invented the spoon yet?
We know, that is why we are sure you will lose.
And if they use nukes, russia steals their clay while every other world power bombs the shit out of them.
Also do you really think japan has nuclear reactors for fifty years but no fissile material or nukes?
>Americans underestimate how far we've come since the Korean War
You've evolved even smaller penis's ?
>They had 2.
We'd have to support Japan. Otherwise we'd lose anime forever!
Besides, what's the occasional rape of Nanking now and then?
They are your allies right fucking now, you are supposed to protect them incase someone decides to attack them ,shitlord
We wait until china invades the Japanese mainland.
Then we bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For the lulz.
Don't worry yellow monkey. We will protect you. But let's be honest. When the japs team up with charlie from nam. China will get crushed. Japanese soliders were so fucking brutal and ruthless the army couldnt handle it and the marines had to fuck em up. Plus charlie... the most savage of the gook.
japan has a a self defense army, though i think they've been given more freedom in regards to military recently
Si China invadiera Mejico, no te ayudariamos carnalito ajua!
all the countries not involved will have an opportunity to make a lot of money
>nuke japan twice then ship over some nukes.
from what i understand the japanese invading china in 1937 was
partially motivated by a wars dating back to mongol controlled chinese aggressors that invaded japan back in 12th century.
if the japanese hold grudges for things dating back 800 years, then the math looks bad when adding nukes to the equation.
>lose anime forever
Vidya too, and thats a good thing
China has zero reason to war Japan until it's already annexed both Koreas.
Third strongest navy in the world and still you people try to shit on us JESUS CHRIST
China crushes Japan and Japan becomes a penal colony.
With all of our countless Canadian nukes, right?
You'll probably just nuke yourself
Because they fucking hate each other and China would love to add all those lovely islands to its collection.
Thanks for this.
>when started doing the helicopter
>Don't worry yellow monkey. We will protect you. But let's be honest. When the japs team up with charlie from nam. China will get crushed. Japanese soliders were so fucking brutal and ruthless the army couldnt handle it and the marines had to fuck em up. Plus charlie... the most savage of the gook.
I'm just picturing all those stupid gooks in china getting shot from helicopters and the gunners laughing as they shoot the Chinese gooks running like ants.
>Implying Japan hasn't been safeguarding itself from China for years with secret mecha experiments
We'll put legendary pokemon spawns in mine-fields to get weebs to clear them
>a war with China
But why doe, China is our first consumer when it comes to buying raw materials, like copper and other metals. And they don't make undercover operations on our soil with unkown purposes like you cunts do.
Chinas army is pretty shiftily built for force projection next to the United States so if you tried to invade Japan it's pretty damn likely the US would clean your clock. Current Chinese army is also just way behind in tech, experience, size, everything. It's not as if the US could invade the Chinese homeland either, but they certainly could fuck up all of Chinas shit across the world.
However it will never happen because of MAD from economic interdependence and nukes. Pretty much the only way that Chinas military capability is relevant is that if things came to say, a purely Naval war, the US could still blow up China's entire Navy. Gives them the authority to declare the south china sea international waters.
>creates most of the worlds polution
We wouldn't miss you but then again who will make our shoes in sweat shops.
>. And they don't make undercover operations on our soil with unkown purposes like you cunts do.
They buy out companies and land everywhere
The picture and the caption just bland so perfectly I am crying right now
Joke's on you, I can catch Voltorbs and Electrodes anywhere.
Don't you have a dog to eat you degenerate subhuman dirt monkey?
The Chinese navy has 1/3 the strength of the US navy but we have ballistic missiles to even things out. This penis rocket can carry a nuclear warhead to the mainland US.
Yeah but your Chinese you won't be able to drive that thing.
Only a moron would show their dick in public.
>The Chinese navy has 1/3 the strength of the US navy
I doubt your entire military combined has 1/3 the strength of the US navy.
>your chinese
Are you not aware that we have access to jews?
Nukes are inferior in everyway to the common jew.
Your nation will be torn in two before any missles are launched.