Bernie Supporters Chant, Refuse to vote Hillary after DNC leaks

Bernouts refusing to vote Hillary

How the fuck will she appeal to them now?

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Dipping them in a vat of the Forced Evolutionary Virus I assume.

I just wanted to post this

This is glorious

Bernie's people crashing the democratic party with no survivors

Racist DNC actually called hispanic voters

>Taco bowl engagement

You can't make this shit up. Hilarious.

>all those suburban white people


I'm glad. Even if you don't agree with them, they've shown to have more spine and resolve than their candidate.

Anyone who wants to see Hilary fail is a friend of mine.

Will it be 1968 all over again?

Destroy the DNC, my fellow bernouts. Please have a happening. Kek wills it

look at all that patriarchy


Why the fuck would she care? She was handed the nomination, surely she believes she will be handed the election. Anything short of presidency will result in her opponents having weight dropped on their necks.

This email needs to be shown to every spic in Commiefornia

Let them see the wicked white witch they will vote for

they won't care

you, stop that

mem police have been informed



The best part is that politicians only see minorities as a voting block. That is it. They have absolutely no real opinion other than "what can I say to make these fucking niggers and spics vote for me?"

The feeling is mutual I guess. Everything is based on what have you don for me lately.

Hillary is not the master. At least the master could make an ok argument



Story on this?

Straya I don't even know what point you're rrtying to make anymore

well he was still a deformed evil monster hell bent on killing off humanity

so not quite as evil as Hillary

>Implying they would vote


Bernie fags did actually vote

it's just blacks voted for Shillary 10:1





Hello, friend.




they are fucking DONE. its over

I live in Cali I will spread this to every hispanic I know


It's already got the latinos-for-trump guys ticked off.
Here's link to a FB rant


That's what got the other GOP candidates all freaked out about Trump. The rest of them had sliced the voters into demographic groups, and were busy competing with a couple of the other candidates for the voters in their "lane". Then here comes Trump trying to take marbles from all the lanes.


Ay caramba.

She can't. Most bernouts won't vote for her because they simply don't like her. When trump shatters the racist meme applied to him by the DNC its over for $hillary


I just love how paranoid the right wing is, maybe its for the best if y'all stay home and don't show up with your sad faces.


What the FUCK, Australia?

wtf Poland

I expect Straya to shitpost but not you

>the latinos-for-trump
but, if he's for trump, why does it matter if he's ticked off?


Trump HAS to win in Pennsylvania, right?

looks likely at this point

because he's trying to use it to red-pill the other hispanics

I'm sure this has been said already, but given that the date of that particular e-mail is one day after cinco de mayo, isnt it much more likely that they're referring to trump's tweet of him eating the taco bowl

makes sense


stop posting German crime scenes

stupid cucks. we all know they are going to fall in line because trump is literally hitler




They'll come around eventually.
DNC stopped taking Bernie seriously because he had no chance and refused to back down thinking she would get indicted(lel) so he would get the nomination automatically

Trump doesnt even need to do shit. The votes just flow in

I saw an article where the Bernie protesters were using the "lock her up" and "hillary for prison" slogans.

Waiting for them to start chanting "vote your conscience"


This one seems different from the other three...

Doesn't matter. The Bilderbergs have already decided.

no fucking way

There was a 100-person protest in my city today apparently. Fuck yeah. I'm a Berniebro who knows the TPP is a poison pill for the American middle class and thus democracy and economy. I'm glad the Bernouts are waking up to the fact that the DNC and Hillary are corrupt scum. Fuck it let Trump get elected it will only be 4 years and he will destroy the GOP, if he fails. If he succeeds then he will reindustrialize America and reinvent the GOP to be pro-worker pro-middle class and the Dems will have to stop their corporate sellout shit to compete.


>Dems will have to stop their corporate sellout shit to compete.

That's never happening and you know it

All Sup Forumsacks should be joining these protests to inflate the numbers and lend them our high energy and memetics to really get this going.

Then they die out too. Either way there is upheaval of the two party system and I love it. I fucking hope Trump beats Hillary fuck it fuck it fuck itttt.

>Implying they meet the minimum age requirement

ill be their today watch out for a sign that says

I was looking for this picrelated for a while now thanks user. It gets right to the heart of the corruption of "the left" and the contrived hype/smoke-and-mirrors these issues are.

I wish I could find the email with the title "LGBTQLMNOP." or something like that

>RNC email leak right before election

>all smiling smugly
This is why I hate women.

>tfw Bernouts were our greatest allies all along
This keeps getting better

I'd punch them. Right in the mouth. They want equality right?

>A Jew not being your greatest ally



No! not fridge-chan ;_;

The girl who pulled down the sign was Pro Trump

The girl holding the sign was some protestor who wrote something on the back of the sign

that's why she was holding it backwards

We can only hope user.

oh no

they'll find out the GOP hates Trump

Wow, I would have stalked her until the convention and stomp her faceher until this smuggy smile was transformed in a big toothless hole.

I hope the spanish speaking populace is put off by Hillary's disgusting attempts of """reaching out"""" to them by speaking to them in disgusting broken Spanish.
Didn't Bernie say he still supported Clinton though?


Did you not see her Trump shirt?

She's pro Trump she just took down an anti trump protestor's sign.

Anti Trump protestors infiltrate the Trump rallies then write anti Trump slogans on the back of the signs and flip them around


he doubled down on supporting Shillary a few hours ago

My personal happening wishlist includes Bernie declaring his support for Trump at the DNC after pretending to support Hillary

Berniebros are making a fuss to ensure that Hillary panders to them accordingly, which she will do. They're making Hillary earn their vote, unlike Trumpfags, who will actually backtrack their own beliefs to fall in line with Trump (see Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux, Sean Hannity, etc.).

mega qt

You dweeb, she's a based nudeposting trumpfu.


If he did id probably show at least some respect for that cuck jew, after he lost the microscopic amount i had for him after he still supports her after she botched his campaign.

Fucking pussy.

Being a Trump supporter don't excuse being a bitch even if I support Trump too.


Calling Mexicans "taco bowls" isn't even a thing.

Thanks for correcting the record.

I'll give the Berniebros credit for being organized and dedicated. However the situation could have been different had they attacked Hillary first rather Trump. All that time and the effort they used to exploit Trump and it failed, but just think about what they could have done if they had focused on Hillary. Trump and his supporters took baby steps to get to the nomination, they only focused on his opponents in his party. Berniebros however decided to take the big boy steps without taking those small baby steps and they failed.

Kinda sad how they are now beginning to protest against Hillary but it's too late.

>ensure that Hillary panders to them accordingly,

How fucking deluded can you be? She just hired DWS to be part of her campaign after it was proven DWS colluded with the Media and Hillary to ruin Sanders' campaign

None of them are going to show up to vote for her now.

Did Shillary outsource Shilling to Taiwan as well?