
god she's peng edition

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very lonely and i need a boyfriend


>2020 in 758 days

when I worked at Tesco I'd wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and think I was on checkouts with customers going ballistic at me because they needed a promotion checked on their receipt but no manager would come over

this would usually be after a week of long shifts

dark days

big fan of chivas regal

god i wish that was me

no you don't
be quiet

>I'm really good mate all the managers say so

Yeah but Tesco managers are soft pansies who can't criticise without it being a apart of that shitshow of a 'praise sandwich'.

t. ex line manager.

>come to work
>some faggot is sitting in your usual place because the office is "open plan"
>can't tell him to leave and make a scene
>just put up with it but it still angers you all dayy

lost my virginity in the way i've always said and wanted to lads

very good feeling

can't wait for the crushing despair of when i get dumped and i finally off myself

Italian gf planned a trip with her bf in march but i dont think shes excited about it

me 2, you gay?

wouldn't say it if i didn't

I wish I were her, too.



snow forecast


See the effects of sexual neglect

love is the fundamental energy of the universe

sex is overrated


how do i learn to stop giving a fuck lads

good lad

need a strasserite gf lads

>come into work at 09:00
>walk past countless rows of desks filled with chads and staceys while trying not to virgin walk
>finally get to desk, trip over as you sit down
>phone rings
>entire office of 50 people goes completely silent as you answer

gg..gggood afternoooon t-ttt-ttoilbergg and s-s-sons ltd

gonna take a nap
good yank signing off

wouldn't say im a BIG fan, but it ain't bad

>When you work in retail banking and have to listen to boomers blame the young people for the housing market and you realise there is no hope


>bueno, more like MALO

surely they can't be that deluded

>I lives where it snows

would NOT be able to hold my tongue if a boomer twat even DARED talk shit about the housing market to me

Evening all

gfs arent worth it if you are an unstable person lad
Most of you lads are better off incel
Once they get a hold of you and stomp your heart you get even more mentally ill

this one hit too close to home

not disagreeing tbph
might be different going raw though

cuddling is very very enjoyable however

What's the logic?

me with the blue bandana




share an office with my manager but she's rarely there. love getting in in the morning, making myself a coffee, putting on 6 music and just cracking on with the day's business :]

vaguely conscious of this but i feel accomplished in my life now at least so if i off myself won't feel as bad about it

reckon rosy is clean shaven, aisha has a landing strip or other manicured pubic hair and sara has a bush

I reckon having 8.5 million foreigners in the UK has had an impact on the housing market

You are greeted with this refreshing, pleasant sight on the way to toil at the height of rush hour

>Can you sit with Helen this afternoon, take some notes so you understand how accounting works
>Minutes of just silence knowing full well how much you're irritating them with your presence breathing down their neck
>nothing you can do about it


thanks fuck i didn't set any targets for 2020 like a mongoloid in the government or fancy corporation.

unbelievably racist

>when you work printing the letters banks send you
>get to gawk at all of your statements

literally CREASING at you all rn.

But seriuosly, the amount of "you've defaulted" letters we send out for one bank alone is fucking terrifying.

bit racist

think thats a bit racist lad


really doing a think

I jump onto the tracks

where u at mate, need a bf bad but it's dead around me

>tfw parents are buy to let empire gen xers
not really sure what the feel is mind but it's there

how do they link this? isnt the housing market caused by boomers restricting any new housing growth to keep housing prices artificially inflated?



business idea:

the anime posters only come here because they know they can be anonymous and no one else will have them

yeah good shouts, you're probably right

would fucking love to be able to have an earphone in at work listening to podcasts and choons
there's no reason i shouldn't but toilberg won't allow it

I only eat healthy to impress people. It’s pretty nice because I never get shitty food for lunch and I’m getting fitter every week.



any part time man in?

half neet, half wagie. a daring synthesis


>it's a Tatu music video


Wish I had a second income so I didn't have to FULLY submit to toilberg, would love to not NEED my job, but just go in and anyway and chill out

post subway orders lads

footlong italian bmt on italian bread, cheese toasted, lettuce, cucumber, sweetcorn, pepper, mayo, southwest

chester, where are you?

had a wank at work just the once

forbid the runts in the toil factory from listening to music for absolutely no reason lads

Because boomers hate their children and are the first generation is history to actively not help out their families.

I've even had to listen to old people blame the low interest rates on us


literal nazi



usually get one of these desu

absolute fucking tune lads if you know you fucking know


never would i ever

manager suggests i do it because he can see me getting irate listening to the women shrieking on the other side of the office

>footlong hearty italian
>cheese toasted
>lettuce, red onion, peppers
washed down with a rock shandy


wish I could be like this at toil

steak and cheese, lettuce, peppers, onions, ranch on the normal white bread

Any Purple Aki man in?


a 2nd home would be a toil though. being a landlord isn't passive income

real privilege is owning 1 home outright. not having house payments to make drastically reduces your living costs meaning no need to toil so many hours. wish that was me

umm they come here because Sup Forums was founded to discuss anime sweetie. sorry if that bothers you

are you happy?:)

Toil: the film

reckon people could smell it on me when i wanked at work before


is that the veggie delite? nothing??

apparently that Alpecin® Caffeine Shampoo (it's German technology... for your hair) is meant to appeal to men who are balding and think magic caffeine shampoo will cure it.

Always thought it was just meant for F1 autists who like the vroom noises in the advert.

hate vids like this, you can tell she does this in front of the mirror and thinks shes hot/cute and decided to go online because she knows betas will throw money thinking that she's actually a genuine hot nerdy girl and not just another vapid narcissistic stacey

at uni down south rn but i'm actually from near oldham, how old are you

Evening, lad.