So, if you had the option given to you, would you live in Gotham City?
I'm not sure I would. Crazy place. Before you know it you could get blown up with a bazooka.
So, if you had the option given to you, would you live in Gotham City?
I'm not sure I would. Crazy place. Before you know it you could get blown up with a bazooka.
Depends on what universe I lived in. 66' Gotham would probably be a fun place to live.
The most effective crime fighter in Gotham City is some lunatic who wanders around at night dressed like a bat.
Why on earth would ANYONE want to live there?
Good lord no
Only thing it has going for it is escapes aside arkham seems like a decent pshycriatric institution (I haven't read a whole lot of Batman so maybe that's dead wrong)
Is this a disguised Gotham thread?
>ctrl+f Gotham
What the fuck are the mods doing
Only if it's the 1960s Adam West Batman version of Gotham City.
Gotham? You mean the show?
Gosh, I suppose it could be. It certainly is Sup Forums related.
What a fun show, too. Where else can you see a man get blasted into chunks with a rocket launcher.
Tommy Monaghan lives there
You're good people Boco, don't let nobody tell you different.
SO ANYWAY, those were some metal ass guitars when Pengy and Butch strolled out