So, if you had the option given to you, would you live in Gotham City?

So, if you had the option given to you, would you live in Gotham City?

I'm not sure I would. Crazy place. Before you know it you could get blown up with a bazooka.

Depends on what universe I lived in. 66' Gotham would probably be a fun place to live.

The most effective crime fighter in Gotham City is some lunatic who wanders around at night dressed like a bat.

Why on earth would ANYONE want to live there?

Good lord no

Only thing it has going for it is escapes aside arkham seems like a decent pshycriatric institution (I haven't read a whole lot of Batman so maybe that's dead wrong)

Is this a disguised Gotham thread?

>ctrl+f Gotham
What the fuck are the mods doing

Only if it's the 1960s Adam West Batman version of Gotham City.

Gotham? You mean the show?

Gosh, I suppose it could be. It certainly is Sup Forums related.

What a fun show, too. Where else can you see a man get blasted into chunks with a rocket launcher.

Tommy Monaghan lives there

You're good people Boco, don't let nobody tell you different.

SO ANYWAY, those were some metal ass guitars when Pengy and Butch strolled out