What the fuck, US.
What the fuck, US
Other urls found in this thread:
>le 56% siege
>it's real
muh guns wihl potek me from govarmend
Great job leaving out that a Marshall was killed as well.
Or the fact that the death of the wife was a complete accident.
She was behind a door which the bullet penetrated, sniper had know way of knowing.
Why didn't the redneck just surrender immediately?
don't sell contraband, kids
Because retards think they can get away with this shit
He's immensely lucky he didn't get life in prison for; undermining the government, first degree murder, and evading the police
Judge must have bent the knee
>A marshal was killed
Well that’s also the government’s fault
>Sniper had no knowing of her
Then he shouldn’t had fired, a sniper shouldn’t fire unless he is certain of his target
I find it endlessly fascinating how some americans are always ready to try and outrun the cops in a car or have a gunfight with them. All I can assume is that american prison simply is so bad that its worth a literal shot.
>it's the goberments fault if a civilian murders a Marshall
You're right about the sniper however, but it doesn't make the family in the right just because a sniper made a bad call.
Nah mate. We just like running
in the 80s the cops in philadelphia bombed a compound full of black nationalist protesters which caused the entire block to set on fire and then instead of putting it out they just let it burn and killed 11 civilians including children
That story always cracks me up
>tfw Philadelphia is the only city in history to bomb themself
Holy shit
You're gonna get rednecks unironically defending this. Good job.
Well it turns out that the government actually entrapped him in the first place because they thought they could use him as an informant for white supremacist group meetings he sometimes attended.
The ATF and FBI were really fucking up a lot in those days.
You don't need guns, the government is here to protect y-
>The Kent State shootings (also known as the May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre)[3][4][5] were the shootings on May 4, 1970 of unarmed college students by members of the Ohio National Guard during a mass protest against the Vietnam War at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio. Twenty-nine guardsmen fired approximately 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.[6][7]
>Be American
>Get bombed
The guy who shot Weaver's wife shot some people at Waco too.
Hippie propaganda
Here's some further reading:
That and the Waco stand off which was much worse was during the Clinton administration's war against people not bothering anyone who they considered domestic terror threats.
They wound up getting their actual domestic terror as a result.
Good doge
>sniper had no way of knowing
>fires anyway
Ah, the famed supressive fire snipers.
this man is your friend
he fights for your freedom
this incident is so fucking disgusting
>700+ injuries
>168 deaths
>19 children in a daycare killed
They killed his doggo for no reason too
American police are trained to instantly kill all dogs they come across during operations as to not take any risks with them being vicious
Who cares about a dog
the absolute madmen
There's more to the story than that, he was given numerous opportunities to surrender himself beforehand and consistently refused. Basically a typical "sovereign citizen" who found out what happens when civilians try to take on the government
>Sup Forumstard defending David Koresh and his child fucking cult
Every time, Roy Moore voter for sure.
>police go to a place to arrest someone
>start shooting people, dogs, and buildings at random
This may surprise you but that is not normal.
Blue lives matter.
Was his kid shot before or after?
>The ATF concluded it would be too dangerous for the arresting agents to arrest Weaver at his property.[18] In January 1991, ATF agents posed as broken-down motorists and arrested Randy Weaver when he and Vicki stopped to assist.[18] Randy Weaver was told of the charges against him, released on bail, and told that his trial would begin on February 19, 1991.
>be american
>help some bikers
>get your wife, son and dog shot
>be american cop
>immediately shoot peoples dogs
>shoot people in the back
>shoot randomly at houses killing civilians
>after you've killed half the people you sit back and lay siege
you shouldn't run guns though desu
So GTA sending in tanks and using explosives wasn't an exaggeration.
>The siege and stand-off were ultimately resolved by civilian negotiators, with the surrender and arrest of Kevin Harris on August 30, and the surrender of Randy Weaver and the surviving Weaver children the next day.
oh lord, this keeps getting better and better
so let me get this straight
some dude in Bumfuck, Nowhere, bothering no one gets summoned to give two fucks, doesn't give not even one, the Gov. decides to send in the troops, gets one marshal, one woman, one child killed and even the dog, only to have the local populace solve the entire mess.
This is an anarchist wet dream.
it is here
IIRC he was also baited by some undercover cops to sell illegally modified weapons and then got a court summon, that was sent to the wrong address or some stupid shit like that.
The kid was shot during the arrest attempt, they were planning to ambush and arrest Weaver at his cabin but the kid was out hunting or something, saw the federal agents and shot at them (killing one I think?) but then also got shot himself. They had been negotiating with Weaver for awhile to get him to surrender but at some point he just refused to talk to them anymore.
>Be americans
>have literal bunkers built in ghettos that police have to siege
>shootouts ensue
>police bomb the building from a helicopter
Simply ebin
When this kind of thing happens he had to have been asking for it whether or not he court found him guilty. That's just what happens when people do politically incorrect things.
Funny how willingly americans regulated the sale of fertilizer after oklaholma city.
Yeah. Weaver attended meetings put on by white supremacist groups (I think the CSA, but I'm not sure). The FBI wanted an informant in the group, so they managed to entrap Weaver for modifying two shotguns in order to flip him.
Weaver was not down with this, so he blew off all the charges and his court date and the FBI and ATF decided that they were going to bring him in.
freedom ain't free boy
i'd BANG her
But they didn't. I could get ammonium nitrate fertilizer at the feed store down my street right now.
was expecting a jumpscare gif.
If somebody killed my dog (which I consider basically my child) may god have mercy on their soul because I won't.
But what can you do with your dog dead?
Try buying a truckload of it and see how far you get before the black helicopters come hunt you down.
So nobody is going to point out how this guy was molesting and grooming minors?
What can you do if a guy murders your daughter?
The ATF was a fucking disaster and their manager should be behind bars
Also the entire thing happened because the swat flipped out and shot the neighbors dog because it dared bark at them.
Ridge was guilty as fuck btw, he dodged taxed and i don't know what other shit, he was acquitted because the whole thing was already a disaster.
>At one point, Roderick threw two rocks at the Weaver cabin to test the reaction of the dogs.
>The action provoked the dogs, and Weaver's friend Kevin Harris, and Weaver's 14-year-old son, Samuel (Sammy), emerged and followed the dog Striker to investigate.
>Randy encountered the marshals at the "Y"; Roderick claimed to have yelled, "Back off! U.S. Marshal!" upon sighting Weaver, and Cooper said he had shouted, "Stop! U.S. Marshal!".
>By their account, the dog and the boys came out of the woods about a minute later, and a firefight erupted between the marshals, and Sammy Weaver and Kevin Harris.
>In the firefight, a shot or shots from DUSM Roderick killed the Weaver's dog, at which time Sammy Weaver is reported to have returned fire at Roderick. After the Federal agents began firing, *Sammy Weaver was killed by a shot to the back while retreating*, and DUSM Degan was shot and killed by Kevin Harris.
> i swur tu dog if sumbwone kills my god i'll kil im fo suuuuuuurrreeee
Your dog is your daughter? What?
That was Waco
O say can you see
>being so retarded you don't know what ruby ridge was but keep posting anyways
wrong you bootlicking faggot
he was entrapped into buying illegally modified weapons by the US government and when they put out an arrest warrant he moved into the forest
ATF and FBI then think its appropriate to have a siege with snipers around his house
Nevermind you're having a hard time grasping the parallel
I hate this place
"Think about the people as if they were storm troopers in Star Wars. They may be individually innocent, but they are guilty because they work for the Evil Empire."
—McVeigh reflecting on the deaths of victims in the bombing
Yeah no shit. McVeigh didn't buy truckloads of fertilizer at a time. You slowly build up a truck load over months from different locations. j
Right, sorry. Americans have so many crazy cults this shit is hard to keep track of.
Calm down.
>americans can only relate to the world through infantile fiction
And here I thought this was recent phenomenon kickstarted by Trump supporters and Harry Potter fans.
chances are mcveigh didn't even build the bomb or at least got a large amount of help from others in the "patriot" movement. Making it harder to buy fertiliser wouldn't have changed shit
He was in his property. It doesnt belong to the governament, it belongs to him
He's just fucking with you. I know its shocking but most people don't put animal lives on same level as humans, i understand your sentiment but if you would actually kill human who killed your pet you have problems.
That's what you get for breaking the law
Yeah, I guess the marshall did deserve it.
I wouldn't kill him I'd maybe do something to his pet
If you put animals on the same level as human beings you probably are one yourself.
Friendly Fire :)
>if you put animals on the same level as human beings you "probably" are one yourself
>Marshall was killed as well.
What did he expect for shooting at them?