Can you define the "blue-pill" without resorting to the worst examples of liberalism/progressivism?
Can you define the "blue-pill" without resorting to the worst examples of liberalism/progressivism?
sage goes in all fields
Any default Canadian oinion
Anyone who is naive and ignorant enough to swallow anything the media, government, or even their friends and family tell them without at least looking into it themselves to verify the validity of the information they are being presented with.
Well, I'd define blue pilled as being crushingly unaware, or accepting of everything to your own detriment.
See: university students who regard the state as an enemy, or hold the police in poor regard just because they were arrested for drunk driving.
Believing everything you're told without question whether it's logical and reasonable or not.q
Good definitions
You just described the entire Conservative part of America user. Are you sure you aren't a commie?
Someone who is "blue pilled" keeps their mind closed to the truth. They are too afraid of the ramifications.
They live in a fantasy world, blissfully unaware of what is happening around them every day.
The blue pill is eternal ignorance. It is gullibility and fear. Those who choose the blue pill will forever be asleep. They are born, live, and die and are none the wiser.
Bluepilled is a blanket term for a lot of different shit. In the same way that Redpilled can mean anything from swallowing every retarded conspiracy theory ever whole, to simply being up on the current political climate and what goes on in one's own country.
I would cut bluepilled into two major groups, willfully bluepilled, unknowingly bluepilled.
>Willful BP
The individual knows the facts, they understand what's going on around them, however the individual has some vested interest in voicing an alternative (untrue) narrative. This individual is willfully deceptive to other less aware individuals and will never be "convinced" because they already know the truth of the situation but simply do not care.
>Unknowingly BP
These individuals either don't have an interest in politics, don't have time for politics, or place absolute trust in groups of people and are willing to accept what they say at face value without doing research of their own. The Unknowing BP is not a malicious individual and might be convinced if they can be shown concrete evidence contrary to their default position.
Subjectivist ('all religions are equal and my beliefs aren't part of a religion') Historicism (the idea that history is a thing which humanity progresses through toward a utopia) and/or belief in equality.
>You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
>The pill you took is part of a trace program. It’s designed to disrupt your input/output carrier signal so we can pinpoint your location.
What does that mean?
>It means, buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy, because Kansas is about to go bye-bye.
I forgot to mention globalism, but that's more of a symptom of equality-belief than anything else.
False narratives or narratives contradictory to the truth.
Naivete in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, out of either a misguided desire to try and be a 'good' person, or out of ignorance or hatred.
This goes hand in hand with a tendency towards contradictions as well.
See: going to a state school and yet calling out the government, or calling people racist/intolerant, but then making fun of white folk
It's someone who believes anything they're told without ever researching or analyzing it. They're either unwilling or unable to form their own conclusions.
An overwhelming majority of people are like this, even ones who claim to be "red pilled."
This is a really excellent point, a redpilled individual should be consistent in how rigorously they analyze the information they receive wherever they receive it from.
>Define the blue pill.
1) The mainstream media is objective and trustworthy.
2) We're all the same under our skin (one race: the human race).
3) Diversity is our strength.
4) Crime is caused by poverty.
5) Poverty is caused by discrimination
6) Gay marriage and feminism are important milestones in the fight for socia justice.
7) IQ is not a meaningful measure of aptitude, and has been largely debunked by (((science))).
8) The Holocaust is our greatest reminder of what can happen when we allow racism and nationalism to go unchallenged. Never again!
9) The US and the countries of Europe have so many sins to atone for (muh native American genocide and slavery).
10) Tolerance is a virtue.
11) Celebrity worship.
12) Social media induced group-think.
13) Leftist virtue signaling.
14) Love of niggerized culture and entertainment.
Good list; could you define the red pill in a similar way?
Just pretend everything will be alright, pretend all the muslims will become "moderate", pretend immigrant birth rates will drop like a brick, pretend refugees will soon all be well employed rocket scientists, pretend jews are your friends.
Generally somebody who is blue pilled refuses to look at the world in any way that would be critical of the current direction society, and america as a whole, is taking.
Many of these are spot on.
Nicely complied user, do one for the red pill.
> Red Pill
1) There is a hard and enduring biological distinction between men and women which naturally suggests different gender roles (which represent the collectedwisdom of the ages).
2) There is a hard and enduring biological distinction between the various races and ethnicities, such that there will never be equality of outcome.
3) The family is the most fundamental unit of society. And if marriage and child-bearing are dishonored and abandoned by any society, that society collapse.
4) Social degeneracy (promiscuity, drug use, homosexuality, and other forms of dissolution) destroy the family and the culture of a people.
5) Unity and strength are greatly facilitated by racial, historical, and cultural pride.
6) Religion provides the moral foundation for any culture you care to examine. And a society which casts off it's "first principles" will not last long.
7) The governments of the west have been thoroughly infiltrated and subverted by powerful special intersts.
8) The mainstream media outlets are propaganda arms of those subversive influences.
9) The people of the west are currently being ruled by fear, guilt, ignorance and degeneracy.
10) The entertainment of our popular culture is designed to reinforce those narratives of fear guilt, ignorance and degeneracy.
11) Science and academia have also been hijacked to reinforce those narratives (funding is only allocated to approved projects).
11) Diversity is not our strength, but our suicide.
12) This is all going to come crashing down in the most spectacular cataclysm the world has ever seen. And then we'll look again to the wisdom of the ancients.
Good work user.
Being a happy normie, too comfortable to face the dangers and problems we currently face.
Anyone who thinks all kikes shouldn't be eliminated for their crimes against humanity.
This. People like my roommate who come home from work and watch sports and sports recaps until they fall asleep and only know of current events from fleeting news headlines.