Re-post of a thread that 404'd
"Trump supporters looking for a safe place in Philly to hang with like minded people? GOOD LUCK! #DNCinPHL"
Re-post of a thread that 404'd
"Trump supporters looking for a safe place in Philly to hang with like minded people? GOOD LUCK! #DNCinPHL"
Beer gives men tits. FYI
Here's the Yelp review I posted
What kind of a fag doesn't drunk beer?
>not straight bourbon, whiskey, and everclear mixed together in a giant vat
I might be a slav, but you forgot vodka.
Donald Trump.
Top lel.
Not found on their timeline or tweetsave, fake.
In PA the best way to get drunk for the money is natty ice. Fags on the NJ border such as myself can just get liquor there though, really cheap vodka is good too.
sounds like a gay bar desu
10/10 Review
> (You)
You guys should post your own. I'd link it but I think that is what got the last thread 404'd.
This had me literally laughing my ass off
I'd don't know if I have the talent
Ask them to bake you a Trump wedding cake. Sue when they refuse.
It also gives women tits.
Fuck, I can't find that picture anywhere.
Does anyone have that meme picture? The one where the jew keeps changing his numbers lower?
The one where his son is asking for money?
kek'd hard
This the one?
They deleted the tweet cause they got bad reviews. Fuck em I hope they get more.
Fucking lol'd
Yeah, that one.
Sorry I wasn't more descriptive. I haven't seen it in fucking forever.
>Bernie S.
You know I didn't even mean for it to come out like that. It's 'Bernie Shekelstein' but they just used the first initial. I guess it works, though.
Not that it's not funny, but it's way too obvious fampai.
I think it's subtle and nice
>go to bar
>piss on all the toilet paper
>get a beer
>don't tell them i'm a trump supporter then leave
I didn't really mean for it to be believable. Just a shitpost I crapped out for a laugh.
too obvious, won't actually take
le pol is le 14 year olds after all it seems
Based donald j trump
No one cares stupid
God I hate you, Canada. Stop pumping your untreated sewage directly into your own drinking water and out fishing areas, you disgusting fucks.
'we'll dilute our shit in our drinking water' doesn't care about drinking 300 years of shit sludge. You are worse than India, you should know better, you dirty fucking shit drinkers.
>le pol is le 14 year olds after all it seems
Took you how long to figure this out?
This got me thinking, would any of the characters on It's Always Sunny support Trump?
I'm thinking Dennis
maybe Mac just cause of The Apprentice
Charlie would be a Bernie supporter
Frank doesn't seem like the voting type
Dee for Hillary because women
There's another version that has the jew saying "You'll hear from my lawyer about the $100" as he's running off.
Considering all of the actors in real life shill for the democratic party in one way or the other it's hard to separate.
I think their characters are too self-absorbed to really care. They'd probably flip-flop on all of the candidates constantly changing who they support and in the end it would be revealed that they just used the election as a way to run some kind of scheme.
Can somebody please explain this to me? I've never understood this
can u change the end to "2 stars of david"
otherwise 4/5 good job heehehehe
Frank would certainly support Trump.
Dee and Dennis wouldn't
Mac and Charlie would.
It would be a great episode.
It's a stereotype of cheap Jews. The son asks for money. The dad being a cheap kike, Jews him down by lowering the amount. He then runs away so he doesn't have to give him anything.