It's actually pretty embarrassing how frequently Sup Forums is utterly BTFO
I'm dying to see the mental gymnastics you guys will attempt to refute this one...
It's actually pretty embarrassing how frequently Sup Forums is utterly BTFO
I'm dying to see the mental gymnastics you guys will attempt to refute this one...
>1 post by this ID
I want a citation for every single one of those points.
ID's are thread specific
Jews created isis. Cia controlled.
You are a nigger.
>cut the deficit by 70%
>national debt more than doubled
Something has a liberal bias here, but it sure isn't reality.
newfag doesn't know his memes
he is referring to posts in this thread, are you new?
Did you just join this site today
How has our national debt rapidly increased under Obama if he cut the annual deficit by over 70%? Especially since Obama spent more on his bailout in his first few months in office then Bush spent in his entire 8 years in office.
Not true! Let me find the John Stewart video of him explaining why republicans are wrong about this... Please wait
Go shill for Hillary somewhere else, faggot
Bush wasn't in office when ISIS was formed
the wars weren't illegal. Saddam actually had illegal weapons, including nerve gas;
the buck stops at the secretary of state for embassy security, period.
annual deficit only compared to the crisis; obama deficits are higher than any other deficits in history
workforce participation (total actual jobs) has continued to fall under obama
occupy democrats is fatuous bullshit and so are the idiot lib lemmings who take it seriously
get fucked moron
OPs leave slide threads.
OPs stay in threads when they actually wanna talk about shit
This is a slide thread
Sage and #DNCLeaks
Bush was a neo-con, this isn't news. There are multiple factions within the Republican party just like there are multiple factions within the Democrats. I'm a republican and I hated Bush. There's a reason why the Bush family and so many other neo-cons didn't attend Trump's convention.
Trump is the republican nominee, but doesn't fully agree with the program.
The mental gymnastic to apply republican ideologies to Trump based on the sole fact he's their nominee would be the equivalent of calling Hillary a nigger for being the nominee of the same party as Obama.
For fuck's sake, I know this is bait, but even the republican tried to dump Trump.
That's why Trump is against the Bush family in all ways. He (Trump) was against the Iraq war, he hated George W Bush, why do you think he slammed his brother in the primaries?
Has Occupy Democrats ever listened to any of the GOP debates or Trump speeches?
>this nigga really supported the toppling of iraq and saddam
i feel it tho
>Bush's illegal wars lead to the creation of ISIS
Obama's administration, together with Saudi Arabia and Turkey heavily funded them since the Syrian civil War began in the Arab spring. They never would've gotten big without that support, which crescendoed with a large arms deal in early 2014 after Obama's attemp to put boots on the ground was foiled by mass protest and Putin Brokering a WMD disarmament deal with Assad. So, liberals wanted us to fight *alongside* ISIS.
>Republicans cut security funding for embassy in Benghazi
Ambassador Chris Stevens urgently begged Hillary to come home and briefed the State Department on the situation. There was a very large window where the whole embassy could've been evacuated with no deaths, and the State Department lead by Hillary left them there to die, and refused to evacuate them. Security cuts really can't be blamed for an entire city coming down on one building when it could've been a deathless encounter.
>Deficit cut by 70%
Just plain untrue, he's increased spending more than every single other president combined. The other two were misreprentative conclusions reached by mental gymnastics, but this is an outright lie. Our federal tax revenue did not nearly double to keep up with the dramatic increases in spending.
>300,000 net new jobs a month under Obama
If you ignore Texas, the United States is actually experiencing a net loss in jobs every month. Texas is the state where the most jobs are being created every month, and in massive numbers such that the loss in jobs from the rest of the country is offset. In case any foreigners are unaware, Texas is an extremely conservative state outside of Austin Texas itself. That said, I'm sure the situation would be even worse without all the massive government programs which I'm sure creates some new federal jobs, but most of the budget increase were in the fields of welfare, both corporate and personal, not to mention the new flop of a healthcare system.
Do you really think democrats listen to anything?
We are masters. Fuck u shill niggers we are not buying it. Why are you trying to compare trump to eastablishment bullshit. Crooked hillary and the DNC keep having thier email leaked showing up how dirty they are
>Cut annual deficit by 70%
>19T in debt.
Can you elaborate a bit on this economic miracle of theirs? I'm a dumbass.
Oil yo, and second largest port in America
t. born Texan
But hasn't that been the case forever?
Or has Texas always been a financial powerhouse?