Why does the majority of Sup Forums frown upon the trans culture?
Why does the majority of Sup Forums frown upon the trans culture?
Because there is only two genders in this world.
>Tumblr transniggertrianalopiumfoxfurryslut is not a real gender
>Those lips
do trans people really think that's normal?
ask bruce jenner.
Alright. I'll bite. Trans here AMA.
need photographic evidence of your penis for proof.
That's a negative. :P But I will post more if asked, unless thread dies, in which case, bon voyage
why havent you killed yourself yet? you do realize that you lineage WILL die with yiu right? im assuming thatg a good thing considering your mental disorder and all
I have no question. Simply kill yourself.
Yes! I haven't killed myself nor will I, as my lineage also has my brother! He'll pass on CLEANER family traits and bloodline, I'll pass nothing and die happy at the ripe age of 72. And yes, it is a mental illness, Gender Dysphoria. Being (((hispanic))) and trans gives me ultimate reverse shilling powers against the left. It's great, desu.
Is it just a meme or you guys have that suicide wall when you reach 30?
Because it's literally the same as saying 2+2=5
The fact that these people deny reality is one thing, but the fact that they actually go out in public wearing the wrong things, cut their genitalia apart (arguably one of the most important organs biology wise), and are encouraged by others. Imagine if furries were active on the level of national policy, theyre an insane threat to social stability. Result in decreased birth rates, and ultimately are a fucking distraction. When in the history of great civilizations has the debate and policy of STRANGER'S GENITALIA resulted in advancement? Never, they are a handy distraction for the NWO/illuminati/whatever.
Suicide wall? Never heard of that, desu. I'm 27 and happy as can be.
I didn't until the 'culture' started demanding my attention. Go do whatever and shut up about it.
I see, I always heard about trannies hitting their 30s and killing themselves due to some kind of spike in the suicide rate. Probably just a meme to scare off people then.
Prolly yeh, I'm 27 and still plenty happy. It's nice desu
Trans is not a culture, it's a disease. That said, literally no one cared what creepy faggots did in the privacy of their homes and daily lives - but like all forms of mental disease, their pathology demands attention and validation. So you creepy fags decided to get the world's attention and make "demands", order people to look at you and have an opinion. I'm sorry the opinions you requested are not to your liking, go back to your fag den and be a fag on your own time.
post dick
post more hot pics of tori spelling plz
What can you do for living other than camwhoring?
I demand no attention desu, hell I'd be happier than I already am if I was ignored. Its the left. They always love attention. Take for example sjws, ghostbusters, blm, etc. They're (((loud and proud))) whereas I (with my disease) would rather cuddle up with my boyfriend and vote trump.
Not today desu
No, but scarring happens and well... can't do much about that.
Fair enough, that was the only thing I ever got curious about trannies since the meme was one of the few things mentioned over and over no matter how many threads.
Now I have no idea what else to ask, never paid too much attention to this trans stuff anyways. Good luck senpai.
post dick desu
I actually work in research. Spintronics research. AKA what makes your hard drive and memory devices work. I've never camwhored desu
There is no "trans culture". It's just mental illness.
also sage, you sliding shit
:( my thread lol
Thanks Brazilbro. See you in the Olympics!
>Male female and hermaphrodite
That's 3
are you passable? be honest with yourself. and realize that you will probably never be as cute as you want to be.
further realize that if you get a boner when you put on a bra, its a fetish not a 'gender identity'.
Unless you can transition pre puberty you'll always be depressed.
>See you in the Olympics
You better not. Too much happening potential and Rio is a meme city we use to keep foreigners away from the good cities.
>trans culture
That's why. To put it simply I don't think a majority of people would look down on it at all if you fucks didn't try to turn it into a lifestyle. You have to understand that every thing you're doing to yourself is essentially to cater to a sexual fetish, no amount of liberal spin will change that. I mean, in my opinion, yeah, I have no problem with people who do this shit mainly as a means of channeling sexual deviancy, because who doesn't essentially want a woman with a penis, but at the end of the day you have to be pragmatic with yourself and realize that you'd still be a fucking man playing dress up
Do you want to get your dick cut off or are you happy simply as a 'girl' with a penis?
The way my hair is, and my small face, I'm passable. Never gonna befull blown Kate Upton, but I pass. I mean if my job interviewer didnt ask questions and his body language gave nothing away (trust me I can tell...) I think I'm passable. Also no mine isnt a fetish, mines the diagnosed disease. Gender Dysphoria. Its the only way I got the hormone pills.
Nah I plan to save up. Spintronics research pays, I'll prolly havethe surgery done by next year.
Are you circumcised?
Were you abused as a child?
Alright well as long as you're happy. Just keep in mind that the surgery is the point of no return.
I was thinking of going to your country as you have a prolific facial feminisation surgery clinic there, should I be worried?
No desu, don't fall for the bait. That's the left. Right and redpilled trans like I know they're sick. We just simply roll with it.
Not abused as child and uncir. Why? I mean, I don't think that accounts for gender dysphoria. Even if you didnt live near a nuclear reactor you can get cancer, right?
Can you speak portuguese?
Do you have friends that live there and speak portuguese?
Do you have common sense as in don't go to bad areas in the city dressing as a happy tourist showing your nice cellphone and so on?
Also as long as the hospital you're going is not in Rio you will be alright. That city is hell.
Sao Paulo can be bad too in certain regions but it's still miles better than Rio.
Anyways, your biggest problem will be the language part. Unlike in europe for example, there's not really a lot of people that are proficient in english which can be quite the problem for you and even dangerous if you needed help.
why do you keep saying desu?
Does the sickness come with the urge to wear striped stockings and fingerless sleeve gloves?
Nah this is my main attire for my boyfriend. I have regular womens jeans and some simple tops.
Im fine with trans as long as they admit they have a mental disorder and know they can never biologically 100% be which sex they want to be
>Why does the majority of Sup Forums frown upon the trans culture?
Because they're anti-evolutionists --
Evolution is not perfect -- far from it. This fact is what largely drives our species to innovate and invent that which will serve to facilitate our existence. TRAPS are simply an example - arguably, an exemplar - of human beings helping evolution along in both the sexual satisfaction and relationship dynamic departments.
Females' bodies are evolved to procreate; NOT the incidental purpose of having satisfying sex with males. The pleasure entailed in copulation has only evolved to promote reproduction, not because of some ethereal "love", such as the act is often gilded with. This is partly why females have been so harshly subjugated throughout the ages -- tacit resentment by males. The 60° commonality of the erect penis and cervical tract, weighed against the predominance of anal and oral sexual titillation, stand as irrefutable testament to the fact that evolution simply got "sex" wrong (i.e., the mind evolves faster than the body).
Traps exist in part to offer males the satisfaction male traits are predisposed towards. In light of this, the female role - with respect to sex [with males] - is diminished. This is not only because of the putative gender / 'Mars-Venus' sexual incompatibility; but also because of the inalienable truth that, the more freedom females are given, the less attractive/d to male sensual sensibility they becomes -- see: feminism, tribadism, misandry, anti-pornography lobbies, attribution of culpability of all society's ills to males et al.).
This is to say, if one opposes 'traphood', one is against spæcial progression itself and therefore must be viewed as a NIHILIST. Much like other examples of nihilism - e.g., religious fundamentalism - this demographic lives only to die, in the fanciful delusion of some magical shangri la in the sky--conceitedly believed to await them--existing for the sole purpose of indulging their every base whim--which they had [purportedly] denied themselves in their corporeal lives.
So, suffice to say, what this all amounts to is a denomination of our species who are utterly deluded, clinically/certifiably brain damaged and a veritable anathema to evolution itself. Frankly speaking, a waste of finite earthly resources. Dross, to be discarded lest it metastasises and contaminates.
tl;dr - Those who dislike or refuse to acknowledge traps as the "third sex" of the homo-sapien species, are oxygen thieves whose expunction is nigh and inevitable.
underrated post
Hope they give you crooked pussy
Autogynephilia. Fucking sick. What does your mother think? Does your father hate you?
>they can never biologically 100% be which sex they want to be
kind of goes without saying (using current medical technology)... not to mention, most don't want the banana split, only for guys to spit on their bananas
Mom and dad arent 100% fine with it. Buuut since I'm not in their house they can just brush me off as "that one" which is fine. Also check my initial reply
>What does your mother think?
she thinks it's a big step up from lusting after her tits
Well I mean yeah, that goes without saying. The entire point of transwomen for most guys is that their """"""women""""" but with penises fulfilling a sexual niche that a lot of dudes crave. The ones that get their cock split are literally PLUNGING their sexual market value straight into the fucking gutter
Time to stop posting
Hahahaha funny :b
Now where did I put my Australian shitposter image?
That's a trap, desu.
What kind of woman do you see yourself as, then? If you're having your cock removed then maybe you're more mentally I'll than fetishistic.
What are your plans for when you get old?
my best guess:
>surgery when he's 28
>heavy depression at 29
>suicide at 30
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy famalam
Exactly. A trap is the fetishfag who can bloody well fuck off. The true trans is one who will eventually transition into male/fem thanks to gender dysphoria.
I see myself as like. A casual go getter? I dunno. I work in research and shit and provide for my own, but long term I wanna marry my boyfriend (like that'll happen) and settle down, adopt a kid or become artificially impregnated (theres procedures now really makes u think). Eventually retire. Why?
Nahh I've seen trumplrts kill themselves earlier.
Accurate lmao
I'll never be true oh well shrug
because it's the embodiment of wrong
>The entire point of transwomen for most guys is that their """"""women""""" but with penises fulfilling a sexual niche
I'd argue that "niche" is more one of the fast-growing fetishes (porn-wise)... last time I google zeitgeist'd porn searches, trannies were trending like a trap cock sans HRT
>The ones that get their cock split are literally PLUNGING their sexual market value straight into the fucking gutter
this is true for most part... and not only because of the useless, 4" stint cunt -- once they get ride of the whole kit and caboodle, they're brains change proper... and often for the worse (e.g., they think they'll get "love" - kek - if they have a hole for horny halfwits to poke)
It wants to be a woman. I just wondered if it was gonna end up as a librarian, with problematic glasses, or a clear-heel camwhore
Based nord.
We're talking real genders here, not genetic defects.
Is this supposed to be a trans "person"? It's literally just a skinnyfat man.
Have you ever thought that your boyfriend is with you for the dick and once that's upside down and inside out, he'll be gone?
> Mfw works in spintronics research.
> mfw have boyfriend getting his phd in engineering
> Never camwhored
Oh okay.
Why aren't you happy being a fag?
? It's a disease man. Can't help it :/
I've talked to him. Hell he's unhappy with me having a dick and wantsto pay for half the cost of surgery if it gets done quicker. I'm sure he'll stay. Either wayis okay, I can earn my living.
we dont frown upon to be judgmental but frown out of pity
they need help
Thank you desu
Have you tried therapy? I mean, there are people who desperately want limbs removed, what do you think about them?
do you date guys or girls or other trans?
what's your gender preference towards a partener?
what do most of them see themselves as (straight, bi, gay)?
Does it matter to you?
>ie: a guy who idents as gay is willing to date you
> real gender
Define gender