Hey Sup Forums. Just yesterday, I bore witness to the singular most poetic dispensation of truth and justice imaginable--the veritable apotheosis of a 10D chess game that I had thought was nothing more than checkers until its glorious denouement.
But before I can show you the mountaintop, we need to go back. Back to the beginning.
>Be me
>Work at a summer camp for 10yo's in Texas
>In charge of a cabin of 20 kids or so
>11 are spoiled little shits, 5 are all right, 3 are red-pilled and pretty cool
>1 left is Dan
>AKA Dastardly Dan
>AKA Dick-Swingin' Dan
>Dan is a precocious little fucker
>On the first day of camp, we asked the kids what their favorite movies were
>Dan couldn't decide between a comedy and a drama
>Deadass Dan:
>"My favorite comedy was the Wendy Davis filibuster"
>"My favorite drama is the Democratic party"
>"No wait, that's a comedy too"
>Sides in orbit
>Trying to contain my laughter in front of my mortified SJW libtard co-counselor
>Discover that Dan unironically watches CSPAN
>Discover that Dan unironically records and rewatches CSPAN on his DVR
>CSPAN Dan is born
>Discover that he is sorely in need of a stabilizing male influence
>To process the trauma of his early childhood, Dan has "invented" a curious origin story
>Dan's "father" is Uncle Sam
>Dan's "mother" is Lady Liberty
>Dan has reminded me on more than one occasion that, since he has been suckled from the teat of freedom and has swallowed the milk of incomparable wonder, he finds most 10yo activities a waste of time
>Wouldn't build a bridge out of popsicle sticks during crafts
>After 30 minutes of discussion, he agreed to build something that he would decide upon
>He built a wall instead
>Dan refuses to swim with the rest of the kiddos
>Stands on the beach instead and pretends he's shooting them out of the water as they try to get to the shore
>Decide to take Dan under my wing