/Cali/ - California General

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The name of this girls? I've seen some videos with her, need more.

plz adopt me


It's just some random girl that someone recorded.

Madre di dio.

I need a trip to California if all girls are like here

down cavour




me in the middle awkwardly trying to get by


>that look when she notices she's being filmed
Why do hot girls always have faces of deep disdain? ;_;

Zitto animale

santa cruz checking in

lmao at the thots parading around places like venice beach.

i want amerikan ass


Good asian bakeries in LA?

I've seen her instagram posted here once, she is a famous instagramer actually with many followers.

look for somewhere in arcadia, city is practically asia

This is an Aryan Russian girl being fucked by an Angolan immigrant, not American.

that guy doesnt have time for THOTS

hello 310 here



>my hips are shaped like this
How fucked am I?

Dixie wins again.

Found it. Valentina Bilbao.

Insta: @valentiinarose


You have to be chad surfer bro to get girls like that. Autists on Sup Forums repulse girls like that.

lmao shes 6/10


She has a nice body and tan. Face isn't beautiful, but it's not ugly either. You don't understand beach culture here either. Beach stacies like that always hook up with chad surfers.

Shes desirable

He's still right.

I wonder what these instagram sluts will do for money once they’re washed up

These instagram whores can make tons of cash doing all kinds of nasty shit for gulf arabs. They frequently do too. There was this one pic on here of some instagram whore trying to justify all the sick shit she did because she made a million dollars by 23. Were talking piss, shit, gang bangs, and apparently fucked a german shepard. These whores will degrade themselves to any level when they're still young and pretty. I don't want to even know what they'll do when they reach middle age.

Keep youtubers/instasloots/twitchores out of Sup Forums. We don't need attention seeking camwhores. Go back to Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

Is she 18? This is the important question


Shes probably a latina with dyed hair. She only looks nice in that outfit, her instagram is shit. Woman only look nice when they are on candid, because they know that they look good on cameras

>probably a latina
Have you ever seen a white girl before?

If by white you mean “white american”, my amerimutt friend, then no i did not

Not latina phenotype

Define latino phenotype
Also, Her instagram says bolivia as well. And she looks like ariana grandes sister

who here lives in ceres i need your help

American women have sky high standards. Skinny American girls only want Chad Thurndercock or Brad Mcmillionaire.

bilbao is a spanish surname
she looks like a green-eyed latina/med

Thats what i was saying, shes like jessie rogers

Here in Brazil we have this stereotype that Bolivians are fat short Amerindian people, never seen a Bolivian that looks like her.

why are californians so creepy?

this thread is just as garbage as I thought it would be, who would have thought

Yeah Bolivians are ugly. Of all the indians I seen they seem to have the worst body besides the far north tribes with the large ass moon face.

Probably a mestizo from some spaniard or colonist
>fat short Amerindian people
Isnt the same goes for brazilians? South america is very strange

>Why are 4channers so creepy?*

to me,
anything, from blonde to full nigger to some beige tranny
invariably brown, short and amerindian.

brazilians are short fat mulatos and quadroons, not amerindians

what, Brazilians are narcissistic as fuck, try going to britain if you want to see fat.
at most you have the phat ass on women.

It would still make that girl latino, no? Spanish name + second or first generation of mestizo heritage

The Brazilian stereotype around the world is handsome Mediterranean guy who can fuck any girl.

she's the exception, of course you will find somebody that looks european in a country that used to be ruled by europeans, it doesn't mean she changes how the average person from that country looks like.
she's not even that beautiful, you should know, in Prague you see girls like her for one euro a dozen.

brazilians are getting fat as fuck, look it up. and outside of beach cities where people get to show off their bodies, the majority are sad wagecucks who neither see the sun nor move their lard-dripping bodies for anything, spend all day gobbling high-fructose corn syrup while watching television and think exercise is for homosexuals

dunno, all brazilians I know range from muscular to skinnyfat, I don't associate being fat with Brazilians at all.

Dont know, we think of them as latino people. There seem to be a lot of blacks and europeans as well, at least if you watch news, liveleak stuff and some tv shows
Yeah, she looks okay, it pisses me off that people seem to make some kind of goddesses from those types of girls, which makes them think even more narcissistic

not fat like americans, but a tendency to being chubby, having stocky bodies

She's not a Mestizo. Mestizo means 50% Amerindian. She looks like she's of pure Spanish stock or has very little Amerindian blood if any. Plus her last name is Basque.

exactly, I agree with you, she must feel like a literal mythical being looking like that and being from Bolivia, but what can you do, she gets likes and will probably never move to europe because she would instantly become average here, lucky for her for being born the way she did I guess.

Yeah, most people here wouldn't even realize she is latina. We associate anyone south of the border with short brown amerindians.

Even i assumed she was a random Germanic American girl.

She lives in California, not Bolivia.

California party go!

>The Brazilian stereotype around the world is handsome Mediterranean guy who can fuck any girl.
Lol no. It's brown tranny or big assed brown girl.

all three of those are true

Are you Brazilian? What's up with the Brazilian internet defense force posts?

I'm not a monkey, I just tell the truth about brazilians I met irl, you are trannies, big bunda and also guys who get the girls.

And now, right from Compton, Ice m'fucka Cube!!! Everybody hands up!!! Today was a good day!

cali gangbangers are retarded. their ghettos would be considered regular suburbs in any other state



Are u from LA?

You realize this is how it is in most states right? California actually had one of the more stricter laws in the union before. Now we are at par with most others. Just stupid fucking Sup Forumsacks memeing this into oblivion and every ignorant fuck took it without question.

she's 16.

>underage instagram millionaires
life's not fair

No, our party doesnt accept a trash music.
Go to Detroit with this shit. Sun California make only fun and positive.

>Most states
It's currently a felony in 34 states. I'd say 16 isn't "most"

nah, life is great

Not exactly some out of nowhere new level of degeneracy now is it?

So my people I know after hard hot rhymes from Two Pac you want something easy like...
beach Boys!!! Dream with us!

It just means you're now as degenerate as 15 other states.

Guys, i just trying make good sun party in california style, and you dont help me.
Can you tell each other something more marry than felony and HIV?

honestly, if you're really attractive and a female, life is handed to you on a silver platter, just like this girl.

I remember the screencap to which you're alluding, but can't find it. I think the girl said she earned 3.2 million dollars.

>1 million dollars
It's literally nothing desu

>what they'll do when they reach middle age
The same things but not paid as well, so they do it more until they look like an old cum bag.


>tfw i got you'd 4 times
pls i didn't know she was 16

And this is good.
So for our beautiful girls. Kavinsky bring some lyric poetry.

infuriating thing is orange county is filled with hoes like her. grows up next to the clean socal beaches all their lives, and when they come of age drive an hour up the freeway to go make it in LA. have never known real struggle in their entire lives

I dont think girls listen to kavinsky, i dont they did when drive became popular, at least, i dont know how it is now. I heard it in lyncoln lawyer as well

What are some decent mexican restaurants in San Jose?

Who ready for legal weed?