Bantz are now cyberbullying

>Girls are ganging up on boys in a new cyberbullying craze called “roasting”, a digital safety expert has warned.

>Teachers and parents at leading private schools have been warned to be aware of this new form of cyberbullying, as it tends to happen outside adult oversight because teenagers regard it as just one level up from banter.

>Both boys and girls have killed themselves recently due to cyberbullying.

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Tyler the creator post

>I'd roast them


I've never been bullied, I've never seen bullying.

>abloo abloo muh bullies muh chillin
>its our duty to protect
>punish kids who fight back

This is why I'm gonna teach my kids to break bones and knock out teeth

If you have kids already,teach them that authority figures won't save them,they have to fend for themselves.

does that make them "roasties"?


desu roasting is basically one sided bants

dumb as hell when they get offended when you shoot back

>tfw you said worse things to each other before the team breakfast playing college lacrosse than antagonistic feminists hear all-time on twitter

feels great, but bad for society man.

My father taught me this from a young age.

I used to get bullied badly, until I hit the one little shit so hard in his solar plexis he went down wheezing and crying like a bitch.

My teacher was just like "well he deserved it"

SA was great in the mid 90's. Now we are cucked like the rest of the world thanks to the USA's SJW problem.

>roasties are roasting

anyway I love roasts, they're a great American tradition

>teach them that authority figures won't save them
I wish I learned this sooner as a kid. Authority figures are just people, too, and they're all too often inadequate and misplaced.

I literally tell my son that nothing a woman ever says to him means jack shit.

>when da squad roast u so bad dey call ina digital security expert to issue a public statement.


that should be a mandatory course in public education: Ignoring Female bullshit 101

Yeah I mean you can just stop looking at the screen and stuff, but uh, that's still your peer group ripping you to pieces - not just anonymous people, it's everyone you know.

Social media was a mistake, the internet was so much better before real names. The internet was just news, forums, and various echo chambers like Sup Forums. Now they've tried to get rid of Sup Forums, and anonymous hate, and it hasn't worked. The internet and hate just keeps erupting into these 'real' online communities like a burst sewer line

Why can't we have more male teachers? It seems that kids are sent into a rigged system day one

Man, bullying sure has changed since I was a kid. And I'm only 28 years old, so I'm not even really old.

But anyway, when I got bullied in school for the first time, I bashed the head of one of the bullies against the teacher's desk and punched the other in the balls.

Fear is a wonderful deterrent to bullies and would-be bullies.


Women are very easy to shock

No, it makes them roasters.

>roasties roasting

>giving your phone number to some cunts

Jesus Christ. People care what other retards think too much. Who *gives a shit*? Oversensitive collectivist fucks.

>Both boys and girls have killed themselves recently due to cyberbullying
My grandfather fought against soviets and killed many of those fucks, then spent nearly a decade in a Siberian gulag to then have to walk all the way back to Romania with nothing but the shirt on his back only to get to live a little more before he died. Something went wrong with humanity, we need to go back to where kids weren't born with pussies instead of brains

maybe teach the boys to roast back

The real crime here is that these young women are wearing clothes in this picture

It's not so much the fear part. It's the fun part you addressed (it's not so fun to get your head bashed in).

There can be many strategies involved that takes away the fun.


>>Both boys and girls have killed themselves recently due to cyberbullying.

Oh for fuck sake soo many bleeding heart fuckwitts that want to police everything we say and do.

That would be sexist, which is much worse.

What a bunch of fags
>oh noes my feelings
>maybe im not a special snowflake after all

>punching and silencing your enemies
>not completely devastating their young lives by asking why their brother his half black and why his mommy and daddy always yell at each other
Wew lad

I can relate, I have been bullied a lot on /pol. This place needs a safe space.

If someone actually was a special soul, you'd think they wouldn't give a fuck about the brainless shitters around them.

I agree, you need a >designated safe space.

>Getting roasted by girls

Tell them their eyebrows look funny and they'll run away crying

fp would be bp if they had posted this.

this place is a safe place, where we can insult the shit out of each other and never have to see each others' putrid countenance in our entire lives

how do you not understand that the bantz here are the safest bantz in the world, we have the aussies to lead us in the glorious bantz and the leaves to show us the follies of trying to banter with a mouthful of synthetic maple syrup

>Not doing roasting after tenderizing
Beat them up and THEN really hurt them.

That's not how you spell nips

Stick and stones may break my bones but thoughts and emotions leave physiological scars that never heal.

>What is sarcasm?



a big push to monitor texting and shit. any of you remember that Are guy who patented the network monitoring of browsing habits and shit? I wonder if this is tied in.

they can completely control what people are saying online. shut down anyone speaking out

best style

Something we don't expect from goatfuckers.

I swear that chemtrail conspiracy neutering shit makes some sense. Something happened in the late 90s that cucked the planet. Was is really just the end of the Cold War and the Internet?

Your people look more Asian than European. Enough said.

>can alt tab at any time and start killing demons in doom or beating niggers in gta

Unless it pours over in to real life, this shit is stupid.

>Brits killing themselves over it
Brits confirmed unable to handle the banter

But we can see if we have shit on our hands, without closer examination.

>Not making allies with Chad & posting all these dumb sluts nudes

bros b4 hoes

We have sanitation and infrastructure since our independence. Don't compare us with slimy dirtbag Indians.

Cyberbullying being a real thing only goes to show how dumb and retarded young people have become.

I mean, you can suck at bantz in real life, but on the web you never meet your "bully" and have more time to think and respond properly. I know some very, very dumb people who are quite capable at bantz, so you don't have to posess an IQ of 160 to be able to pull off a nice burn. The only case you're vurnerable to "cyberbulltying" is if you suffer from a severe mental illness such as schizophrenia, or you're just literally retarded.

Either way, you've got ISIS at your back door and the whole world visibly going to shit, yet idiots are centered around the premise that some fag telling another fag to fuck off is somehow unforgivable. What a time to be alive...

>digital safety expert

>not killing yourself after being cyberbullied
Come on guys, it's 2016!

We poo in loo tho

>Killing yourself due to others shitposting/talking shit on the Internet
These people must be the most stupid ones existing, somewhat of a riddance I guess.

Of course I won't, I have no idea how often they get car bombed in India.

>teach them that authority figures won't save them,they have to fend for themselves.

This shit used to piss me off when I was in primary school.
Someone would do something, so I'd go to the teacher, and they'd tell me to stop telling fibs.
aka they wouldn't do anything

Eventually I learned there's only one law on the playground

Slowly coming round to this idea. When I compare growing up in the 80's and 90's to seeing the young kids now, christ they are fucked.

You just call them a cunt and walk away

yeah, and that the modern gay movement seemed to coincide with "nu-males"

>user, we saw the pic you sent rebecca.
>oh? didn't know she showed us? well too bad! soon the whole school will see it!
>yeah! and what's up with your penis? why is it so big?
>lol, it looks so weird user! you'll never be able to fuck a girl with that!
>maybe he should fuck go fuck a horse instead!

You're faggot.
You just got bullied

Shut up paki

>growing up
>dad taught me to fight for yourself, no matter how society might look at me
>getting bullied by this faggot
>had enough and just went on a brawl
>I won and everytime he sees me, he looks away in shame

I will always teach people to stand up for themselves, especially my kids. You don't dial 911 when you are in immediate threat, thats just stupid.

Your dubs accent your hilarity

You may not be aware of this while posting on your hungarian goat powered windows 95 PC with 10kb/s internet connection you hijack from Russian servers but western children are forced to be well connected through the social media to remain relevant in their relationships with their peers.

Impossible. Boys can't be victims.

They must've said something rude to the girls and deserved to die because of it. That's how things work in a proper world where people care about each other.

>was only ever bullied once
>when I was a fat kid in elementary school
>didn't give a shit about his insults or banter
>but I went apeshit on the kid when he actually physically touched me
>he left me alone after that

Don't be a soft target and grow some thicker skin

My dad learnt me that if a boy was harassing me I just had to sucker punch him with an uppercut, used it one time in elementary school and one time in high school, nobody ever bothered me after.

I got called a faggot almost everyday by this one kid in elementary. When I look back on it, its probably because I was being a faggot. Didnt make kill myself though, people need to toughen the fuck up

>Be American dad teaches us to use violence to deal with bullies instead of being a fag
>Faggy skater kid tried bullying me after I just moved to the new town
>Grab him by the back of the neck and slam him face into the floor
>Suspended for 3 days dad buys me star wars battlefront 2
>Come back, all the skater fags are now kissing my ass
School is easy of you just go berserker mode

I'm glad to have grown up in the 80s where schoolyard fights and banter were commonplace and thought to be a healthy part of a growing child's development.

>USA sjw problem
You mean the rampant nigger problem and abolishing segregation? Or do you mean your retard president that can't count past denominations of 100?

"One hundred and seventy three, four hundred and forty six dollars were donated to the 26's this quarter"

>tfw was that quiet kid that liked guns, military shit, metal, and kept to himself
>tfw nobody bullied me because Columbine was fairly fresh and everyone thought I was that kid

I don't know what to feel about it to be honest.

If you kill yourself over online banter you didn't deserve to live anyway.

This is what I told my bitch of a brother after he attempted suicide because of bullying, I told him to man up and start working out and to stand up to his bullies IRL and ignore them online. And surprise, it works.

Children are fucking stupid nowadays. What are they going to do online, send you mean messages with frowny faces? Give me a fucking break.

Anyone who kills himself didn't deserve to live to begin with and is thus a good riddance. They would have been a drain on society if they lived on.

This x 1000
>Be elementary
>Grew up as carnie so never took shit even at young age
>Cliche elementary gym teacher douche with a god complex
>"You're a retard"
>"You don't really believe I'm stupid do you user?"
>Proceeds to do his intimidation bullshit he does with all the 6-7 year olds
>"Yes, I believe you are a retard. And your ankle tattoo makes you look like a fag"
>Get detention and play DBZ buu's fury the entire time while teacher asks me politely to put away my gameboy
I was a fucking shit head through school and it was great

My dad just told me to be the bully not the victim. Same lesson essentially

Haha that bully really must have pissed you off :)

>“They will use killings or any bad news by way of inspiration to create a nasty “meme” [photograph with humorous caption] about someone.”
think they are talking about us?

>Being the bully
Bullies are all insecure fags who can't defend themselves without using hurtful words to make their own flaws seem less obvious to others.

The best way is to be like a bee hive, just go around smelling flowers and shit until someone fucks with you or your kin. Then go berserker mode.

>“Girls will roast boys. They will create an online chat room about another boy.”
So they talk shit behind his back
Newsflash this has been going on since forever

Nope, just knew I needed to establish myself as not being a bitch

Do they shove their roasties in your face and you die from ammoina poisoning

Hmm, must a fabulous job, any idea on where to apply?

Pretty sure bitches lash out when people say words to them that they don't like.

>bullies use hurtful words
Fuck this gay earth. I miss when we just resorted to physical violence

This user gets it.
Also good job on fixing your brother's ways.

Solution: Don't send dick picks, alternativly you just censor your face.
If you can't take the consequences of an action then don't do it.

So when do you start?

>Allowing someone to speak badly to you right in your face among your peers
The only other option is going to the teachers which we all know doesn't work. Violence is the simplest and most efficient way of saying "I disagree with your opinion".

It has no language barrier and is extremely effective. Maybe is you weren't such a cuck you'd understand

>second day of secondary school
>some paki faggot tries to start shit with me, tries pushing me and hitting me
>grab him by the neck and slam his head into the corner of the stair behind him
>his big fat faggot friend comes up behind me and hits me in the jaw
>push him into the wall by the threat and hold him there while yelling in his face
>the fucking paedo janitor comes along, pulls us apart, and drags us into the "Office"
>I get in the most shit because the paki kids claim it was a racist attack even though they instigated it
>get 10 "exclusion points" (apparently, 40 would get you expelled, but I ended up with like 150 by the time I was in my final year)
>get a two hour Saturday morning detention
>have to spend a week in the isolation unit, basically a wooden cubicle where you stare at the wall
>dad comes into the school, yells at the headmaster, causes a fucking riot
>motherfucker won't back down, calls me a thug and a racist and tells my dad that if I don't do my punishment, then I can find another school
>came in for one day of isolation, then dad called in sick for me for the rest of it

I got that fucker back though. Net time it snowed, he was walking around, and I pelted him in the back of his bald head with a ball of ice. Such was life in the mid noughties.

I don't understand your question

I used to think this soon after leaving school (I used to be both the bullied and the bully, not at the same time of course).

But looking back at it now I am glad that I lived those experiences, they made me who I am and I like to think I'm stronger because of that.


>faggy techy gamer kid who was somehow popular fucks with me
>goes in for a punch whilst trying to fuck with me
>grab his wrist and bite top of his pinky off

This was like 8th grade and no one fucked with me through highschool.