Sup Forums BTFO. Holy fucking shit.
Sup Forums BTFO. Holy fucking shit
>2 posts by this ID
no proof bin laden is dead
fuck off shill, these "Sup Forums btfo" threads need to be banned.
The President doesn't control the economy. He does, however, control foreign policy. Judged only by that metric, Obama's presidency is less favorable.
don't forget the dozens of executive order that he signed to prepare us for martial law
you need to lurk more, this bait is debunked almost hourly.
>no proof bin laden is dead
Just like there's no "proof" the holocaust happened, right tinfoil faggot?
stock market is a bubble
workforce participation continues to fall
ww3 is incoming
deficit only compared to bush's last (year of the crisis). every other bush deficit was lower than any of obama's
stay retarded
Threadly reminder that Hillary Clinton's Super PACs pay people to post online.
$0.05 has beem deposited in your account
>irrelevant - the dollar is worthless so the DJI increasing doesnt mean shit
>changing the definition of "unemployed" doesnt lower unemployment
>ended 1 war, and started 3 more, failed to prevent 4th in Ukraine
>yay domestic fracking that he had nothing to do with
>thats a lie, he increased it
>SEALS got bin laden, all he did was not cuck out like Clinton1 did
hey what do you know, Fox News was actually CORRECT about something.
In just 6 years I
>made conyism capitalists three times riists
>redefined the statistical parameters on unemployment by no longer counting people not on welfare
>left 10,000 troops in afghanistan and declared it over, and decided to count ISIS as a new threat so technically it would be 1 war ended, and a new one started
>redifined under-insured people as insured, those guys dying in VA waitlists, you beeter bet they count
>did jack shit about deficit spending, those bush programs just ened so we count them as cuts
>oil drillers in the dakotas brought oilprices down since my administration cant control Iraq
>we killed some haji but didnt give any proof whatsoever except a tell all novel that all the guys teamates say is wrong
Now suck my dick, not much time left cuz I gotta go help shill hillary into office.
Okay, ignoring all of this crap except 1 part.
Since when is the stock market the measurement by which we go on?
I mean yeah, a buisiness with high stock prospects USED to mean it was hiring more workers and spereading wealth. Actually it still does, but those workers are now chinese teenagers and the wealth is going to the shareholders.
How many americans own enough stocks to claim they are doing well?
Not many?
So in other words he tripled the wealth of the wealthy and left the rest of us to burn.
>no proof bin laden is dead
Fuck off, your harming everyone who knows what's actually going on with your bullshit. Whenever someone connects the dots, they're denounced as a conspiracy theorists because of dumb shits like you
>tripled the stock market
huge bubble bigger than 2008. Did you see the hiccup the fucking Brexit vote caused? Nothing happened and stock briefly fell apart over night
>cut unemployment in half
his unemployment numbers have been proven to be bullshit and many are entering shitty minimum wage jobs
>brought gas down to $2.75
OPAC did that to kill fracking
>cut the Bush deficit by two-thirds
then why has the debt increased by more than the debt accumulated by every previous president combined under him?
>got bin Laden
after a ten year investigation started under Bush
>throwing Fox News under the bus
The opposition news seems to be the only news that tells the truth in America. Fox got the reputation of being shit under Bush. Now the Democrat surrogates are shit and Fox is half way decent
If Obama isn't rated in the bottom half of presidents, I'll be thoroughly disappointed
nice vpn op
missed a few
>ended two wars
Iraq was the worst handled exit I've ever seen. We're still in Afghanistan so even the propaganda is false here. Plus he's started plenty of wars
>cut the uninsured rate by half
through a fucking subsidy to insurance companies that increased the cost of health insurance dramatically which he can't even justify the costs of and which his majority leader tried to pass without having read it. Seriously this plan is so bad that every candidate but Clinton wanted to repeal it, and Clinton only stands for it to pick up the mindless sheep who follow Obama to the end vote
>guy with $15 an hour job get laid off at the mill because chinks make all our steel now
>spends 6 months on unemployment
>gets 7.50 an hour job at walmart
B-b-but atleast he's not unemployed!
B-b-besides, t-t-the stock market value tripled!
It could double triple quintuple, and the only people who would get richer are the ones who are already rich.
When american buisinesses stocks go up it doesnt mean jack shit if they are outsourcing labor to china and stagnating wages.
Aside from the fact that that bubble is only due to the massive bailout loans at almost zero interest which banks then didnt loan out, or only loaned out to already wealthy people.
The banks began playing the derivatives market which is incredibly unstable and again, only makes money for bankers, who have no fear of failing because they have already proven that not only will the Fed not allow it, but they all get big fat bonuses and more free loans to gamble away on the increasingly unstable markets courtesy of the federal reserves.
Its like if a poker junkie went bankrupt at a casino and his bank handed him a million more to gamble with then claimed the casino is the best bet ever because it netted the gambling junkie a million dollars.
Except they used you and your neighbors money.
wtf I love niggers now
I was actually in afghanistan 6 months after the "war was over"
Got into 27 firefights and blown up twice. Technically 3 but that one doesnt count on my medical records because I didnt recieve brain damage from it.
We were getting our asses shot off while some ditzy blond reporter gushed about how we had withdrawn on the TV.
If that's peace, what is war?
>The meme that 14 million jobs have been created since the Great Recession is constantly trotted out as a sign of how the labor market has healed, but these folks forget to add a detail: since the Great Recession, the US population has grown by 16.5 million. Turns out, jobs growth was smaller than population growth! So per capita – for each of the 323.2 million people in the US – there are now fewer jobs than at the bottom of the Great Recession.
Well see when the president promises all troops out by a certain date but fails it quits being a war and suddenly becomes "local security forces conducting presence patrols."
They just dont mention that for every shitty afghan cop or "soldier" (16 year old heroine addicted kid with an AK and a camofaluge hat in most cases)
There were 20 marines there.
We were watching news "reports" from operations we had been on that would show 3 seconds of the kid firing his ak randomly at an angle where you couldnt see the 30 or 40 marines actually engaging targets, followed by a reporter spouting about how the ANA were in control of the region, to avoid lying theyd call us "coalition forces" so as to avoid the word "Marines" and theyd never show us or mention us directly.
We were literally the last infantry group in the country, we were supposed to take a full battalion (1,000 men)
But ended up with a company reenforced (about 300 men). Shit was coming unglued.
Sangin fell, got taken back at immense cost, fell again. No idea who has the city now. We were riding helicopters around from one hornets nest to another so much we sometimes went 48 or 72 hours without food or sleep.
And the entire time it wasnt a war, it was "coalition forces conduct presence operations"
"Advising local security forces"
"Peacekeeping operations by NATO forces"
"Local national fighters conducting counterterrorism activities"
Those bug-fuck yokels were high on heroine most of the time. They got all assblasted one time because thier sergeant or whetever they called him was too high to get out of the way and got landed on by a helo.
Oh and they fucked kids. Little boys. Youd find one of those fucks with an "aid" who was 12 years old and theyd basically just make him clean shit and take turns fucking him.
So yeah. Thats what was really going on in 2014 after we were all "withdrawn."
Hated that place so much. You think we torture people? Try afghan jail. Crazy fucks.
The president has nothing to do with the stock market
Obama redefined the definition of unemployment so that part time workers now fall under fully employed, and that people no longer looking for work aren't counted as unemployed
Obama left Iraq too early leading to ISIS
Also he opened up a new war in Syria
President has nothing to do with gas prices
Federal budget is controlled by congress
He did get Bin Laden so that's the one truth on the infographic
Except for the whole never showing proof that they killed him part. They just kinda said they did then some guy wrote a book and none of his team mates would agree that it had actually happened like that.
Atleast bush let us watch saddam get hung.
All because congress wouldn't let him have a fucking thing.
Either way it's a moot point
No one even remembers Bin Laden anymore cause most of the jizzstains that post on Internet image boards weren't even alive to see 9/11 or were too young to remember it
Actually believing the president of the United States has any real impact in a system that allows conglomerates like Coca Cola to lobby with millions of dollars a year to manipulate the law.
Obama hasn't changed a fucking thing. Unemployment is still sky-high. We have an entire generation of competent, educated people fighting for food service positions. Our entire economy is driven by our dependency on oil, which is destroying our oceans. The masses idolize celebrities solely based on net worth, not what for what they contribute to society. We have pop culture icons running for president in the near future for fucks sake. That's how much it really matters.
Yeah, too bad its still being used to excuse the steady erosion of our civil liberties.
Kinda dont wanna see what the next attack is going to be when the "muh 9/11" excuse quits being viable.
But then theres a part of me that just wants this slow asphyxiation of civilization to be done with and just kickstart the apocalypse.
I dont want to be a wore out 70 year old when the world ends.
>Yeah, too bad its still being used to excuse the steady erosion of our civil liberties
Years ago sure but now not so much since people have wizened up
Obama is just another cut throat politician like the rest of them but being the racist you are you worship him over skin colour.
You're fucking stupid to think any politician has your interest in mind.
Fucking meme fag.
what did they mean by this?
>He did get Bin Laden so that's the one truth on the infographic
Obama din't get Bin Laden.
The soldiers did.
Obama just happened to be on presidency when that happened.
Obama din't do shit at all besides making the chimps go chimp out
>ended 2 wars
>Obama din't do shit
Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing. Barack Obama is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make America more like the rest of the world.
That's why he passed Obamacare and the stimulus and Dodd-Frank and the deal with Iran. It is a systematic effort to change America. When I'm president of the United States, we are going to re-embrace all the things that made America the greatest nation in the world and we are going to leave our children with what they deserve: the single greatest nation in the history of the world.
>I had anything whatsoever to do with the market and speculation trading
Stopped reading there
We had idiots try to do Occupy Wallstreet, so make up your minds about the stock market being a pro or con during Obama's years
What FP blunders do you think he's made?
>literally the only president to never have 3% GDP growth in any single year of his presidency
>Also, I put the US in seven different interventions, kept an incredibly unpopular war going on (worse than Vietnam!) aaaaaand by this point, have gone further than W. Bush himself.
wtf i hate fox news now
>and paid for it with several trillion dollars I don't have
The market was shit, and the government bailed them out but the banks didn't stick their dicks out of middle class ass.
Did fox tell you occupy wall street was about people throwing tantrums only for no reason?
you might be too young to remember but there was G.W. BUSH who gave two shits about being president. Obama did over promised but the bush years are over. Here comes the hell hole clinton years vol. 2
He's literally a glorified spokesman.
>Obama over promised
No, he straight up lied about most of his intentions and continues to lie to this day. That's why he struggles to speak without a teleprompter and is a terrible debater. He's not good at making stuff up on the spot. He got elected because he's good at manipulation much like Trump is.
I would say the new Clinton years are far from guaranteed at this point. Clinton sucks at manipulation and Trump's manipulation should not be underestimated, especially with wikileaks' war to expose Clinton's corruption which just plays into Trump's confirmation bias. The real question is if Trump would be more or less dangerous than a corrupt Clinton, to which we can't answer because we don't know Trump
We're literally rolling the dice on him
Rubio? Yes
My money is on "rich autocrat who makes his rich autocrat friends richer."
People seem to forget that he has transformed his name into a brand and even losing the election is going to make him money in the long run.
What does winning a presidential election do to your company's stock prices?
Probably some stuff that makes high powered executives mouths water.
This entire election is shit and america knows it, but they buy into the circus anyway because its all we have left.
>tripled the stock market
What the fuck does this even mean??
>no photos
>no video
>everyone involved mysteriously dies shortly after
>all we have to go on is the media saying "yes this happened"
Take heed that no man deceive you.
Well theres this giant building where you can shop for stocks, and he had them rennovate it 3 times bigger so america can hold 3 times as many stock markets in it.
Osama probably died from kidney failure in some cave.
Is he dead, I think so.
The fact that it just so happened around the time he needed to start claiming the war was over is pretty telling to me.
>Obama personally tripled the stock market
Thanks Obama
So... about that $20trillion increase in government debt?
It's easy to slap everything onto a credit card you don't have to pay back, eh?
I don't think that's a fair analysis. To understand someone, you have to look at their past.
Young Trump seems concerned only with his legacy. He does not seem to give a shit about money. He wants to make a name for himself. thus he builds this brand of himself as you said. This makes sense. If it was about money, he would have sat back quietly in Brooklyn and Queens. Instead he went to make a name for himself in Manhattan where he puts his name in big letters on everything. Categorizing people as either a winner or loser makes sense in this analysis as in his mind, he is either a success or a failure.
If you consider his presidency, his motive would presumable remain making a name for himself. He wants people to remember him. He could do this by Making America Great Again at which point he would be remembered as the best president, by conning the American people with a huge populist message giving him mindless sheep supporters much like Obama did, or by physically altering the landscape (hence the wall). Which one shall he be?
but he actually increased unemployment and the cost for paying welfare via taxes and the cost of medical care for those that can afford it due to 'Obamacare' which is strictly only for dindu's, meaning when one gets hurt, everyone else has to pay their medical bills.