


*stops being a thot*

*thanks you for it*

they're not even good thots too

Good evening /cum/



oops didn't see your redditflags there

Big fan of that post

are you sure about that ;)

*starts thotting again*

*does a cute*

i want a canadian thot

look in the mirror

not liking the attention i'm getting from creeps

*stops being a thot again*

*bans ryan*

>woman on the left is '''''dutch'''''
Who are they trying to fool?

I'm going to the US next week for about 6 days.

Im legally blind, have an anxiety disorder and am scared.

I'm arriving at 9pm and I don't even know what Il do until the next morning when the hotels open.

I'm scared as fuck.

hotels are always open

Check ins are until 8pm aren't they

ni hao im kailan!

i dunno don't see why they wouldn't let you after

Have you bought your bulletproof vest yet?

just used a canadian to reach the bump limit.... like a fucking puppet, so easy

they're open all the time

I feel used :(

>betraying your own people

What will the TSA do to me? Are they ok with white foreigners?
Will they complain about my meds?

canadian pussies belong to BDC

Just do what they ask and you will be fine.

>yells at people for thotposting
>starts lewd posting himself

Where are you headed?

Who's the high IQ on the right

what's happening buds

haven't been here in a while. need a brief summary of the past 3 months of /cum/

nothing interesting

cum died

You need to kill yourself.

i noticed


Out of all of the pathetic posters in /cum/, you are the worst. Kill yourself, proxy faggot.



in all honesty how old are you? seriously, still using kys as an insult? are you 14?


I didn't say kys, I said kill yourself. Kys is ironic but I actually would like for you to kill yourself. It's midnight in Denmark so you're either a pathetic cunt who sits up until 4 AM posting on Sup Forums or you're some faggot Canadian who pretends to be Danish (which is likely the truth).

is going through a 1.75L bottle of 100 proof bourbon a week alone enough to be worried about

what will /cum/ ask santa for xmas

a gf

a new wallet and some jogging clothes


>jogging clothes

..are you a.. g*rl?

World peace

New phone and laptop.
>tfw cracked my S8's screen this Friday

new amp + guitar pickups

stop posting images of women none of us will never get


i want to stop being sick

What's your opinion of bisexual thots?

worse than regular thots

About as worthless as regular thots

Faggot. They're great, especially in pairs.

>getting cucked by a girl
lmaoing at your """"""""life,"""" loser


you've never even held hands, much less been with two girls


+ good fuck
- bad for a serious relationship

i remember this one highschool crush i had. bisexual, of course. i was extremely in love with her. got to become closer to her and kissed several times

6 years later she's now a pansexual extreme antipatriarchy feminist god knows what else

lucky me i never got in a serious relationship with her

You're right. Everyone is an incel just like you.

the fuck is an "incel?" is that some gatekeeper virgin speak?

Not a problem since I've accepted that I myself am bad for serious relationships.
Keep projecting.

What's wrong Norway? You feeling a bad feel?

also a genderfluid*


i sometimes wonder if i could have done something to save him (her) from that awful fate

h-hey, are you perhaps interested in having a mexibf?

no need to project anything wiht you posting your archive of jerk-off pictures and all the >tfw no gf posting here

>permavirgin arguments

Every fucking day

injured my left arm a bit weightlifting a couple days ago
dunno if I should keep lifting anyway or take a day off

>Y-you totally do this thing! I-i'm not projecting!
Alright, man.

my gf send me this

>silly voice and waving hands
another win on my whiteboard

m-muh dick


Congratulations. Go tell your friends about it.

the guy that's telling me to kill myself to kill himself

That would really depend on the nature of your injury, how much you lift, how often you life, and all that. Normally if I hurt myself I skip a day for that group, then on the next day I start slow to test and take it from there. It's normally pretty obvious if you start and your body isn't liking it.

>telling your friends what happens on Sup Forums
you're really out of touch, aren't you?

I hope you wrote this post ironically.

All of my friends post here though.

We're all miserable together.


thoughts on twitch titty streamers?

>legally blind
nigga how are using Sup Forums if u blind lmao

tits are nice

not a fan of twitch streamers

Are you pretending to be an autist who takes everything literally?

not a fan of degeneracy

it's the wrist, I can feel a dull ache and a little pop when I twirl it

i'm turning your brainless sarcasm back on you. I didn't expect you to understand, but maybe you'll catch on now.

>I was merely pretending to be ratarded!

Sure you are, Lehigh. Now I understand why you projected your >tfw no gf posting onto me you pathetic incel. If you're going to try to pretend to be someone else, you should at least wait more than a minute to post again instead of waiting for the post timer to reset.

you're not pretending

they are but they also ruin the gaming experience the site is supposed to provide



i'm not lehigh

Just ignore them, nigger.