Not sure if this is the place to ask, but here it goes, I heavily abused LSD/Psychedelic Mushrooms/Research Chemicals and Ketamine in high school, and now, 2 and a half years later, am looking to join the US Military. Am I just completely disqualified at this point? I was in therapy for unrelated reasons and no one ever knew it happened, will tests show the extent of my drug usage? Is there something else I can dedicate my life too that would accept me?
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but here it goes...
2 and a half years is well past the period where it will show up on tests, assuming you haven't done any since.
Be a preist. Fondle boys. Job security.
No, that shit is long gone from your bloodstream. Mental and physical scars may be giveaways, though.
I did a ton of psychedelics throughout my rigorous mathematics education and always found it strange that young no-brains military types could ever use, but then I remember they are just followers and probably weren't looking for it themselves. Great job trying to enlist though. I wanted to join up but I studied too hard
Haven't touched anything other than the occasianl brew and joint at gatherings (once or twice every 2 months), I'm just worried about how much I used it but I'm also no expert on the subject. I'm physically and mentally sound at this point
Depends if you have a criminal record or not.
On local la-la land, if you have been procecuted for a crime, not just a misdemeanor, you are forbidden from entering armed service.
not sure if donut or innertube
No criminal record, haven't ever even been pulled over for a ticket.
No, I was in the military and did a shitload of psychedelics beforehand too.
Here's the thing: the recruiters are idiots and don't really care about their jobs. They have no way of knowing if you're lying, and they don't really care if you are. In fact, most people in the military would think you're a fucking retard for even thinking about telling them the truth about prior drug use. You're disqualifying yourself for no reason.
Anyway, don't join the infantry. Try to get a chairforce thing instead.
A guy who works in my lab now did a ton of drugs when he was younger, then joined the army and had top secret clearance at some point. He was completely honest when they interviewed him.
Drug testing is a little strange. The harder shit is almost always completely out of your system and undetectable by the next day. Weed though can stay for weeks to months depending on how heavily you use it.
If you have any prospect of needing to pass a drug test in the next month or two, don't touch weed.
Also get your hair cut, in case they go for that test.
Then id say you are free to enter it, if you can pass psych eval and physical evaluation.
>t. mongol falconeer giving advice to burger.
t. failing undergraduate calc
ā€¯Mirror cake" from Russia.
On the first interview, or on the security clearance interview?
Its known that bullshitting even lightly on when you are considered given access to classified information, especially about your more embarrasing habits, has extreme repercussions.
You have nothing to worry about. I've heard people scared of some anecdote where they give you a spinal tap to test for LSD use, that's the most ridiculous bullshit I've ever heard.
When I was drug tested in HS I could pass after stopping smoking only 2 days beforehand, though I'm going to assume the military uses something of higher quality than that, no problem though, I rarely smoke and have no problems stopping completely.
you'll be perfect for the military if you're retarded enough to think those drugs might show up on a test 2.5 years later, you're good to go brah
Don't risk it. The tests get better all the time.
Also I was serious about the haircut. The hair test can detect drug use going back a year (or until the last time you cat your hair).
>will tests show the extent of my usage?
Are you retarded or something?
Also what research chemicals senpai?
Depends. Be honest with your recruiter though. If you are motivated and willing they will do everything they possibly can to help you out and tell you exactly what to do and not do to get in
SOF or bust,only thing
worthwhile right now
SEALs are probably the best choice
0321's probably fall close behind
Rangers if you want to guard stuff while real SOF takes care of thangz.
Us army special forces if you wanna teach illiterate pedophiles basic soldiering.
USAF PJ if you wanna be a cold blooded killer doctor
>inb4 what the fuck did you just say
Even SEALs are just human.Just in shape men who know what they are doing,and proud of it.
Go for it broski
No, just not well versed in the subject, and the usual suspects, 2C-i, 2C-x, DO-x, LSA, etc.
You're probably stupid enough for the military considering this post. Go for it.
What you don't tell them, they won't know.
Any ideas on if there might a good place for me?
>23 with a BS in CS next year
>regretting not having done AFROTC
>much rather do military than help Facebook or some shit develop the next Candy Crush
a friend of mine applied to military while high off his ass on weed and not only did they accept him, but they put him in a pretty big deal/top secret job.
He has since done a 180, but told me there are posts hes capable of, but wont apply for because of polygraph tests required for the post.
he told me to just say you did weed once and it wasnt for you and youll at least get into grunt level military. work your way up from there.
Just keep your mouth shut at the recruiting office and in boot camp. I was in the same position; heavy into the Arizona rave scene and did every psychedelic under the sun. I joined the Navy because I knew I was going nowhere, did one enlistment, separated, and just finished my bachelor's in computer science now that my head is clear. I'm technically a disabled veteran because of a back injury so they're going to pay for my Master's Degree through a program called vocational rehab. Just join, it's cheaper and more effective than rehab and will give you time to think about how much of a fuck-up you are and what you need to do to turn your life around.