One of the greatest Swedish chess players ever:
Say sorry.
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Sup Forums goys btfo!
Race != Intelligence you dumb goys!
>most Swedish fucking name in the world
>is an adopted Colombian
Good for him though
mate i think they shipped him from nigeria to colombia before he was adopted
Yes goy, please continue considering him to be a welcome fellow patriot :')
Maybe you can let one of your got sisters mate with him? Please got, for diversity's sake :')
fucking (((Google))) autocorrect
It's called congolombia for a reason user. They have a lot of black people there.
How old are you kid?
>phoneposting shitposter
>makes fun of a swede
>is from denmark
n o s e l f r e f l e c t i on
Yes goy, please continue White infighting...
how does it feel to be inbread user?
Good for him in all honesty.
Yes YES goys, it's very good that a reproductive age non-White male is walking freely among your women!
let me guess, you're like 14 and a friendless virgin who lowkey browses /r9k/ and Sup Forums during class at your local high school and has never actually spoken to a real girl? i'm right, ain't i?
Stop being racist goy! Non-Whites are not lesser than you just because they marry their first-cousins! You should be in prison for hate speech goy!
Yeah goy, your enemy are your fellow White Europeans who don't partake in degenerat-, oops, exciting activities like pre-marriage sex and race mixing.
Have you found a black man for your sister yet, goy? Hurry up while she is still fertile.
he is not swedish
If his passport says Swedish then for all intensive purposes he is Swedish
Why do you hate Jews and diversity?!
Remember goy: Russia is your enemy and Israel is your friend!!!
to be swedish you have to be white
sorry moshe i will not do it again
>for all intensive purposes
Not at all, you have to be culturally and legally Swedish
and racially
black cant be swede just like i cant be korean
Nope a pole and a swede look the same but a pole can't be a swede because he isn't culturally Swedish. Otherwise Swedish Americans are more Swedish than people born in Sweden
Yes you can, if you add culturally and legally Korean you are a Korean
As long has he was raised with Swedish values, has Swedish parents and actually is a productive member of our society he's a swede in book.
>If his passport says Swedish
Yes goys, a piece of paper is stronger than 100,000+ years of White evolution and bloodline!
It quite literally is. Blood doesn't protect you in cases of conflict, your papers do
Does this mean if a Briton or Latvian emigrated to Sweden and acquired citizenship it would make him/her ethnically Swedish?
no i cant, Koreans are born
You could but you aren't. If you were born and raised there and had Korean papers then you would be a Korean by definition
Of course not. You can't change your ethnicity.
Can you believe people are THIS over 1 (one) single black man being both smart and living in a nordic country ?
Also plz dencuck plz take a pic of yourself and post it
i would have Korean citizenship and thats it, i would not meet most important criteria- being Korean ethnicity
i cant believe there is nigger posting under french flag
nvm i can actually 100% believe that
Not at all, if you had a Korean upbringing you would be a Korean in mind and anytime you interact with other Koreans they would know you are a Korean. This is why Korean Americans have little in common with actual Koreans
no i would not you retard, being Korean means living in Korean culture and being of Korean ethnicity, we have 3rd generation Vietnamese living in Slovakia and nobody calls them Slovaks
hahaha uuuuuummm ok :) *walks away*
This example assumes a large racial contrast intentionally, put a Slovakian in Australia, Canada or Hungary and he'll be considered a national of those countries but with Slovakian roots after some time.
good argument Mtongo, you are not French either
But I am correct. Just because your backwards mountain village still believes race is more important than culture doesn't change the fact that those "Viets" aren't Slovak doesn't change the fact that they indeed are
I already have traceable genetics from every other European nation just like every other European maybe Finns are example
you are not correct, you are just new world mongrel who cant grasp concept of culture being tied to ethnicity, those Viets dont consider themselves Slovaks, we dont consider them to be Slovaks either, its same in all of Eastern Europe and Asia
>I already have traceable genetics from every other European nation
This is not the best argument because partial ancestry would never be accepted as a criterion for mulatto claim to white heritage. The problem in your argument is that you want a system exclusively built on external phenotype similar to yours
If someone assumes a more specific definition for European anywhere, Slovaks would be barred from being considering compatriots. If tomorrow someone subjugated any territory and it was populated with a different race your claim would vanish
It really isn't about intelligence. That's a factor, for sure, but personality and overall demeanour are far more important.
There are 120+ IQ Africans studying at Oxford who are just as obnoxious and shallow as the rest of their kin. That's not a perfect example because many European city-folk adopt the same behaviours, but my point is that these negative (from our perspective) behaviours are all but universal among Africans.
>those Viets dont consider themselves Slovaks, we dont consider them to be Slovaks either
the reality is they would not be accepted in Vietnam because they have only lived in Slovakia, it doesn't matter what they or anyone else thinks, you are influenced by the culture of the place you live more than anything else
Irish Americans aren't Irish, Mexican Americans aren't Mexican, etc. they just think they are
But that's the problem, they would consider themselves Slovak if the environment wasn't as hostile. If they leave the country they would have more in common with fellow Slovaks only cementing that they are indeed Slovaks
State is not same as blood
yeah and if 750 IQ aliens land tomorrow we are all fucked regardless, what-ifs are pointless to talk about
its not about phenotype, there is genetic cluster that only Europeans are part of
i dont give a fuck about americans or american irish or any of that shit, they are not Slovaks and never will be, blood is not water is very common saying here
there is no hostile enviroment, Viets are most liked nation, more than Czechs or Poles, but neither us or them is delusional enough to believe Asian could ever be Slovak
>i dont give a fuck about americans or american irish or any of that shit, they are not Slovaks and never will be, blood is not water is very common saying here
But they are, and you're retarded
You're getting hostile because you subconsciously know that I'm right. Because they are essentially Slovak more so than Czechs or Poles it means that they are Slovak or even more so than you are
>Peak rating: 2515 (October 2008)
Oh wow, it's fucking nothing
Also, kill yourself, phoneposter.
whats your rating
lul, so not us, people who live here for thousand years, and not Viets, who immigrate here get to decide if they are Slovaks or not, but retarded American who was never even here, you need to realise there is world outside of your capitalistic shithole, Slovakia is ethno nationalistic state
im not getting hostile, im acting like i always do when i encounter retards, you are free in USA to call niggers and every other scum as your equals, we wont do that shit here
>Because they are essentially Slovak more so than Czechs or Poles it means that they are Slovak or even more so than you are
this sentence makes no sense, asians cant be slovaks
I have no idea about chess ratings, I wanted it as a comparision
>genetic cluster
Define the limits of that cluster or it will go all the way to North Africa and India.
How much German blood should a Slovak have for instance to find full acceptance in Germany as a national, ethnically, nationally, same-same?
So we're supposed to assume that you're as good as 2516 in evaluating him?
Unlike the negroid subhuman we don't spend our life memorizing chess moves and positions.
The best non-White chess player ever is not even in the top 25.
When will libcucks realize that Whites are the most intelligent race?
Really, wasn't Viswanathan Anand the number 1 before Magnus, and by we do you mean you possess the capacity to beat him innately by being white?
Are you even Danish? You type like an american who gets fed his news from Sup Forums
Kek indians, azeris japs, armenians and jews are white now?
*checks most intelligent race*
*sees ashkenazi jews are recognized as the smartest in almost all studies*
so much for that
Yes they can and I'm sure many would consider themselves Slovak if the people weren't so hostile to them. They are Slovak because any time they leave the country they will always compare to Slovakia
Yes but the reason countries like the us, australia, canada and postww2 germany are so successful is because of immigration based on skill
>top 25
Lol out the top 12 7 are non white
Bunch of horseshit giving the credit to such an extreme minority like the "skilled immigrants" arriving to germany after ww2. It helped but Germany would have been succesful anyhow
>How much German blood should a Slovak have for instance to find full acceptance in Germany as a national, ethnically, nationally, same-same?
This is typically handled by looking at the parents. It's a combination of blood and culture.
There are two points to consider when it comes to mulattos. First, Europeans tend to be similar enough in demeanour that they are highly culturally compatible, whereas non-Europeans tend to be explicitly incompatible. Second, mulattos almost always exhibit more phenotypical features from their non-European parent as well as identify more strongly with their non-European parent's culture.
Whole east germany migrated to germany shitlord
As a White man I'm genetically superior to even the most genius non-Whites because their offspring will (over a historic time period) regress to their race's genetically determined inferior mean.
My descendants can (over a historic time period) attain genius-level intelligence.
It's all genetically determined. This is why White bloodlines are more important than passports
So how we look and how much we share in tradition should determine the distribution of nationalities across the earth? History shows that's not always the case in determining national borders, cultural differences actually working against similar ethnicities
angsty virgin telling me what his descendants are going to do, how can you even reply to this
keep believing fella
What if your family's bloodline is dumber than the average whites?
>Whole east germany migrated to germany shitlord
>It's another soulless new world mongrel consumer gets angry at a European for not accepting his diluted definition of nationality and culture
>Italian calling anyone else a mongrel
It won't change anything.
There is a clear genetic distinction between White people and non-Whites.
Weak and it's not him, most ITT want to find out how much blood plays into statehood across any span of time, how you would legally represent blood
>how we look
The key word in my post was "demeanour". Genes determine much deeper things about us than our appearance, although appearance isn't irrelevant. Look at twin adoption studies if you want proof.
>History shows that's not always the case
No, but those were either exceptions to the rule or imperial conquest. Conquest obviously being quite far from an ideal state of co-existence, hence the need for the original borders in the first place.
>cultural differences actually working against similar ethnicities
These conflicts were usually because of the rulers at the time and not actual cultural difference. Germany and Ukraine/Russia come to mind.
But your most successful scientist Bohr was Ashkenazi Jew from a prestigious family
What if we're pack animals and similarities in appearance foster coexistence. What you're looking for is our evolutionary link called the hindbrain
So differences in ruling factions don't stem from culture? A bit tenuous. Japan fought Korea and China on the same principle. The Balkans. South India. Latin America.
>could form global hyperstate with micro-regionalism
>instead wants some legal construct founded by a robber baron
the fuck are you talking about?
So, Nakamura, Anand, and Giri makes 4. Even if you want to include the Caucasians (Aronian and Mamedyarov, who actually look pretty white), that's 6, so I have no clue how you came up with 7.
he's a philipino
Who are you replying to?
I know, look at the very first name I mentionned in my list.
>One of the greatest Swedish chess players ever:
How many greats do they have?
>hah, caught one
Is a fucking kike.
Kikes can never be White.
You know if you really want to get Denmark rangebanned you can just start spamming cuck porn, right?
>spamming cuck porn
Sorry I don't partake in jewish approved activities.
What are your personal views on pigfucking and the Danish laxity on bestiality?
>we're pack animals and similarities in appearance foster coexistence
Yeah that's why I said it isn't irrelevant. There are some instincts in us that we can't fight.
>So differences in ruling factions don't stem from culture? A bit tenuous.
You might be right there, I don't know enough about history to discuss that in depth. I think we're getting a bit specific though. The differences that exist between the typical "cultural groups" in the world are significant. The only place I know of them being somewhat overcome is in the US, but even there they have prevalent race issues. The country's history is also a factor of course, but it seems to me like it's just a justification for the animosity these days, rather than the cause.
Ah yes, where everyone can vote but there's no consensus beyond what the mass media publishes so nothing ever changes. Just like America.
youd sacrifice your firstborn to live in the us lmao
>There are some instincts in us that we can't fight.
Any progress in society has been the suppression of instinct with rationality. We've defeated incest, senseless murder and the need to walk around nude
Big cultural groups of similar behaviour are basically assimilation and integration programmes people here are calling for
I actually had a claim to US citizenship but I declined and got a European ancestral one instead.
>Any progress in society has been the suppression of instinct
Nah that's not true at all. Most of our advancements have been in line with our biological imperatives. i.e. Protecting our families, securing our children's futures, making ourselves more comfortable and so on.
>Big cultural groups of similar behaviour are basically assimilation and integration programmes
All the ones which exist are also racial groups though, albeit loosely defined ones.
ps: come home
Very good response, even though it's a bit worrying to think that instinctual behaviour would dictate our rationality
>mfw nogs can't even beat us on shit we don't even give a fuck about