Guys listen.
I have the best ide
guys listen
I have the best idea ever
I'll vote for TRUMP
I'll vote for TRUMP
guys listen here
I'll vote for a TV celebrity... over a well prepared female candidate
Guys listen.
I have the best ide
guys listen
I have the best idea ever
I'll vote for TRUMP
I'll vote for TRUMP
guys listen here
I'll vote for a TV celebrity... over a well prepared female candidate
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off Shill Nigger
>well prepared
Is this a new meme?
Fuck off Taco Bowl.
Build Taco Wall.
She has all this background knowledge but nah
she's a fucking crocked shillary bengazhi bitch
all we need is a TV star with zero knowledge in politics, that guy might totally solve everything out
KKK and white pride all the way in blood brothers
What could possibly go wrong with repeating the whole NAZI historical thingie?
Oh no, if Hillary wins, murricah will be totally doomed because she will do this;
"well prepared"
please name one significant thing she achieved as Secretary of State
Not doing anything radical that might endanger USA and its economy
>mexican intellectuals
itt: autistic spic
>well prepared
>she's a fucking crocked shillary bengazhi bitch
Hillary is involved in a plethora of scandels and shady shit. Trusting her with the presidency would only allow more to go under the radar at the cost of more human suffering.
>all we need is a TV star with zero knowledge in politics, that guy might totally solve everything out
The TV / entertainmen business was just another good investment. Compared to the rest of the businesses he owns, his financial understanding far overwhelms his TV personality.
>KKK and white pride all the way in blood brothers
>What could possibly go wrong with repeating the whole NAZI historical thingie?
Oh yeah, I remember the whole speech about putting Muslims in gas chambers.
please fucking off yourself spic monkey
>I have the best ide
I have a better one -- November.
>not smoking newports
Exactly, no one knows, so she'll get away with it, just like everything else she did. Trump's an idiot but he won't manage to do shit.
>not doing anything radical
>middle east
obama had shit for experience too
trump is at least a successful businessman
How many pesos are you being payed to shill for the hill?
> a well prepared
hmm indeed.
fuck trump
I'm doing this for free
it should save me all those possible future wall bills I am not willing to fucking pay
>well prepared female candidate
>Implying celebrity status matters
>forgetting Reagan was an actor
>Buying into the Hillary is fit for president meme
Holy shit paco, really? Your food is amazing but you guys are dumb as balls.
Then I guess you won't complain when Kanye West runs on the next term
Who'd have Kanye Guessed, but I would feel some Kanye Zest as long as Kanye West tried his Kanye Best. desu i would be be Kanye Impressed. Why would you Kanye Suggest that this is something we would Kanye Detest?
>Mexican intellectuals