>Man tries to murder innocent visitors to music festival.
>BBC headline
He's not the victim here FFS.
>Man tries to murder innocent visitors to music festival.
>BBC headline
He's not the victim here FFS.
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Stop making it out to be about him. What about the people he wanted to kill?
like the german media says, the guy is just the presumed perpetrator, who even knows who the real culprit was?
and don't call him islamist you shitlords, he only comitted suicide (presumedly). And why is it his fault 12 intolerant white people were standing around him?
>German blast
You shooped these headlines, right?
Please tell me these are fake.
Kek. The Germans are fucked. It's actually getting pretty funny. I feel sorry for the French but for some reason when shit goes down in Sweden and Germany, I can't help but smile.
Yeah the german government is trying to spin it as suicide. Fucking Merkel NEEDS TO GO KRAUTS
>Announcement Video
>Campaign Website:
>David's Website (Not campaign specific):
>Youtube Account:
>David Duke vs. Alex Jones
>David Duke vs. The Young Turks
Narrative collapse.
They changed it but that was the original headline
This can't be fucking real
nope it's real
I was getting pretty worked up about how Europe is fucking its own citizens but this is pretty funny now. It's like some kind of comedy IRL.
I'm done laughing. I have gotten to the point that an attack in Europe needs double digit deaths before I give a shit. I look at the news and I think, "Big whup, shit blows up in (insert European country) all the time." , which is pretty dangerous because I know I'm not the only one. This problem can grow without us noticing for a while.
CNN doing its part (albeit not as bad):
No mention of the fact that he was a refugee, just that he was a "Syrian national".
Yep. White apathy truly is a beautiful thing.
It sure is. /:'=(