Largely Unknown

Who remembers Rom? Also, what was that comic/novel about the skeleton astronauts?

Rom is rad


He's not unknown anymore, since his comic just came out on FCBD and he's getting an ongoing in July.

Sweet. He needs more exposure to the public

ROM is boss.

Isn't IDW doing a spaceknight comic?

him, Shang Chi, Ka-Zar, the X-men, and Warlord were my dad's favorites.

what does that say about my dad?

You realize he's back, right?



Yeah I remembered ROM. I kept saying that ROM was the perfect candidate to rescue Richard Rider.

Fuck. So, what, did they finally get tired of clutching those rights or what?

Why should I care about Rom's return? Marvel owns everything that made the character interesting.

ROM was fucking awesome, and Micronauts, believe it or not, was even better.



IDW can use Dire Wraiths and SpaceKnights but they can't make them look like the ones in Marvel also Dire Wraiths don't go to limbo when they die anymore because Limbo is a place in the Marvel Comics.

But Galador, Wraithworld, etc... that's still Hasbro.

>But Galador, Wraithworld, etc... that's still Hasbro.
You mean Marvel.

They'll probably just rename everything.

He grew up in the 70s.

Is this the character idw is doing a varient covers for each of there comics to celebrate his new ongoing

>Limbo is a place in the Marvel Comics
Why would that matter? The concept of Limbo can't be copyrighted.

>Wraiths don't go to limbo when they die anymore because Limbo is a place in the Marvel Comics.
I've never read ROM but I'm pretty sure you can't copyright the concept of limbo

OK seems it's only some comics
I can't decide which I like best between all in 1 2 or friends forever 30.

>friends forever

Are you on the right board?

ROM got some other name, and they later killed him in the Marvel comics by blowing up his ship. Between the end of his comic and now he got ONE appearance in human form during Rick Jones' wedding. That was it.

We won;t be seeing him ever again in Marvel comics

While thats true, can Marvel still have a copyright on their particular version? Aesthetics, background, etc?

So while IDW COULD have a LImbo, it probably couldn't be like Marvel's

It's a very good cover
The other pony comics ROM varient is pretty bland though.

ROM motherfucker!

Venom ain't no space Knight!

What's marvels limbo like it would have to be something pretty out there and unusual to hold up in court

Whenever I see a ROM thread I just want to shout "ROM!" Somehow this articulates my feelings about the matter.

I think it's that his unflinching cold chivalry seems kind of badass.

I wish they had kept truer to his original design

Hasbro had a ROM toy proposed for their Transformers Bot Shots lineup before the line was cancelled. It would have only been a silver redeco of the Cindersaur though