Been away from Sup Forums lately ... what the fuck did you guys do to easter frog? what the fuck is a "groyper"? etc

been away from Sup Forums lately ... what the fuck did you guys do to easter frog? what the fuck is a "groyper"? etc

Other urls found in this thread:

Easter frog? Is this misappropriation of groyper some sort of meme?

What the fuck is "easter frog"? He has always been groyper

A misnomer?

is this bait? again, long time since I've browsed Sup Forums
>it's actually real

This is cultural appropiation and this is NOT OK!

>fatter version
how rude

What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck not one mention of easter kill me

>The exact origins of the meme are murky. There are a number of threads on Sup Forums and Reddit accusing Groyper fans of stealing the image of the Easter Toad—which is what the meme is more commonly called in Australia, according to Sommer—from Sup Forums’s international board.

>doubting the soy-nu-media's capabilities to reach new lows

easter toad

It's the same thing calling wojak "feels guy"


it is not
that would be equivalent to am*ricans calling easter toad unknown holiday toad

this is revenge for the amerimutt meme, isn't it?


electoral votes?

A certain poorly written article?

This is what has been said before. The Amerigoblin started a fight against Easter the toad. Americans want to destroy anything related to Easter.


Conclusive proof he is "Easter" not """""Groyper"""""

>r*ddit takes it upon themselves to defend Sup Forums out of nowhere
t-thanks, I guess

Someone had to do it.

>more racist
You what, niggers? He just fucking wants to spend his God damned (vice-versa actually) holyday with fucking brown Americans aso he is curious why don't they celebrate it for fuck's sake. Jesus, are you people out of your mind? Easter Toad is The Tolerance.
archived version because Slate doesn't deserve money for this garbage you dumb fag

WTF, I love reddit now.

A certain misappropriation of a certain festive frog perhaps?

based reddit defeats alt-r*ght dogs


Where did the name groyper even come from?

>Sup Forums now defends reddit as well
Is this board hellbent on being the most contrarian and antagonising board on the site for the sole purpose of pissing everyone else off?

Journalism in 2017

>that was the joke

>Sup Forums now is reddit

Certain tribe behind this perhaps?

Un resureccion?


>he hasnt realized that Sup Forums has become the same as reddit, same users and everything
>they still vehemently pretend NOT to be reddit

That just means all the fags who see """"Groyper"""" will go shit up Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums, which is a good thing.

whenever I see an apu, I subconsciously imagine the poster being finnish. it makes the posts seem cuter even if they're actually kinda rotten

I would browse reddit if:

-wasn't such a bloated site and you could understand what's happening;
-moderation wasn't so tyrannical and arbitrary

It was used many times before people on Sup Forums started calling it Easter Toad

the layout is so fucking weird. why make put things rated the highest on the top? it makes it harder to follow the conversation

It's pretty funny that at one point 99% of groypers were made by one severely autistic Australian. I wonder what his percentage is now

No, cos the Groyper name was given by one guy a few months back

It's to promote the good comments so you don't have to read the trash. It has benefits and negatives, like the circlejerky nature it promotes

Absolute fucking lies

Easter toad is a reddit thing.

for me, every mildly popular post is just a wall of deleted comments and coop puns + a bunch of numbers I don't understand the function of

Little do they know he is actually a symbol for monarchism


I would rather be reddit than Sup Forums; at least you can use it as a conversation starting point to get some le nerdy girl pussy

No, he was always Sup Forums, but stolen by Sup Forums and """renamed""" Groyper. It's not that hard to understand.

you need to go back, faggot

>he considers himself as a "true 4channer"
>he doesn't know the truth
This could hurt your feelings, but I have to tell you this secret: Reddit and Sup Forums share the same users.

>No, he was always Sup Forums
Kek. How fucking deluded are you?

yes, because you won't leave

there are no groypers on Sup Forums. they don't even know what the meme is.

But it was Sup Forums that invented the name.

I can't use it

want to teach me honey?

What secret?
That you're a retard who plucks assumptions out of thin air?
Nice secret

Yeah, but it was those turds that creep around Sup Forums looking for stuff to be offended about that made it a thing.

Then Sup Forums started crying about it

that is wrong as well.

>he pretends that r*ddits layout is confusing
you see, r*dditors have that excuse when it comes to Sup Forums, but it doesn't work the other way around. their website is understandable to anyone that used to browse old hobby forums. an image board layout is unique to itself and has to be learned separately.

This is the earliest record of Groyper being used on Sup Forums

Groyperfags BTFO

Oh yes. Keep complaining. That sure will teach them, right? The more you complain, the more they will leave.
The feelings have been hurt.

>feelings have been hurt
By what? The fact that you go on reddit?
Kill yourself my man

>getting your facts from KnowYourMeme

Groyper was a twitter account long before that post ever happened.

>having a difficult to understand layout is a good thing
>muh secret club

yeah, reddit's is WAY harder but that's not a good thing


I'm not saying you're wrong. But if we're talking on Sup Forums, then that is it.

Tbf, calling it Easter Toad is utter fucking bullshit as well, cos no one outside of Sup Forums calls it that and it was a things long before the spackers on here did that.

>long before
Try 2 months.

He was always Groyper.
Sup Forums is just such a self contained shithole that you had no idea

You have to go back.


eat shit cunt

Try 2 years. He has had multiple accounts. 3 of which were suspended.

Fuck off back to T_D Sup Forumstard.

Just when you think the scramble to implicate everything in the alt-right is over...

>"fuck off back 2 reddit, Sup Forums user!"

Hello reddít

You first sweetie

>implying they are mutually exclusive
wew lad


>The exact origins of the meme are murky. There are a number of threads on Sup Forums and Reddit accusing Groyper fans of stealing the image of the Easter Toad—which is what the meme is more commonly called in Australia, according to Sommer—from Sup Forums’s international board.


Upvoted xD

I'm a frog. And if you're a Sup Forumstard there's a 90% chance you came from reddit, which is why you should go back.

Calm down redditor

well then, hello plebbit!

Why does telling a redditor to go back to T_D mean I'm a redditor too , redditor ?


Who is Sommer?

>There are a number of threads on Sup Forums and Reddit accusing Groyper fans of stealing the image of the Easter Toad—which is what the meme is more commonly called in Australia, according to Sommer—from Sup Forums’s international board.

>explain this website to me
Sorry reddit, you're out of your depth.

because sending people to reddit is a very reddit thing to do, reddit

Ta gueule redditeur, retourne là-bas.
>not from reddit
You have to go back, redditor

I really doubt a subreddit with 12 people used exclusively by people it was linked to on Sup Forums should even be considered part of rebbit.

Everyone tweet it at Slate. If it gets trending you bet your asses they'll jump on it.

many of them are newfags who took shelter on Sup Forums after the backlash their flags received in Sup Forums (for example mexican flags are the most bullied and theyre easily butthurt, cant stomach insults). thats why there has been a surge against Sup Forums, which is ironically also ruined by plebit. theyre ruining the whole site.