Fuck it...
W-w-we m-must secure the exist... existence of... *gulp*
It's ok goyim, yellows are honorary whites
I'd fuck any race.
I'd only breed with other whites though.
always knew that hitler guy was controlled opposition
>but user, don't you like white wimin?
please tell me that's a female.
This. Asians, and dare I say indians, are honorary whites.
> the wh-wh-wh-whit...
>le epic eurasian master race maymay
This is an S in burgerland.
Nothing in the 14 words says we can't whiten up the Asian population.
I've grown up in burger land to understand that that my sir is a landwhale. If she isn't one already, wait in a couple years.
Big boobs = 300 lb landwhale in near future
>That #7
Name of this fluid druid?
Not into Asians... But... All your Latinas are belong to me.
They were in South Africa and allied to Germany in WW2
>pic related Jap version of Me 262
Passing up prime Asian pussy because of stormcuckery is full retard
They even make better wives
Inb4 assroasted stormcucks
On honorary aryans:
While only certain Jewish individuals were granted the status, the term was ascribed to the entire Japanese people. Adolf Hitler bestowed the title upon the Japanese following the Anti-Comintern Pact on Communism (signed in 1936), and it seemed that they were granted the status not simply for economic, military, or political reasons, but more so because of their racial integrity. In The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler, Hitler stated,
Pride in one's own race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.
I personally don't give a shit about racemixing unless it's with blacks or jews. The reason I don't like mixed blacks is because I think they look ugly and the mom is usually a coal burner.
Or a hugely fat white trailer dweller with a 4th grade education.
muh dik
who is this boner condoner?
You get the point.
Asians are boring to me.
Nice granny panties by the way, really sexy shit.
>tons of plastic surgeries
>bleach her skin
>bleach her hair
>still ugly
dem granny panties outline
>judging her underwear instead of wanting to lick her ass
Wanna know how I know you're a faggot? Bet you find lots of women "boring" until they promise to peg you.
Me in the picture...
Wearing normal underwear is not uncool. You'd better a fag or swear to God this generation is fucked.
moar of this girl?
Shit it looked like Tila
Negress are growing red pilled.
>The same deluded talking points of the brain dead ideologues
Surely you'll post the proof
Open your fucking eyes gook. Oh wait.
Should be bleaching the non Whites lad. Of course breed plenty of Aryans too.
Her ass matches her panties. Boring and belongs on a grandmother.
Yellow fever fags are always betas. Always.
Disgusting. Germany truly is beyond repair.
It's time to rev up those bombers again lads.
It's funny because you chose to fight off the hun invasion, yet bent over, widened your asscheeks and took the brown people in with a smile and a jaunty whistle.
Oh frig off milo get your ass rammed by more black cocks and lurkmoar faggot
Leo cucked Chris Brown.
Oh that's all too fucking funny.
>W-w-we m-must secure the exist... existence of... *gulp*
reddit faggot get out
also it's just an ass.. get some self control, faggot
she barely has any feminine features and her face is ugly. i suspect you're obsessed with her because she looks in the camera and moves her body in music videos, mimicking sexual interaction with a real girl in your mind.
Has Trudeau introduced mandatory bull-prepping yet, leaf?
Little Montenegro! I lift up the words of your post and nod at them—with my smile. The smile comprehends Montenegro’s troubled history and sympathizes with the brave struggles of the Montenegrin people. It appreciates fully the chain of national circumstances which had elicited this tribute from Montenegro’s warm little heart.
Is this the artist that makes wikihow pictures?
>all woman prefer non-black men(white, Hispanic, Italian)
I fucking giggled
>you're obsessed with her
Ya got me Dr leaf. I am now a #GookNuke
Flat asses and faces all the way. Ordering a chink on ebay now.
It's been a while since I've had to open this folder
Nothing that hasn't already been instituted into your way of life since Blair. Have you gotten your cutlery license yet?
My N-haplogroup Y-chromosone is right at home inside that womb.
It's so big its disgusting.
Big tits are nice,not Gmo unnatural unhuman tits
I dont like chinks I'm just saying. of all the women you could pick on the internet, you pick a 6/10 black singer.
I am Hispanic and all I can tell you, white bois, is that Latinas/Hispanic girls will get fat after the first child if not second.
Look at their mom. That is how she most likely end up.
Also, Latinas shrink real quick.
You're deluded, neckbeard.
>and dare I say indians, are honorary whites.
Poo in Loos should be stripped of that title.
Marshall Mathers.
9/10 spics are self hating spics that exceed beyond any level of thirst for white women. this guys a good example
Northern asians look bretty white doe. So does some of the Iranians, but most of them are fucking arab rapebabies.
You can literally survive on her milk alone.
>northern indians
> Leo cucking Chris Brown
As if I needed more reasons to love him after Wolf of Wall Street.
shes not fat. if that's all it takes for you, congrats.
Many asians aren't degenerate. Japanese are a decent race. Chinese have potential if they were educated better and worked on their treatment of animals. I think asians have a place in a white utopia. I know most skinheads disagree but I think they are ok.
Good enough for Hitler good enough for me.