What is her end game?
What is her end game?
A date with George Soros?
She just wants to watch the world burn.
Someone post her big sexy titties
She has no endgame she is nothing but a pawn for the globalists positioning germany to take the hit if shit should go wrong
migrantzoned again
She currently leads the 4th Reich under the guise of the EU. The 4th Reich is truly evil unlike the previous Reich
>implying the third reich was evil
summertime folks
She doesn't have one. She just drifts according to her emotions and ideological program.
White genocide in Europe, as specifically outlined in the Koudenhove-Kalergi plan.
And Yes, Angela (Angel of death) Merkel has accepted the "Koudenhove award for integration in Europe" along with other Koudenhove globalists who run the EU.
Drinking urine and eating shit. Germans are by default degenerate scat fetishists.
Comfy retirement somewhere nice with her husband.
You filthy goyim deserve worse than a "genocide" (which is really just you refusing to have children like the soulless beasts you are)
I fucking loathe you sick insects who can cry about US after what YOU put us through. YOU started this. We're gonna end it
Importing voters for next elections, Angela mutti isn't retarded. To stay in power forever of course.
crashing this continent with no survivors
>implying young Hitler reincarnated is not currently approx. 20 years old and gearing up to finish y'all off
crashing europe with no survivors
Correct answer. She's dumb, emotion driven and thinks she's helping