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The zionists and leftists want to destroy the genetics that can produce pure white women like her.
Did you find out who she is?
Still a bit groggy from my nap, maybe I slept too long..
Is she the queen of Sup Forums?
No it will trigger leftists and zionists too much to see a pure white woman.
>Nah apparently the show is call Museum Rescue and they do up old museums
That's a good show desu
How different are the baltic countries?
Lithuania and Latvia not so much (languages aside), Bestonia is more similiar with Finland than anything
>Bestonia is more similiar with Finland than anything
are they KHANs too?
They were the original Khan (part of their people migrated to Finland 3000 years ago to forming the main bulk of finnish people)
What did you mean by this?
Double Triple A rating
What does that mean?
does anybody have the beautiful contestants at lower ages and the italian girl is 30 and is the prettiest?
Dude I have better english than you and I am not even american
im not native english. i am from india.
>i am from india
It's good to meet the average american.
I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out an' out
I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out an' out
Just finished work and I was paid cash under the table which is great, now I've got a nice $120 in my wallet from today, what do you boys reckon I should get? I was thinking maybe a bottle of Bourbon
paypal them to me
Bro as a cuckold I can tell you it has nothing to do with that. I just love seeing a tight white pussy get defiled by thick veiny black cock. It's just something that gets me off about the hot pure milky white woman getting defiled by a pitch black penis, if you know what I mean?
Sent :^)
>I was paid cash under the table
*reports you to the IRD*
Whats up with you people and not paying tax!
But I am paying tax, when I go and buy something with the money I'll pay tax on that, I don't see why I have to be taxed twice
tax evasion is not okay
would you rather see our country in ruin?
With Labour in power that's going to happen whether I pay tax or not
Quite literally anything is better than the blue cancer
At least the blues didn't spend my tax money on disgusting poor people
You're right, they'd much rather spend it on prisons and dairy farmers.
Hey we need them to keep the darkies off the streets
I'd rather have the spooks hidden away in south auckland on the piss then be pointlessly locked away living off my tax money.
>Winston peters defends china's lack of human rights
Now THIS I did not expect
They should just fence off South Auckland and put all the criminals in there
>They should just fence off South Auckland and put all the criminals in there
So just fence off South Auckland?
Pretty much, and maybe put cameras all round the place so people could watch
Chuck in a pack of durries and a box of doublebrown every so often and watch them fight to the death.
We could make it pay per view on sky, and you could donate money to your favorite "participant" to get them new weapons and prizes.
Just hopped in shower
show penis now
I would pay good money for this
Are you just jealous that he doesn't have to bring a chair into the shower
>that he doesn't have to bring a chair into the shower
I'll have you know that my current shower is big enough for me to sit on the floor!
But know that I think about... I would quite like a chair.
You know it bro
Yeah fuck having a social life am I right
>Yeah fuck having a social life am I right
If you had one, you wouldn't be posting yourself naked right now
I took that on Snapchat, you guys got it second
The point still stands, I could do that right now if I wanted to but I'm not on that level of cringe.
I'm almost home guy's please don't forget I exist.
it was pretty funny
Unfortunately for me I don't have all my Grindr dates added on snapchat
Wow, slut
I-I'm home. Are people still here?
I terminated a French woman's account for trying to store drug money overseas which was pretty fun.
>using grindr
>trying to store drug money overseas
leave the druggies alone!
go target some cubans or something
no u
Heyo matey
no u
Not posting my wife Aya thankyou
B-but drugs are bad desu.
You're gf is cute.
She's my wife, get your own
Have a good day?
Gross music.
My day was alright. Nothing too unusual happened except I accidentally brought up a programming socks meme on my computer with my co-worker around. I told him girls wore them and he laughed so I saved my skin.
>I told him girls wore them
This is a lot better desu.
Y-yeh, girls heh heh.
this is one exception don't delude yourself
Did ya get yourself a bottle buddy?
Don't encourage underage drinking!
Yeah, got myself a bottle of Jack Daniels on special
stop speaking with yourself
What did he mean by this?
tfw hate the taste of alcohol but have to force it down my throat at dinners to look normal.
It hurts desu.
why are you letting people force you to drink?
just tell them you don't like it, not drinking isn't that weird
Just tell people you don't drink
that's perfectly acceptable now, it's not the 60's anymore
just tell that you are anime gay faggot and they leave you alone
You gotta bloody start sometime.
It's best they build up a tolerance young so they don't get too silly when they're allowed out at the pubs.
Friggin noice, you easy on that, don't too carried away.
Just don't drink it then you silly billy, it's okay to turn down a drink.
But I wanna look like a smart, sophisticated man who smells his wine before he drinks it.
I-I don't know I'm trying to work out this whole thing desu.
>I wanna look like a smart, sophisticated man
Sounds like you have some way to go
he looks like a perfectly respectable fine young man to me
I don't know what you are talking about desu
no u
you do you, if you don't like booze it's okay
I won't, I've learnt my lesson about drinking too much
where arre all fascist friends by the way? Ah it is early morning there now
A-are you sure?
I'm not gay though so checkmate Vladimir.
I've only been doing this for a year desu :3
I don't really know either, he should be find as long as he stays off the pods diet
>I've learnt my lesson about drinking too much
That's good to hear buddy, a lot of people are just fucking stupid with their liquor, me included.
you listen anime therefore you are gay sissy faggot check and mate mate
o zdarova che ne spitsya?
Tвoя мaмa любит твoю мaмy c мaтepью desu desu desu
utro uzhe, epta
ti che rabotaesh che tak rano vstal
u vas 7 utra zhe?
da rabotaju, uzhe 8
>your mum likes your mum with mum *some anime shit*
haha loser ti che s 8 utra rabotaesh? nu ti i loh
You can't recover from that one, can you?
che skazal blyat??? pizdi neho4?