What would a world without religion be like?

What would a world without religion be like?

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Everybody would be protected from rain

Stalinist Russia is best Russia

People would find just something else to base their morals and life purpose on and that's it. Nothing of value would be lost.

If atheism isn't enforced, religion spawns and flourishes authomatically. Humans have a basic need to explain the Universe in a rational and simple way, whether they know the answers or not.

Humans are prone to dogmatic belief, most people are drawn to communities who share and reinforce their conjectures because being challenged is stressful and most humans avoid that. If we hadn't created religion as we know it, we would have come up with some other equally dogmatic tradition to reinforce our communities and pass along systems of values from generation to generation.

You can already see this with Atheist "Skeptics" who reject the theistic claim but turn right around and buy into Marxist feminism/intersectionalism and behave exactly like the religious people who they criticized before.

One ruled by satan.

There would be terrorists representing politicians

Everyone's concept of religion is wrong. The three major religions are just different variations of the Kaballah. It's a divine science that powers that be use to take advantage of the masses who they deem profane.

boring af

imagine god really exist, what would the world be like?

>what is envy
>what is jealous
>what is power
>what is money
>what is ego
>what is revenge

If you think a world without religion will be butterflys and roses you are delusional. There will still be wars, there will still be fights, there will still be people blowing themselves up.


We would just invent something else. Proof: something else has already been invented, modern day leftism. That's why when you disagree with a leftist they get all shocked and offended like you committed BLASPHEMY.

>Implying sandpeople wouldn't invent a different reason to hijack planes

Stalinism, Maoism, Kim Il-sungism, they never attempted to remove religion. They just wanted to shift the worship away from God/s to themselves. There's a reason they all created personality cults. Religious worship continued, just under a godless system. This thread is about a world without religion, not a world without belief in a supernatural entity/s.

That said I think if everyone were like protestant derived public school white males, where religion is barely given a mention but we still just casually have easter and christmas, then the world would be pretty much as perfect as it could be.


OP's question was:
>What would a world without religion be like?

>Imagine a world in which religion/s and worship never existed ever.

That only works because they came from a generation of stronger believers to instill in them the very customs and values you like. The generation after will be even further diluted until none of the practical benefits of religion remains---there's a mutual reinforcement between tradition and the actual values they represent.

lol a pic of the people who invented religion

fuckwits would just find some other reason to suicide bomb innocent people

You should check out Hoxhaism

He was ruthless towards all religions

>the concept of belief in certain aspects of the metaphysical, namely the existence of god(s)/the supernatural is so segmented in your average aetheist's mind that he cannot possibly imagine a world where people simply wouldn't give a fuck
And this is one reason why atheists are retarded.
If religion was never a thing then there would be no thought devoted to it, atheism wouldn't exist, because to be atheist you have to be cognizant of the idea of god(s)/the supernatural.
So probably the same, as all the "bad things" caused by "religion" were/are just symptoms of the human condition.
kebabs would still be violent fuckers, rome still would have fallen, and a non-religious, which isn't even the right word for it in this case, organization of similar nature to the christian church would have used propaganda and whatnot to build an empire.

Cult is a better word to use, than religion.

Science is a cult, as much as any religion. Some people treat the Television as a cult object, and get mad if you say the MSM just makes shit up. Mention that the JFK assassination was a hoax, and they lose their minds!

philosophy will take the place of religion
like this will happen

imagine a world with 1 religion

Peace all over the world because people will more pay attention on risks.

Philosophy is dead


This. A world without religion would be exactly the same.

No religion = slavery



Spot on. We all know that debating a progressive on race or gender issues is no more intellectual than debating a Christian on evolution.





>commie boogiman fixation kid

>What would a world without religion be like?


>nigga frog shitposting

Love your King Leopold religion?

It would be some liberal/progressive dystopian hellhole where you're not allowed to think what you want, you're not allowed to say what you want, you're not allowed to be male because it's microaggressing

Freedom of religion is fucking important you Aussie cunt

Oh, how inhumane. Guess what? In reality it was africans killing other africans for little extra money.


This is what a world without religion looks like.

Look away if it is too much for you.

Religions plays an important role on civilizations rise. The concept of someone watching you and punishing for your wrong doings enables crowd domination with low investment.

if you think religion is what keeps humans from turning evil and violent you're probably insane

actually everyone that holds back his violence to not break the "rules" of his religion should check himself into a mental hospice

> In reality it was africans killing other africans for little extra money.
under the patronage of RELIGIOUS CIVILIZATORS
same shit like your cuckrain monkeys

You seem to have a painfull feeling around your anus.

Did I hit a nerve?

Oh, never seen this one. It's just fresh made in Olgino?

you just a average stupid nigger-tier educated hypocritical western kid

you see what you want
BIGGEST part of RELIGOUS CAPITAL(kek) Brussel builded on bloody money and millions death of innocents

>if you think religion is what keeps humans from turning evil and violent you're probably insane

Projecting a fallacy you made on other people is not how you win arguments.

Shittier, there would be even more degeneracy.

>You seem to have a painfull feeling around your anus.
no kid. just have a fun when talk with hypocritical brainwashed person.

Double standarts = western kids

then how about you post some disaster pics that happened in the name of a religion? you'd have a much wider range to pick from

Yeah, but why u mad tho?

Depends on the religion. Depends if the Religion is named Islam.

desu religion is mostly just good for social cohesion, keeps the whole community from becoming splintered into different goofy ideological camps if you can keep most people worshipping the same god

seems pretty comfy too

Do you like the soviet style appartement you are living in?

I love the Stalinist architecture in Belarus.

Totally not tacky kitsch at all.

>kid never have argument
it ok for you

buildings not a big problem
we dont have terror
no fear

bbut EU have 1-2 mass killings per day

you know you have to be at least 18 to use this site right?

I bet you guys love being reminded about the great victory of soviet atheism over the filthy religious "west".

As empty and materialistic as the Western world is right now

He is obvious shill. Podvitsky is government paid cartoonist. Anyone who unironically post these pictures are literally employed by government to shitpost.

Lol the funny thing about that is that the Cambodian communists were stopped by the Vietnamese communists.

Is it a coincidence that the two biggest mass murderers in history were atheists?

> desu religion is mostly just good for social cohesion, keeps the whole community from becoming splintered into different goofy ideological camps if you can keep most people worshipping the same god

you have real washed binar thinking here

biggest part of belarus/ex-ussr people still religious and of course more religious than westerners.
73% of belarus are top-tier orthodox christians not jewcycked cath sect
nobody care about communism here like you in EU.ahahah. maybe 3% old bitches love communism.

these were not true atheists they didn't follow the atheist codes that are against killing. atheism is a humanitarian religion

I like your kindergarden level of insults.

Almost as intellectual as atheism itself.

lol niga, stalin kill 700k
hitler @god mit uns@ kill 30 m

Well, knowledge would not have spread through europe. islam wouldn't have taken over a bunch of land and thus never introduced knowledge from the east to europe. the buddhists wouldn't have built their temples in india and written down their knowledge.

we'd be nowhere, it was necessary when our civilizations were at their earlier stages.

Philosophy is what led to religion.


Your abysmal comprehension of the English language is very typical for former soviet shitholes.

>without religion they wouldn't be able to bring the knowledge to europe that was suppressed because of another religion in the first place
>writing was invented because of religion and not because of the need of mathematical symbols to keep track the grain supplies

>stalin kill 700k

>Your abysmal comprehension of the English language is very typical for former soviet shitholes.
this kid is broken I need new


The last place on Earth where Soviet ideas are alive and well.

Young civilization need religion

Deny religion denies the human existence as a divine being, overlooking the earthly animals. When one removes the divine in humanity, humans then lose their value and exist merely as animals.

>this shit hang in city only in victory day

Frog should not have known

You should check Transnistria, these guys preserved soviet spirit much better.

The only thing that is broken is your English.

>we need to believe that we are special snowflakes or else we would be depressed and stop doing stuff

so mass cognitive dissonance?

our conscience separates us from animals, not religion

>15 old commies from 10 m country in one day in year can make paranoid frog crying.

Here's your answer OP

why do you think animals don't have conscience? alot of animals possess the same structures in their brain as humans just smaller

lmao nice meme

Are the Lenin statues only there on victory day?

It's the Frenchies who are the frogs.

I guess being behind the iron curtain for so long doesn't help your knowledge of basic geography.

You missed the point. It's not that we would stop doing stuff, but rather it devalues humanity.
It is not our conscience, but our connection to the metaphysical that separates us.

What the hell is that flag

A lot better than this one.

Not any different tbqh senpai.

If it's not religion it's pussy.

If it's not pussy it's nationalism.

If it's not nationalism it's resources.

If it's not resources it's religion.

And so on so forth.

>devalues humanity
and what does that exactly mean? like real life examples

lol niga its a part of history now.

>Leopold belgien kongo king
>kill 15 m in XX century
>build half of brussel

Lenin statues are permanent.

Try imagining a world without Islam in it.


Why throw every religion/faith into it when it's specifically one religion that seems to be doing all the killing.. they don't even need a nation to nation war declaration they do it individually to eachother and to non muslims in their own nations.

"During this time period, there were 1316 Islamic attacks in 50 countries, in which 12121 people were killed and 14844 injured."

Go through the list and see where the muslim on muslim and muslim on non muslim attacks happened, most of them are in their own nations..

Germany is getting a speed lesson in how it is to live in a middle eastern or north african nation on a regular basis.. this sort of stuff happens nearly every week in droves. Why are they getting a speed lesson in that, because they thought that simply moving middle easterners or north african muslims to another nation would make them instantly change demeanor or attitude.. Surprise surprise, it doesn't exactly work like that.