Parents "find" my suicide note

>Parents "find" my suicide note
>Stop bothering me about getting a job

What kind of sick mind plays his parents like that? Get a job you lazy neet. Pros of working
>uses energy instead of staying at home masturbating and posting on Sup Forums all day
>Gets money, this leads to higher probability of gf
>gains experiences
Unless you are in education or something I can't see why you wouldn't want a job.

you're going to live in a hostel in a few weeks lazy boy

>uses energy
I'll stop you right there because I have none
>Unless you are in education or something I can't see why you wouldn't want a job.
Depression and anxiety.

>>Gets money, this leads to higher probability of gf

>Get money so you can have no free time to enjoy spending it, then get a girl who spends it for you

does depression cause lack of energy?

jesus sort yourselves out

pretty based

>does depression cause lack of energy?
I don't have this exact issue but: some people literally spend most of their day just lying in bed. I'm one piece of furniture away from that.

Cleaning my room doesn't change how I feel.

>I'll stop you right there because I have none
When you use energy you gain energy. It's like a restorative process. If you laze about all day you'll never have energy.
>Depression and anxiety.
Job could help with that. You'll never know unless you try.

>If you laze about all day you'll never have energy.
Some days are better than others. Some days I don't really do anything, others I manage alright.
>Job could help with that. You'll never know unless you try.
I know because university only made me feel worse, a job would be worse than university.

Well university is more change at a quicker pace than a job. A job, once you get in the groove of things stays consistent.

my furniture is set that way

i need to get rid of depression

I guess that depends on the job.

Consider seeing someone if it fucks your life up.

>tfw parents urge you to kill yourself




The difference with me is that I try everyday to GTFO of my Parent's house; they realize how expensive a fucking apt is.... Otherwise, they'd want me dead also.

>work 6 days a week for 11 hours.
>Stay home on my one day off trying to recoup energy.
>Dad: wow your just really going to lay there?

>money to spend on things that just augment your ability to go to work because that's what you'll be doing most of the time
>gf is not even remotely guaranteed
not really making a compelling argument for not just living on NEETbux


wait fuck me I don't know it's 4am and I'm drunk

soooooo...youre not going to kill yourself??

>Parents "find" my scathing expose of their behavior that I was going to have published on the Washington Post
>They stop being uppity

Enjoy your mental asylum, fucker


Your parents are gonna die one day and then you will be 50+ year old who never held a job or has training to get one

Will you all just commit suicide when that day comes?

One of my friends told me that he was going to do literally that
Then he got a job and hes depression has reduced significantly.
He has a comfy job a few times a week for a couple of hours in some kind of place where old people go to have things to do during the day.

>mom found the poop sock

> mom found the turdcabinet and warningtowel

more like

>spend time fucking a cute girl who loves you and doesn't do manipulative female shit

if you don't do this you're not doing it right

>parents 'discovers' my 'secret' cash trails

I do not understand those "depression declines because you have a job" logic
People are depressed on work

no one cares jap

But work makes people tired enough to forget their depression. It's more avoidance

Perhaps that(s because you found a nice high-wage job you like so you can devote yourself into that.
I do not like what I do on work so depressed thoughts always stick to my head.

not him but i work a really shitty manual labor job and without it id go crazy
its not healthy to be with your thoughts for so long

>depression is real

yeah just cheer up bro :)

>he doesn't work from home

my dad wanted to buy me a motorcycle when i was depressed

That wasn't an answer at all, you just started talking about some days being better, you didn't answer him. If you do productive things during the day you feel more energized. I've been a NEET and I've been employed both, and it's true.

>When you use energy you gain energy. It's like a restorative process. If you laze about all day you'll never have energy.
This is like one of the basic things healthy people don't understand in depression. If he's actually depressed then no, it doesn't work like that for him. What you are doing is like advising someone who has a broken leg to simply walk more and it will somehow cure.

In depression, you are generally not receiving any positive feedback. Healthy people don't even realise that every day, even if they are complaining about their job, about other things, and feel tired, they still get a lot of endorphins, like even if you don't really like your job it still serves some purpose, you believe that what you are doing will get you somewhere, but when it comes to depressed people no. Nothing really seems enjoyable anymore, and you mostly get only negative feedback. You only feel exhaustion and no satisfaction from getting the job done. This is a malfunction of a very basic thing, that basically drives us, and that's why depression is actually such huge deal. And why people kill themselves because of it, life becomes a nightmare.

>actually DEFENDING wagecucking
Your existance is a sad one, americuck


Why are wagies so insecure lads?

>parents find my exit bag
>calls the police
Almost got forced to go to the loony bin lads, i don't want to end up in there with those freaks.
I'll have to hide it better this time.

>need experience to get the job
>need job to get the experience
I apllied to literally anything in a cruise(sent to 2 big companies), even dishwasher, and i think they are going to refuse me because im an experienceless neet

How are you better than a muslim immigrant?

I'd just kick you out and let you kys. There is a reason you have more than one child.

fuckin weirdo!
why not do it in the designated street like normal people?

this is why obama bin laden flies planes into your apartments

Fucking NEET

it depends on why you were depressed in the first place. people can have many different reasons to get depressed, and solutions for one may just aggreviate another.
getting a job at least gives a short term goal and a sense of accomplishment which can help a lot of depressed people, but may also give stress and pressure which can cause others more depression.
i myself am for wagecucking, because over here, if you don't have a job, you'll have to catch and eat sewer rats for food

you can't just kick out a child you've spent years caring for! the reason people have multiple children is to efficiently gather resources. you need three in the city earning wages to provide you with income, one in your ancestral fields managing the servants who farm there, two to marry off to prominent families for making alliances, and at least one proxy in a foreign country in case you need to quickly emigrate. if you kick one out, it'll take too long to make another one to fill his spot and will decrease efficiency. not saturating your base will bring down this economy mid game, and you don't want that, unless you want to end up having to eat sewer rats to survive

My people made this country for me, not muslim scum.

He's a complete slave, he can't even fathom why someone would want to be a NEET. There's a lot of Danish flags who are like that.

Your people would almost certainly prefer a working Muslim to a Norwegian NEET

I'd rather have a qt Norwegian NEET neighbor I only see through his window at evening.

>parents found a pair of thongs and maid costume
>"when are we going to meet your girlfriend?"


take it easy lads

you are part of the hero generation, get your act together and fix your country before its too late

don't worry about it man, they already know she's a maid so the whole "my gf works a shit job" part is over. just bring her over for whatever russians eat (vodka bread?), it'll be fine haha.

and now you are destroying it

fuck off leech
is right
i would rather have a working muslim than a white neet

At least try drawing some anime girl at local community center

or attend programming class

>i would rather have a working muslim than a white neet
This is the POWER of being a braindead wageslave.

You need training to even wash dishes in a private boat, cruises are always needing people that speak english ,portuguse is a big bonus.
If you do it you will never lack a job again.

I thought a fin posted this t bh

>drains society
>wont have children
>"no YOU are controlled by jews"



you're just weak spineless fucks and lazy too
if you dont want to get a job that's fine but dont make up excuses for it

Yes, 3rd worlders in Europe are good as long as they have a job and have multiple children! Good post, goy!

> (You)
>Yes, 3rd worlders in Europe are good as long as they have a job and have multiple children! Good post, goy!
you are not better
just get a job leech

>uses energy
Silly wagie, this is how they kill you!

Kill yourself, my (((man))).

>second cousin found the facesitting foam


man i was NEET for a year after high school. travelled around Europe a bit and then came home and played video games and shitposted on /r9k/ all day every day, mummy bought me pizzas all the time. i even gained a few robot friends I skyped with most days

now i have to be an adult. i do miss those days though

If that was the case, Asians wouldn't have high suicide rates.

My family pushed my too far with studies and I had a breakdown, a long one.

shit, i think i might be depressed then

>had a gap year where he travelled and he thinks he is onboard the shut in train
Fuck off.

Good post.

>stepmother found the loli lotion

Look up in the archive

Good thread.

Yeah but I'm not sure

>sister found the shit satellite

Another day another dolar wagecuck.

The what?

the shit satellite

ah ok thanks

What kind of sick minds bring a life into this world and fail to raise them for decades?
A fucked up kid means the parents failed in doing their fucking job.
At least 90% of people shouldn't be breeding. Bringing a person into their one and only shot at existence really ought require the strictest of screening. Breeding shouldn't be a fucking right, because the outcome is a world of responsibility the parents should be severely punished for ignoring.

Fuck you cunt.

nah bud your life is shitty because of you not your parents

Fuck off and die, normalscum.

>neetbux dont exist in leafland
>work part time
>only have 1 coworker and we dont even talk
>more than enough time to sleep and play without rushing to get to work
>have more than enough money to spend on toys
>live with mommy so no wasting money on stupid wagie things like rent and tax
>only problem is mommy pestering me to work full time and be miserable like her
Think I've cracked the code guys

Corporations are bigger welfare leeches than all the NEETs and hikkis of the world combined, so fuck off with that guilt trip bullshit, you cancerous fucking normalfag.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Depression Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Stop Being Sad Like Nigga Stop Crying Haha

Hate to break it to you, normalscum, but the impact your formative years have on you take more erffort than you or anyone you know coukd possibly ever muster to overcome.

People like you would end up killing themselves if they had to live a year in the shoes of people like me. You are fucking weak sheltered garbage that had the most important aspects of success handed to you. For every single broken NEET who manages to break free of his personal hell, it would take a dozen of you fuckers your entire fucking lives to overcome.

I wish you nothing but suffering, so then at least you may understand what it is like to life yourself up from truly fucking nothing in the modern world. You have no fucking idea.

>grab life insurance checks
>sell house
>flee to the third world
>become stereotypical english teacher
>eventually have cirrhosis of the liver or end up on liveleak

pls rate

>dad makes me get a job
>"pretend' to be retarded and get fired on the first day