Why is Alex Jones not talking about the DNC Leaks?


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Homie is too woke.

He's been at the RNC this past week so most of his show was him covering it and other cheap stories. He's probably letting his research team compile the best story about it because it's too good of a topic to just jump the gun and wing it.

Controlled opposition

His team is literally browsing Sup Forums right now as we do the brunt of the work finding good ones

we just found an email where hillary is talking about breaking the "Minerva/owl rule"

seems demonic

sounds legit


He doesn't know how to computer. He'll probably be yapping about it tomorrow though.

>implying he isn't reserving his power levels for tomorrow to passionately debate this and add another millstone to her neck with fervor and gusto provided by tangy tangerine

He's been at the ER being treated for the AIDS he got from that fudgepacker spitting in his face.

He's been doing it, idiot.

Because it's 3 AM

Because he calls Gorge Soros a "Nazi collaborator" instead of a globalist jew.

In other words... He is a shill

actually he said he was a jewish nazi communist.

Perhaps this explains why soros is such a complicatedly evil man.



He's probably still trying to piece together the FEMA death camps/Rothchild/Bohemian Grove/Global takeover/fluoridated water connections


Found one about them using social media and twitter to try and garner support

I watch him all the time you leaf faggot. He never calls Soros jewish. Always "Nazi
collaborator"...which basically means "evil white guy"...which fits the jew world order narrative.


He will he's just low on energy. Isn't he going to be at the DNC today? I hope there's a final showdown between him and young turds.

your mistaken i saw alex make a point of it.

He specifically cited it in context to him being a nazi and a commie.

Excuse me sir, but soros was a nazi collaborator.

And nazis were fucking socialists, point. End of story. Hitler started the war to fund his giant socialist projects, nothing else. He failed. Fucking stormfaggots. Your ancestors dug mud in Alabama while our grandfathers were forced to freeze to death in fucking Russia. Either you joined the troops, or they would kill you and put your family in jail. HItler imprisoned over 100k of his "own" people. Simply for conscientious objection.

Soros is Jewish.

Stop making it complicated. Jones is great at this...NEVER identifying who the globalists actually are..

no jones a 100% said he was a jewish nazi, a communist who got kicked out of russia. and that he was a globalist who was backing hrc.

He's both satire and controlled opposition.

Because Alex Jones has downs

can any of you cucks tell me the most interesting thing to come out of those leaks, i couldn't be fucked reading through them, thanks cucks

> t. Glenn Beck listener

Glenn Beck is almost as bad. Alex Jones is about a 8/10 on the crazy satire meter, Glenn Beck is about a 6/10.

>Glenn Beck is almost as bad.

...have you even listened to him?

Glenn is literally 100% controlled opposition: Christian flavored

Should have been pretty obvious with his segments on BLM and zuckerberg over the past two months

>whites not listening are to blame for police being killed

>conservatives being bad at social media is to blame for confirmed bias in the faceberg staff

fuggin kek