Pitch me your idea for a new adult swim cartoon

Pitch me your idea for a new adult swim cartoon.

Fuck off Lazzo

A show like Courage the Cowardly Dog but for adults.

Animated horror essentially. Episodic in nature but with hints of an overarching conspiracy that ties everything together.

Oglaf the animated series

>Them creators of SwatKats came to CN: AS for help.
>They're senpai around here.
>CN: AS said no.
>CN: AS is obviously not senpai.
Seriously, Lazzo, fuck right off with your stupid shit.

Rip the concept of a fox in space, but ditch the starfox shit.

Or get don bluth out of retirement and get hi,pm to make a space ace series, complete with fan service and gruesome death and humor.

Animated show with woodblock carving style that takes place in a PNW logging camp featuring american folk creatures getting into hijinks with each other and interacting tenuously with the boisterous alcoholic loggers

A show revolving around the concept of men's penises being sapient creatures that talk out of their urethrae and tend to get into arguments with their hosts because they have no concept of empathy or morality and just want to fuck every hole they see. The theme song will be Soft Cell's Tainted Love performed through lip popping and rendered onscreen as the main cock character popping it through his urethral lips. The premise of the pilot will be "What happens if a man's dick got high on weed?" and we will indeed find out. Be sure to emphasize the veins on the scrotum as a penal substitute for a druggie having red eyes.

A TV-PG/lighter TV-14 show that relies on intelligent and dry humor dialogue-based humor rather than being some sort of obnoxious memey edgefest

this would never be greenlighted