/ne/ - New England

Muh Heritage edition

I fucking hate the French. Maine could be such a comfy nice small state with pure English people, but fucking frogs had come down from Quckbec.

I think the French-speakers have been living there since colonial times.

Pick one
Yes they have. That's where our Cajuns came from.

t. Deep South

>only 10 days away to move to Boston

no it my state you cant go here

RIP Acadia

>reading Thoreau's book on his trip to the cape
>chapter about how a boat of Irish people drowned and nobody cared
>"Cape cod, or as all good Americans call it, 'THE CAPE'"
where did it all go so wrong lads

Sorry, i'm already going

how many fucking Essex's are there in the US? It's pretty ridiculous, couldn't they come up with a nice local name? Redrock, or Willowsbury or something?

Have you been to the cape lately? I went to chatham with my family, and my god what a pristine little colonial town. Chatham is a paradise and so is Newport Rhode Island. New englanders got it so nice.

we were first so fuck off

>tfw haven't been back to new england in 3 years

A good laff is beter than Crying; a Clam will Cry and warter wen thay are out of there Ellement --- so wee the same. if I had not the gost in my hous, I would give Lite to my brothers & sisters, and have a pease all over the world, and beat the trouthe into my frinds. houe gud it is --- houe onnest it would be --- and houe mankind has bin in posed and houe thay have bin blinded by untrouths, gosts and mister Divels, thare is Now None of that order, all Lye, the mesonik; if thay will make a book of trouth I will give the Creaters --- but I will take the Chare, and put my frind bonn partey on my Rite hand, And the grat ginral meroue31 on my Left hand; a Nuf to give the sword is in the banks --- A Emper --- only be still --- I will take the helm in Love --- I am a quaker --- No blod spiled --- all in the Love of a father; a Emper you will have in fortey years. I may Com back and see houe you all goue on, and what you ware when the gost is gone, and mister Divel --- peace on Earth --- be fore I will have a war in my Day, I will be your frind, the Emper, and if I want help, I will Call my frind boneypartey, and gorge the third and Dewide the Lofe. Now take Care --- peas, I say --- Except of what is Rewealed to me --- for it will Com to pass. I was born when grat powers Rouled --- I was borne in 1747, Janeuarey 22; on this day, in the morning, A grat snow storme --- the sines in the seventh house wives; mars Came fored --- Joupeter stud by holding the Candel --- I was to be one grat man; mars got the beth to be onnest man, to Doue good to my felow mortels. I can swep my hous and git all a Noue, and goue out of hell. Law and trouth and Reason on my side; it must be done --- when I git my worthy widdow it is Dun.

t. J Donald Trump, Esq.

How the fuck could you afford to live in Boston is what I'm asking.

Went to provincetown back in August. All I can say is if Korea is planning on nuking the US I hope they nuke that place first.

It's affordable if you're a white-collar professional

There are also a few neighborhoods that are poor and crummy, although at this point even Dorchester is getting gentrified

Have some clams, enjoy the beach, and calm the fuck down, you dumb little shit

Shut up, faggot.

we're new englanders, not southerners. we don't hate gays.

weren't there finnish people there to, or am I thinking of some midwestern state?

As a "New Englander" I can assure you that I hate faggots.

I'm moving with my grandparents, also i'm not living in the city but in the suburbs

you excited?

new england will be free

Why is Connecticut such garbage? It has absolutely nothing going for it.

The Portuguese area is fucking spot on.


SEETHING anglo fag

Is New England comfy to live? I've always pictured it as the comfiest place in the US with some beautiful historic heritage and northern nature (after Oregon, because I love nature there even more)

This thread is under /cum/ loyalist military occupation. Everyone is ordered to return to the actual thread.

I have too much feelings about it since it's the first time i even go out of my department/state


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Tell me about chatham, I mean everything

Sup bros

Very comfy, New Hampshire is the best state in the country