So this is the power of Sup Forumsposting

so this is the power of Sup Forumsposting

Can't wait until they find out about muttshaming.

A click-based revenue stream?

What the fuck is going on?

What is wrong with Sup Forums?

it's actually reddit not Sup Forums although there's not much difference these days


Same desu

Sup Forums, as with all of our good memes, has appropriated Easter Toad for their own.

reeks of plebit

I actually liked this one. Why does everything turn to ash

at least spurdo is too abstract to be misappropriated

Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums
Sup Forums used to bring in digg/gaia, Sup Forums brings in reddit/twitter
Sup Forums had anonymous, Sup Forums thinks they're some ebin nazi army
this has all happened before.


>Why does everything turn to ash
it's just slate being stupid, you can still post it
unless you were posting Sup Forums material on other websites. in which case you should just kill yourself

>you can still post it
I'd rather not now

Just stop

An abandoned meme, perhaps?

Chanology died down relatively quickly though and Anonmoose leejun xD activists (at least the organized and dedicated ones) went their own way, seeking more serious pastures than this site.
Sup Forums on the other hand has been on the news constantly for years now and shows zero signs of ever fucking off. They're also more likely to routinely crosspost their cancer on other boards, Sup Forums would mostly just do a raid and go back to their shithole afterwards.
Other than that, it's a true comparison.


wtf is bazoo

>Chanology died down relatively quickly though and Anonmoose leejun xD activists (at least the organized and dedicated ones) went their own way, seeking more serious pastures than this site.
they all went to reddit, the new moralfag hive of the internet

>everything I disagree with is reddit or Sup Forums

it is neither

They targeted memers.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end creating some of the funniest, most hilarious shitposts. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little (you) and a reaction image.
We'll punish our selfs making images others would consider unfunny, because we think it's fun.
We'll spend most if not all of our free drawing a fictional character in Ms Paint all to make our memes perfect.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: posting images, all day, the same memes over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know every little detail such that some have attained such memer nirvana that they can list hundreds of memes with ease.
Do these people have any idea how many posts have been saged, images deleted, files wiped in fustration? All to latter be referred to as memeing rights?
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our board? We're already building a new one without them. They ban us from their forums? Memers aren't shy about using a VPN or even someone else's computer. They think calling us racist, alt-right, nazis is going to change us? We've been called worse things by concerned parents and normies. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing normies and redditors laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
Memers are competitive, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another shitpost.

Instead of getting angry, let's combat them through the simplest and most effective method. Simply continue to easter post and show that no shill attempt can break us.
>Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?

It was literally shitty alt-right groups that started off the whole 'Groyper' shitfest.


i'm not mad, i actually don't care how reddit calls it, i just don't know what bazoo is

You're right. It's worse. They're twitterniggers. Reddit is trash but at it isn't twitter-levels of trash.

>Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?
This is a fair question.
So why don't Americans celebrate Easter?
We all know you are the descendants of the christian Taliban, but they must have celebrated Eastern.

could be a false flag by Sup Forums autist. Instead of letting normies rape his memes, he put on the normie capes and rape his memes himself to paint a bad rep on easter toad thus sparring him the fate of pepe

>More racist
Sup Forums BTFO

Not we should continue with 56% and Black bull posting. Easter posting died.

Easter posting doesn't die, it is simply only appears once a year. I wish they would just let us easterpost on easter instead of rangebanning everyone.

Just keep on muttposting, it's the proper retaliation. These frogposters are nothing but angry beaners and mongrels hating their own kind.
Even in racism Sup Forums loses to Sup Forums.

is slate /ourguys/?

what's with all this groyper bullshit?? its an easter toad!

>Sup Forums used to bring in digg/gaia

>this is amerimutt journalism


>Pepe the Frog, the meme that rose to mainstream prominence during the election as a mascot for pro-Trump trolls, has a plumper and more racist toad counterpart called Groyper that is proliferating through social media.
Who the hell calls it that, I thought it just known as Easter Toad. I feel like I'm watching history be rewritten. Also
>more racist



Americans don't celebrate Easter because
that would annoy their Israeli masters

>Le alt-right
Is there anyone other than spencer that call themselves that?

Sup Forums is pol.

Sup Forums is Sup Forumsolerant towards the im/pol/ite ""people""

pol is int.

the mutt that 56% used was started on pol first.

Thats a reddit term.

You faggots realize the liberal media considers int "the alt right" as well.

They'll see mutt shaming and call it some "white supremacist" blah blah blah.

>tfw normies start making 56% shirts

What is so racist about Easter Toad, I mean Noikker? More racist than Pepe the nazi frog even?

Good to see there's still some who know what the fuck is up. Sup Forums is the cancer killing Sup Forums.

are you actually retarded?

Sup Forums is reddit now


looks like a poorly written bot

Why can't normies into memes?