If we reunited then we would be unstoppable.
If we reunited then we would be unstoppable
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Well if they did it would be the most populous country in the world with the largest army with a land mass the size of Europe. But thankfully the British's divide and conquer saved us from that.
Would work only if the Muslims in Pak, Afghanistan and surrounding countries accepted some other religion other than Islam.
Britian improved conditions in that country so much they overpopulated.
Isn't it the opposite with India? That the Britts created an artificial unity.
>mffw India has an actual working space program.
>Britain doesn't
Their will be British rule.
Nepal is the rightful inheritor of the Mughal Empire and will unite India
It was actually more united under British Rule, as in everyone in India were united against the British, save some loyalists
Once the Brits left, then everyone lost their common enemy, and then turned on each other, but hardcore Indian nationalists managed to scrape together a remnant of the unity that existed before, and create a Republic of India, under pluralism.
When the Brits came in, they used the same tactics the Mughals used to conquer Ind, by helping and turning smaller states against each other, until they all got subduded
I would like to see Pakistani Kashmir, and Indian Kashmir get independent, and then try and continue on the Mughal Empire, and conquer Delhi and Islamabad (an artificial city), and proceed to conquer the rest of the subcontinent
UK's space program is with the ESA
>India is planning to build a satellite called Scatsat
You will become unstoppable when your poo becomes ploppable.
yup we fell for the eu space program meme
India isn't a country that shouldn't be. Imagine if all of Europe united, despite having different cultures, speaking different languages, and looking different. India shouldn't exist as a "Europe" country shouldn't exist, or how a "China" shouldn't exist.
Thank Islam for fucking it up.
Modi is trying to form a free trade agreements with the nations in the map though. Maybe there might be a union of sorts excluding Pakistan and including Sri Lanka in the future.
There is also a road connection from India to Vietnam and Cambodia.
Funny thing is is that Islam was only in India for like 150 years before the British came. But oh no, the British were so much worse than the brutal Mughals.
The crown jewel...
Reaction Engines is working on Sabre, which will drive the Skylon.
It was fucked after Black Arrow got cancelled, for absolutely no reason, and it lead to huge brain drain as well.
America should exist?
We conquered and colonized all of our territory. It's rightfully ours.
>Lowest flag
>Lower than Tasmania
Mommy never really loved little Aussie ;___;
>union jack coincides with pakistan on the map
seems about right
TFW rebellion was a mistake
That's the revisionist history told by the idiotic "secular" government of India, i.e. Marxists, Communists and Congress. A lot them even celebrate the barbaric Turkic rulers as if they were some benevolent dictators with secular ideals - and, today, Islam is not allowed to be questioned nor treated as a colonialistic force even after millions of dollars are flooded into India from SaudiArabia undermining local culture and language.
We were better off without them. Everyone else was not.
If only that were true
The world would have been conquered, the entire globe, together.
>If we reunited then we would be unstoppable.
unstoppable at not pooing in the loo
I mean cultural uniformity is not entirely true in the US. If you mean that a country must be held by force then both India and China manage that, in contrast with the EU which has no force.
India has nearly half a million police officers under federal control - states are very weak.
>the only flag that's not even partway concealed
We should have culturally misappropriated the East India Company flag as our own
You basically did
>We should have culturally misappropriated the East India Company flag as our own
It basically was, for a while.
The Union flag was replaced with General Washington's personal 13-Star flag
It takes two people 24 hs a day for five years to raise a child and train him/her to use the potty. How much time and people do you think it would take to train a billion?
It's basically the grand Union flag of US and I believe that the East India flag is a few years older.
Britain will have a space program after everyone else has done all the hard work to figure out an actual use for it that doesn't involve photography to post on reddit.
Unstoppable in cricket probably, rest will be pretty much the same.
>India has an actual working space program
And we still send them a fuck ton of cash.
I am still hopeful about Skylon.
Not anymore.
I don't know what you mean not allowed to criticize Islam. Modi himself said on the campaign trail that we (read: Hindus) have lived for 800 years under occupation. (Read: Muslim)
Oh shit.
I missed that.
It's about fucking time.
Hate laws are a thing in India is what I meant.
All those cops are in Delhi and union territories. States still have their own police. Also modi has been devolving power to the states.
Yeah but then who will we play against?
At the same time he is hoping to pass the GST this September. The state powers are simply to streamline business deals with multinationals not entirely to strengthen state powers.
I also forgot to mention that Centre holds the army as well as the CRPF with a combined total of 2 million. State police cannot really do that much. States in India are weak and honestly nothing like EU nations.
finally will be able to beat the kangaroos.
Fuck off American
>implying Indian Rajas were any different
Shitting on their own people has been the national pass time of Indian rulers, and it's not any different today. You only want to replace the secular revisionist history with a hindutva revisionist history in which India was the greatest country there ever was and ever will be.
Hate laws aren't specific to Islamophobia though, people have been arrested under sedition for criticizing politicians and the state. Everything is about emotions and taking an unbiased or neutral perspective = siding with Pakistan, or siding with "the terrorists". This is why we have a constant barrage of gullible retards whining about how every single international media source is "anti India".
Indian society seems to have a complete inability to criticize itself, by and large. As a result it's not even possible to even have a conversation amongst ourselves (irl) about Kashmir. Who is going to give a shit when any argument outside of the establishment line gets you labelled a terrorist? Tbh this is a problem with any human rights violation or any social issue. It's always; 'India is best, everything we do is perfect, and we always have the moral high ground.' And we are always some kind of helpless victim of evil external forces, throughout history. It's both sad and kinda pathetic.
>Once the Brits left,
Brits were trying to divide the country since 1905, and finally succeeded in 1947.Get your facts rights but then on Sup Forums misinformed opinion rule the day.
Atleast a nice David Bowie song came out of it.
>Indian society seems to have a complete inability to criticize itself
true that. same here.
hindus are useless, it would still be a shithole, just a less violent one.
Yes, that was the plan. Keep somethign aprt from commie , anti brit socialist India which is loyal to Anglosphere. No wonder Americunts supported pakistan throughout cold war and helped it to prop Taliban until 9/11 happened.
Proves that the house might be divided but the base is still the same..
I'm a tourist in India, and this place is a total sh!thole. This place would only be useful to a new British Empire if there was authoritarian rule to reform the culture here.
almost all of us (pakistani) wont not even acknowledge the fact that we are in-fact indians.
we suck up to arabs, persians just so they would call us one of their own.
Are you honestly making an equivalence between Hindu rulers and Islamic ones?
Hate speech laws are abused everywhere even in the UK. They are terrible and idiotic, and are prone to abuse everywhere. Islam however is a problem in India and elsewhere, and it is not allowed to be criticised is a major hurdle.
>Indian society seems to have a complete inability to criticize itself
You have never met the self loathing Indian? The ABCD? I have seen 100s of them and yourself included it seems. Everything in India is a problem to these people. I agree India has many problems but people who fervently criticise India are not in shortage. Just pick up any newspaper, watch NDTV etc etc. Go to /r/india and other social media. Plenty of people who will love to critique India.
What is your problem with Kashmir?
>'India is best, everything we do is perfect, and we always have the moral high ground.'
I have met very few people who are like this. Everyone I know hate Indian establishment and complain tirelessly about corruption and not having any change even with voter turnout exceeding 80%.
>almost all of us (pakistani) wont not even acknowledge the fact that we are in-fact indians.
And despite having the entire plain of the river from which India derives it's name?
I did read and watch about the issue how regional heritage is being ignored by the administration before.
Before the empire reunites, Pajeet must learn to POO IN LOO
Only after Kiwis learn to put dick into vag not sheep.
It's a form of colonialism and nothing more. Cultural erosion is even affecting Bangladesh where Arabic is becoming popular and the saree is becoming a rarity as it is seen as immodest.
The thing is Pakistanis and Bangladeshis just have to go Saudi Arabia to understand that they are seen not as equals but something impure or alien.
Sheeps have vags retard
t. wales
Designated Sheep shagers.
That's satanic you know.
You stopped sending them cash ten months ago.
He isn't saying the Britts tried to keep you together, he is saying it was your hatred of the Brits that kept you united.
And taking recent terrorist attack in Bangladesh and porosity of Indo-Bangla border, it's scary as fuck scenario.
Infact it's already affecting Assam and West Bangal.
well they accept Christianity and Judaism, but hindindus and buddhists are the scourge of the earth and deserve to be killed and removed from history
according to islam, that is
I though they were going to deport the illegals from Assam. I think if they accomplish just that one thing it would be amazing.
Read the whole sentence first.
Hatred was sown way before the partition as many died in cross border migration. Saying that everyone became blood thristy AFTER birts left is wrong.
It's how we marinate the lamb to your liking.
Yes if they have gall to pull it off without giving a single damm to vote bank.
Ket see what they do in Assam as Mudi's party won the state assembly elections.West Bengal is eternally fucked though.
Jokes on you, I don't even eat New Zealand's Kinnow , let along Kiwi lambs.
>I mean cultural uniformity is not entirely true in the US
Wrong. Cultural diversity was stamped out here after the civil war and reconstruction.
E Pluribus Unum.
Okay didn't read it properly before.
>implying they would be transferred to West Bengal.
Looks like I am going to pass out.
Bengal is an inspiration for the matriarchy. Truly exceeding all expectations.
>Truly exceeding all expectations.
>Circumstances forced to move in West Bengal to seek job.
>I have met very few people who are like this.
Maybe, maybe, just taking a wild guess here, you haven't met anyone like that because you don't actually live in India. Opinions based on what you see on the Internet are irrelevant, which at best 5-10 % of Indians have access to, among whom 90% only know about facebook. I guess you don't have people on facebook who can't stop stroking their ego by sharing subramanian swamy and baba ramdev's quotes and interviews about hindu supremacy. They aren't any different from Taliban ideologically. Just like Hindu rulers weren't any different from Islamic ones either. They fought among themselves all the time and treated their subjects like shit. The Muslims were just another conquerors who subjugated the entire subcontinent with their military might. The Muslims managed to do what the Indian kingdoms dreamt of doing and were far better at it. Most of the Muslim kingdoms & Mughal empire had a large chunk of army comprised of Hindus, & Hindus holding important positions throughout this time frame. Everyone in India accepted these facts up until the hindutvafags came along with their revisionist history of how we've been the victims of 'foreign' rulers, when in reality Indian rulers weren't any different.
You were so desperate to fight each other you couldn't wait till we were gone.
Don't pretend you would have been one big happy family if if wasn't for those evil British making you fight.
fuck off nigga. im not taking them back
This holy shit, the reason conquering the fuckers was so easy was because they were constantly warring once we got there