Let's settle this once and for all, is there really a police brutality issue in America? Or is it just BLM propaganda?
Let's settle this once and for all, is there really a police brutality issue in America? Or is it just BLM propaganda?
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I was killed by a police just because I'm black, that ain't just propaganda.
Nah, american culture is violent. Police are conditioned by the shit they experience and have to deal with. Are there incidents where cops are in the wrong? Of course. The cops would be more calm though if we didn't have as much violent gang culture.
BLM Propaganda. They think getting arrested or pulled over only happens to blacks
The only areas where there's police brutality are in the Inner cities where the majority of criminals are black youth.
If the police are not brutal in these areas the black youth will kill each other at enormous rates, kill innocent civilians and kill police.
Some cities like Detroit are not uninhabitable because the police basically gave up and don't patrol the black controlled areas. It's not safe to even drive through them.
>you will never legally pepperspray a dozen degenerate leftist cucks
feels bad man
it depends on if the cops wife blew or fucked him the night before
The answer isn't that simple. There are problems.
The problem is nothing like blm claims it is though and it is certainly not racism.
Police brutality has been an issue since the 40s, LAPD has been beating and shooting minorities for 70 years. Was even controversial in the 40s.
60s/70s police used to beat the shit out of hippies.
80s was really tough on any crime, specially in black inner city communities cause of drugs and gangs.
LA riots and Rodney King in 90s
Aughts saw police become increasingly militarized due to old equipment from the army.
Your pic was a big deal, so we're the police actions during occupy Wall Street. I think it's important to give police benefit of the doubt in cases where their lives are threatened but some of these recent police killing blacks have the police clearly in the wrong. The Eric Garner one, Minnasota one, and the Chicago one in particular
But I'll add this police brutality seems to primarily in poverty/high crime areas and big cities. Read what you will but us Americans have been complaining about police brutality for quite a while.
>If the police are not brutal in these areas the black youth will kill each other at enormous rates, kill innocent civilians and kill police.
This is tge most important thing to take away.
Black ghetto culture is all about bravado. If you let your guard down they take it as a sign of weakness and walk all over you.
Around Blacks Never Relax isn't just a meme.
>Nah, american culture is violent.
There's several cultures in the American tapestry you stupid cuck. The one you refer to specifically was brought in by the Scotch-Irish, was inherited by the blacks and is kept alive by Liberal policies.
The image of the more calm America is a fusion of New England and German.
From Detroit.
Police aren't particularly brutal around here, there's not enough for them to be effective. They mainly avoid the bad areas because there's not a whole lot they can do. Also corruption is rampant with the city governemnt, I've been threatened a couple of times by police saying they'll plant drugs on me and shit.
If it's okay to talk shit about cops all day on Twitter, then why is it okay to moan about it when you get hit?
I see nothing wrong at all with dead niggers.
Contrast that to the Bronx, where there's a NYPD cop at every corner just standing all day.
>Black ghetto culture is all about bravado. If you let your guard down they take it as a sign of weakness and walk all over you.
Nah, this is more true with the younger generation. Older generation cared about taking care of their neighborhood and family, used to shoot it out with fuckers across town occasionally, but they were willing to talk it out and stop the killing. Back then people didn't pack a gat just to get groceries, something you kept under your mattress.
These days no one is interested in talking it out, everyone's got a gun and everyone wants to be the next Escobar. So you go to store and see somebody from across the street with his grandma you kill them both.
No. No, there isn't.
There a 'blacks constantly commintting crimes and violently resisting arrest like fucking idiots' problem.
America has a nigger problem.
Not a black people problem, a nigger problem.
When they're being arrested they will do literally anything to get out. They will kill as many police officers as possible because they are animals and do not understand what is happening.
Because of this, police are skittish, they shoot first because one is worth more than literally every nigger in America.
>Around Blacks Never Relax isn't just a meme.
I don't like to think that way.
That said, some young black guys just moved into my apartment. Since they have, they've constantly been selling drugs out front, have been stealing mail packages from other tenants, and one of their friends (who I believe was working with them) entered various unlocked apartments and then tried to break into a room while someone was there and had to get arrested.
This shit never happened before in this building. Just a few nerdy asian STEM students and some arabs who stick to themselves. Blacks move in, and constant crime and theft and threat of violence. I don't want it to be that way, but dammit...
BLM propaganda. All blacks in america want are handouts and will risk burning the country to the ground for some free shit.
Our police are overzealous - by normal standards. However, we have a large black population which requires heavier police in order to avoid killing itself. Heavier policing with a more violent population leads to twitchier police.
All these "conversations" with libs will never get anywhere until they admit that for whatever reason, blacks simply need to be policed more. Doesn't mean all blacks are bad, or even most. It just means that while a black *person* is probably a perfectly decent guy, a black *neighborhood* is a blight. If you can figure a better way to keep the neighborhoods quiet than heavy policing (and the inevitable spate of police killings that entails), by all means, give it a try.
>Our police are overzealous - by normal standards.
This is correct.
In my county there was a case where a cop went to check on a truck. It escalated into a shouting match with the homeowner before her daughter was dropped onto the gravel road for attempting to leave the scene and return to her house.
Afterward her mother sued to cover the medical bill, so the department counter sued.
The story has largely been ignored by the media because the cop was black.
with all the israeli training, our cops are becoming bigger and bigger pussies who think they have the most dangerous job in the whole damn world. our cops are fucking terrified of the public, and work themselves into a hypervigilant state that often results in bad outcomes.
Hence "Black Ghetto" specifically.
Prior to WW2 job movement the black communities in the North and West were very calm. They integrated well into the New English Township culture since Reconstruction. Then jobs brought in tons of Dixie blacks who were used to the "Lazy poverty" lifestyle.
It slowly creeped through not only the disenfranchised youth, but the institutions of leadership.
I agree that black neighborhoods need that level of policing. Why? Because criminals have easy access to guns. We need to get rid of their access to illegal firearms.
>I don't want it to be that way, but dammit...
I was there too user. A lot of Sup Forums was.
The first step to solving a problem is to admit it exists.
The Chicago Riot of 1919?
BLM propaganda. Blacks don't like laws applying to them.
We have a low IQ population problem.
The roo just released a reply to the "racist cop tells black women blacks have violent tendencies" story from the young cucks.
It illustrates very nicely the real problem is race baiting and virtue signalling by cucks like tyt.
They edited their video footage to make it appear the cop was the aggressor when the truth is that If that lady did not resist arrest, she wouldn't have been handcuffed, anyone who does that shit will get the same treatment regardless of color.
When the cop commented on black people being more often involved in violent crimes, he was factually correct but the young cucks had to spin it in a white racism story that will further infuriate the niggers out htere waiting for any excuse to tear shit up.
Some cops are cunts and some occasionally make mistakes but that's never out of the blue and the way those very few incidents are reported and pumped up in libtard media is downright dishonest. It's cucks throwing the cop under the bus to get a story when they can show off how not racist they are. They want to be the opposite of racist, that is racist towards their own ethnicity.
Chimpouts and violents nogs are a problem but could be contained if it wasn't for activists like BLM or the media having a fucked up agenda and they won't stop at lying or obscuring facts to peddle their toxic narrative.
>don't get beat/shot
Niggers seem to have difficulty complying with cops
WW1 jobs.
That shit is right after, and most of the jobs disappeared overnight. Thus they caused tensions with the locals.
All the students have to do is fucking move. It's not the police's fault they just sit there like it's an autism speaks rally. I mean they are in college FFS
my interactions with the police have been cordial and either resulted in a ticket or a written warning. to me it seems like they need to make some amount of money for the city during quotas or they don't really care as long as you're not directly endangering people.
It's just BLM propaganda. They don't want to fix the problems within their own culture, so they would rather focus the energy externally. This is pretty typical, most people would rather blame an external source than to look in the mirror and confront their own demons. The problem is that all these people are pandering to this lunacy. The last two black guys killed by police were both armed. They think they are resurrecting the civil rights movement, they're not. Blacks have civil rights, if they would just learn that arguing/fighting with the police doesn't get you anywhere, and learn to fight in court instead, they might actually get somewhere.
We have one of the most lenient police in the world, just look at any non european country
So sorry to hear that. Hopefully your family starts a gofundme page, and also sues so that they can be consoled by all that sweet sweet money.