Trump Hat Experiences

So, I just bought a Trump hat. Been on the fence for a while because, you know, he's a maniac, but I was never going to vote Democrat, so I bought one.

What can I expect? Share any experiences you've had in public wearing said hat.

Also, I'm a 26-year-old attractive white male who lives in Athens, GA.

i got mine signed by the donald in pittsburgh

i dont wear it much anymore, i'm afraid of ruining it

Fair enough

Hat looks like shit. If i'm gonna buy a hat it's not gonna be jpeg compressed garbage

I thought my thread was dead. Thanks for the kek, user.

I wish I could buy a couple.
Anyone know of any good American made bootlegs?

I ordered a hat a few days ago

Im going to wear it ironically but deep down I support trump

I have an authentic one that I got sent by relatives. I just have it next to my monitor while I shitpost and occasionally wear it whilst shitposting

I just love Triggering SJWw. Pic related this is me. I go around grinning every time an SJW looks at me with rage I just think "heh nothing personnel, cuck, MEME MAGIC is going to make video games free from Feminism."

Got mine imported from the US a few weeks ago. So far all I've gotten is mean-looks from people around Uni, not a word from anyone. They're primarily liberal-Trump hating faggots.

Though one guy on yik yak brought me up unbeknownst to him when I was supporting Trump in a thread. Told him I was the guy with that hat, and he said he'd make himself known to me some time.

Got the camo one. I don't wear out all the time, but I'm sure to wear it when go to the local bar with all the microbrews. Place is filled with lib sjw types. So far, no one has had the balls to say shit to my face - but I get a lot of stink side-eye and I see them talk to each other.

Only had mine for only about a few days but so far I get disgusted faces and people attempting to not look at me. I did however have a old dude in a pickup give me a thumbs up.

Dunno if related but I wore a hillary for prison shirt to the DMV and an older mustachioed gentleman called to me and gave me a thumbs up about it

I really want to get one of these. Can any ameribros hook me up or let me know how to get one?

how did you get it friend

bought one. ten white girls begged me to let them suck my BBC. i declined cus asian waifus are suerior.

Has to be ordered to a US or Canadian address.
Mine was picked up by my mum went she went over there.
So very very happy.
My little brother got one as well.
I live in Melbourne and want to weat it just to watch the triggering and rage. :^)

Can't you buy one on Ebay if you can't get it through the official store?

>I'm a 26-year-old attractive white male who lives in Athens, GA.

Are you gay too you vain faggot?

No one cares about what your elliot rodgers egotism, you stupid fag.

But yes wear the fucking hat you pussy.

Nope gets shut down pretty quick looked all over yesterday.

My burger friend agreed to get one for me but she later told me no way because she decided to vote Hillary. I wonder if there is a good smuggling service for MAGA hats.

Don't think so. the ones on ebay are fake and gay

If you're not getting your PhD, why are you still in Athens?

-Concerned UGA Alumnus

Wow, meta.

I'm mexican living in la, should I buy one. what should I expect ?


holy shit do burgers literally copy every city name in the world

I wear one, and then tell anyone who says anything about it, that I'm supporting Hillary, but that I wear the hat so I can engage with Trump supporters and try to convert them. I've got some great anecdotes, and have probably managed to convince at least one or two Hillary or Bernie supporters to buy Trump hats and wear them in an attempt to coopt his voters.

Trump supporters love being engaged by earnest, preachy liberals, and if any violence results it'll be reported as liberals attacking Trump supporters again.
