Amerimutts, favorite European films?

Amerimutts, favorite European films?

låt den rätte komma in
lilja 4 ever


Soviet propaganda films

this too. My mom had a VHS of this and I watched it all the time when I was younger

watch Come and See it's good

Pic related.

Caught it late one night on TCM. Really great

Chicken Run

Not to sound pretentious but Le Samourai.

Euros btfo



Pan's Labyrinth

World war ii in HD color

In Bruges
The Seventh Seal
The Exterminating Angel

Wild Strawberries

Remember me, Ivanko, at least twice a day. I remember you seven times an hour.

bridge of river kwai
aguirre wrath of god
world on a wire
a few dollars more
il postino the postman
monty python and the holy grail

>Americans on Sup Forums like European arthouse flicks
>Europeans on Sup Forums like the very trashiest American flicks, no film noir or D.W. Griffith or anything
What's up with that?

Probably Fanny and Alexander for a Christmas film. The miniseries version. Christmas in early-1900's Sweden looks incredibly comfy.


Because Americans are retards