Why did Skullface blew himself up?

Why did Skullface blew himself up?

He didnt have a personal feud with Cap and he didnt seem like a fanatic Hydra member goin full Allahydra Ackbar for their beliefs.
Wasnt he basically just a simple Merc doin dirty work for the highest bidder?

Well, you can't have the guy who kills Cap alive and kicking during Civil War, can you? That would be good writing.

>good writing
>civil war comics
ok m8

>He didnt have a personal feud with Cap
Did you miss the several times he, Cap and Sam all said he hated them?
For burning him?

He did have a personal feud, and he was a fanatic of Hydra

Not only that, the guy was part of HYDRA, and seemed pretty loyal, and Cap and co. demolished the whole thing.

>gets mad about a few burning scars
>blews himself up

makes sense

>implying CW crossbones isn't a skrull and real crossbones is somewhere fucking around

They dropped a building on him. He wasn't happy about that but they stole his pretty face. Obviously he didn't want to live anymore but was hoping he'd take Cap with him.

He was a man cut adrift, without the power structure he'd been working to build up from within SHIELD, which, on the day their New World Order was supposed to reach fruition, all came tumbling down.
On his face.
He wakes up and he's ugly, imprisoned, and powerless. you damn right he mad.

What's Marvel gonna do when they run out of villains because they're all dead?

His brain don't work like that no more.

they buy dc from Warner bros.

Have they killed off any of the really good ones from the comics?

>Comic book characters
>Staying dead

M8, come on now

The movie lacks the only thing unquestionably good about the comic, namely Cap's death.

red skull.
that guy from ultron. don't even know who he is in the comic but he was a fun enjoyable villain not to dark but not to campie either.

... did cap die in civil war?

didn't he arrest himself in the end..

Purple Man

Red Skull, Ultron, and Zola for the most part. Honestly everyone but Loki and Zemo is in a bodybag right now though.

>The movie lacks the only thing unquestionably good about the comic, namely Cap's death.

Good, because the comic didn't even have Cap's death. That happened in the Captain America ongoing.

there's still loki and thanos

the problem is how most of the iconic marvel super villian are off limit because of x-men, Fantastic four, or spiderman.

There's still red skull and mandarin I suppose. Weaving did signed a multi-movie contract so he's obligated to return if marvel assked.

I don't read cosmic marvel but according to Sup Forums they done fucked up by scratching off Ronan.

You're not suggesting that "Civil War - Epilogue" is not part of Civil War, aren't you?

>red skull.
Not Dead. Markus and McFeely said in a recent interview he could come back at any time.
Never used him, at least so far
>that guy from ultron.
Klaue is still alive, just without his arm, if you mean Strucker, I'll give you that one. But if they really want HYDRA back, which I'm not sure they do, there are other members they could use.

Here's what I don't get about the whole casting bullshit.

Natalie wants to get the fuck out for whatever reason, they write her out.

Paltrow apparently is happy but they can't fit her in CW so she doesn't get to be in.

Howard doesn't like his pay, they replace him with someone who does. Why do they NEED to have Hugo Weaving back? It is seriously not like you need to have his face anymore.

Taskmaster? I swear if you're talking about how Ward was supposed to be Task..

It was CW's epilogue, as I mentioned here , and universally remembered as the final act of the event. This is really splitting hairs, anons.

Thanos is gonna bring em all back with the infinity gauntlet for a big battle royale.

It does, actually.

>Why did Skullface blew himself up?

Because he's an MCU villain. They love blowing up

>Honestly everyone but Loki and Zemo is in a bodybag right now though.
Not really. Right now we still have out there that we know of
Wilson Fisk/ Kingpin
Ten Rings Mandarin
Red Skull
The Leader
Justin Hammer
and Nuke
And Arnim Zola and Ultron are computer programs. Bringing them back would be incredibly easy all you have to say is that one copy was saved somewhere, and go from there.

To be fair the robot/AI villains can easily come back no problem, they're never truly dead.

Ultron, basically. Maybe Strucker.

Still Alive:

Could be but not likely alive:

Not owned by Marvel:

>> Why do they NEED to have Hugo Weaving back? It is seriously not like you need to have his face anymore.

Hugo Weaving is still a pretty big name actor. Marvel doesn't want to press the issue until it's completely necessary.

They don't want to burn out Weaving like what happened to Natalie and at the same time don't want to recast him.

Question, was he ever relevant in the movie or was just tacked on like spiderman.

Why was spiderman on tony's side. I thought muh secret identity was a big deal for spiderman?

I mean bureaucratic oversight deal sounds really bad for those who have family and don't want them to be harmed.

I feel like I'm missing something.

>Wilson Fisk/ Kingpin
>implying TV matters and will ever be relevant for the movies
>Ten Rings Mandarin
>implying IM3 Mandarin wasn't THE MCU Mandarin, and short movie Mandarin wasn't just thrown in to soothe the fans' butthurt
>implying she's more than dumb muscle
>implying anything substantial from solo hulk movies will ever be brought back
>The Leader
>see Abomination
>Justin Hammer
>implying he's more than comic relief
>see Fisk

>Question, was he ever relevant in the movie or was just tacked on like spiderman.
No and yes.

>Why was spiderman on tony's side. I thought muh secret identity was a big deal for spiderman?
The Accords are not about secret identities but about the UN taking control of the Avengers. Spidey's basically blackmailed by Stark into entering the fight because reasons.

I would posit that he is well and truly dead, but would not necessarily have to stay that way, for the simple reason that he betrayed Thanos, and when Thanos gets ahold of the power over life and death itself, It's not hard to imagine him bringing Ronan back specifically to punish him personally for his betrayal and failure.

>>Spidey's basically blackmailed by Stark into entering the fight because reasons.

spiderman was so giddy at the prospect that I forgot he was blackmailed.

>>implying anything substantial from solo hulk movies will ever be brought back
This statement would have held a lot more water before Civil War

I'm pissed because for 15 minutes he was the best designed villain in the MCU.

>implying Ross isn't just a glorified cameo and it absolutely had to be him

People like Hugo Weaving.

put down those goalposts, faggot.

Nigga was ugly. He probably was on a Sup Forums thread about hating America and posted what cap did to him and the rest is history

Seems like a gate way to control heros.
>Spidey's basically blackmailed by Stark
That sounds....a bit weird.

Feels like movie should be a B+

>That sounds....a bit weird.
It is. It's basically:

>I know you're Spidey, and I need you in a fight even if you've bsically no training or experience
>But it's dangerous, I'm not sure
>Then I'll tell your hot aunt you're Spidey (actual quote)
>Ok Mr. Stark, I'll fight even if I have never heard of the Sokovia Accords

Not to mention that Hollnd only has two scenes, and both with RDJ. Really forced plug-in.

>Feels like movie should be a B+
C- if you ask me.

None of the good ones are dead. But they'll still probably make more money than DC with whoever they get. Doomsday was suppose to be superman's 3rd worst villain and he didn't pull in any numbers

Yeah, red skull clones aren't an asspull. Let's hope this one is caps son

I think people like it because the last comic book movie was bad, so it made this hot garbage look good in comparision.

Not a clone, they literally never killed him off. The guys who wrote the first Cap movie said it, so I'm going with their interpretation.

Honestly the only one I feel had potential for more stories was Ronan.

Ultron too, but given that he's Ultron they can bullshit a reason to bring him back, even through "Vision burnt out his internet connection".

Because then they won't have to recast him for the sequel, they get to bring in another villain.

I'm just pointing out it wouldn't be a total asspull because it's canon that they cloned the shit out of him. Not in this universe of course but still.
Who has rights to the Skrull empire btw? FF?

Hydra kind of got disassembled by new Shield and Hive I guess.

Never rule out the possibility an Ultron head fell somewhere in Sokovia and that someone saved it for their own purposes, or that Vision actually saved part of that last drone we never directly see him kill, because he thinks ultron can be redeemed.

Ronan though, Ronan still hurts. It was an awesome death scene, but it was still a death aer just one movie.

oh god, I'm having flashback of the 100 smith vs Neo fight.

>Who has rights to the Skrull empire btw?

Shared property like SW/QS I believe. Marvel can't use Super Skrull though

>Who has rights to the Skrull empire btw? FF?
Gunn, I think it was, said that Marvel and Fox share the rights to the Skrulls, and they're limited in what they can do with them, but gave no specifics, possibly because he doesn't know all of them. If I had to guesss, I'd say that Fox has exclusive rights to Super Skrull, in the Fantastic 4 package. Also, Badoon are confirmed off the table, and the Shi'ar most like came to Fox with the X-Men.

You know it's obvious that they're saving that for Infinity War Part 1 where he gets killed by Thanos and Bucky wakes up to avenge him/take his place.

Cap killed by Thanos will never have the same weight of Cap getting shot while being handcuffed and brought to trial. It's the American Dream getting destroyed, not a random casualty in a bigger war.

I really, really want to see Bucky as Cap. Sebastian Stan is absolute top tier.

Thanks. Good to know it's at least shared. They kinda of fuckery they pull is nice though I assume earth would have to destroy their home planet first to set off that chain but I'm sure they can ret something about Thanos and him falling making it happen

I can't tell what's more retarded: your opinion or your grammar.

I think he needs some character growth before taking the Cap mantle. He's too fucked up as he is now

I wouldn't really call Ross substantial. He's a generic guy in a military uniform with a fork stuck up his ass. they even recast him because who cares.

I read the other day that Evans agreed to a 4th Avengers movie so I'm not entirely sure that's the case, user.
They've been dropping hints at Bucky picking up the Cap mantle since The First Avenger so it's pretty much guaranteed by now, but it probably won't happen as soon as everyone previously thought.

>Why did Skullface blew himself up?
Because he know he really couldn't beat Cap in a straight fight.

And for the plot, it is important that he died so the angry mob can redirect their grief and rage at the Avengers who were there to help them. If he had survived then Wanda would have not been blamed for the bomb exploding.

>they even recast him because who cares
but they didn't

When are we gonna get Osborn for president and the Dark Avengers

>I wouldn't really call Ross substantial. He's a generic guy in a military uniform with a fork stuck up his ass.
He's one of Hulk's more consistnt antagonists, who was in both Hulk movies so far.
>they even recast him because who cares.
Nope. It's William Hurt in both of the movies that are actually in the MCU.

>they even recast him because who cares.

Ross is a possible setup for a Thunderbolts movie

No, it wouldn't.
Everything that it's different than Civil War is automatically good writing compared to it.

>He didnt have a personal feud with Cap
Yes, he absolutely did. He blamed him for fucking his face up and wanted revenge by any means necessary.

>Never used him, at least so far
I legit thought skullface was suppose to be taskmaster in mcu realistic verse but i guess i was wrong. idk i still like that soldier before the burn he was fucking strong and totally the guy that should get reused in later events instead of dying 5 min in.

>this guy

Uh, what part of the film was he in?
Because I see references to him here and there but I'm thinking either I missed the scene due to coming in late or it was censored for some reason in my country.

He was at the start. Why would you come late to a movie.

He's Crossbones, very first sequence. He blows himself up, and it's the incident that puts the plot in motion.


Purple man's whole stick is seemingly dying and then coming back from the dead. He could be brought back if they really wanted to.

Robots are easy mode to bring back.
Ronan could be a mantle. Not likely but if they really wanted to.

Really besides CB we've lost... whiplash, some elves, and some angry businessmen.

Ah, no wonder.

I came in late because I decided to be smart and miss all the boring 30mins of adverts and the "2 minutes love" propaganda vid.

Didn't think I missed that much. Damn.

I'll watch it again in a few days.
Saw it on the 27th of last month and have been sitting here wondering where the fuck I missed that shit.

I feel you, but you should really time how long it takes for your particular movie theater to begin the actual film.

Removing the single memorable and redeeming plotpoint from a story of questionable quality is not a great idea, user.

Warner Bros. gets worked again, I guess.
Sometimes this competition between movies reminds me of the stuff that happened between comic book companies in the '90s, and not in a good ways.

You say that as if Crossbones killed Cap in Civil War. He killed him in a Captain America comic that followed Civil War, not Civil War itself.

Hell, even then, it wasn't even Crossbones that killed him. It was Sharon. Crossbones was just the distraction.

Yeah but in the 90s, DC was actually putting out good comics whereas Marvel was putting out garbage. In the case of the movies, Marvel is putting out good movies and also selling better, whereas DC is just getting worked.

>Allahydra Ackbar
I think we're onto something here.

As already said, Cap's death is the final event of CW. It's the culmination of the arc and I seriously doubt that it would be adapted in Black Panther of Infinity War. It was now or never.

This, however, is a good point.

Then never works better. Civil War was fucking garbage in the comics, and the movie was better in pretty much every way. I'll be the first person to scream about how the movies should be faithfully adapting the comics, but not when it comes to Civil War. Likewise, Age of Ultron had fucking nothing to do with the comics event Age of Ultron, being more similar to Ultron Unlimited if anything, yet I don't see you raging about how AoU would have been better if it was a time-travel story.

No reason to kill off a great character just because a shitty comic arc killed them off in an arc that a movie takes a couple queues and a name from.

The entire movie is about Banner learning to put off triggering Hulk, aiming it when it when he does change, and changing on purpose to have more control.

Basically whenever someone complains that Hulk can control himself in Avengers for no reason I point them to the entire movie about it.

Now nothing in the future will matter from TIH, except maybe Abomination coming back. However it was important to the Avengers set up. Plus it set up Cap and his powers. Technically it was the first example of Stark having sonic based weapons that you see Tony and Rhodey use in Civil War.

He wanted to take Cap with him.

>Name is Brock Rumlow
>Works for HYDRA
>Puts a big ol' crossbones on his costume
>"is that Taskmaster?"

He wanted to kill Cap, and if he didn't then he was going to be thrown in superprison for the rest of his life. Pretty simple.

>Red Skull
Literally yhe most generic, boring villain possible.

They haven't used him yet.

Up there with Red Skull for genericness.

Hey man, let's be lucky Zemo got out of that alive.

>mfw people think zemo will be used in thunderbolts and not just a throwaway villain in another movie where his death is the make the new villain seem bad

>Ten Rings Mandarin
Will never be referenced ever again. It's very obvious that was just to shut up "not muh Mandarin" fans.

The twist was nice but seriously Killian was a shit villain. If you're going to do a bait and switch, please make the switch good.

was never a villain of interest to be honest