Where were you when Wanda became the supreme Marvel waifu?
Where were you when Wanda became the supreme Marvel waifu?
>Supreme waifu
>Not Aunt MILF
>he doesn't have a desire for her to use her mind bending powers on him in heated sexual moments
>Where were you when Wanda became the supreme Marvel waifu?
Here, probably.
Admittedly, I lean more towards Wanda only because she(Olsen) is a year younger than me. As far as looks go, there hasn't really been anything wrong with the other women in the MCU.
>go in expecting Wanda to continue the Marvel waifu in CW
>come out with Aunt May having taken the waifu crown
>Where were you when Wanda became the supreme Marvel waifu?
She has until Ant Man & Wasp to enjoy this status.
>literally offers herself to a faction that was once part of the goddamn Nazis
>gets powers
>starts wrecking shit in Africa every chance she gets
>doesn't save his black team mate even though she could have easily blasted Vision
Where were you when best girl turned out to be Sup Forums: the superhero?
If she steps in Africa one more time in IW, she'll probably blow up the entire continent.
>Somewhere else having better taste
>tripfag opinions