Chunk Uygur and the young turds. How can anyone take them seriously?

Chunk Uygur and the young turds. How can anyone take them seriously?

By removing large chunks of your brain I suppose.

Like many people, they haven't hit that benchmark where Cenk says something they disagree with.

Then the whole things unravels and a new conservative is born.

That guy is such a fucking manchild.

Mentally unstable, easy to provocate and agressive, typical turk.Hate these roaches with my whole heart.

young cucks take them seriously. That's about it

why are people taking them seriously? do they have a tv show at america or something? i thought they were a youtube channel.




Anyone remember when we were pro young turks?

fuck, I never liked that fat shit

I boycotted that fucking idiot Joe Rogan after he had both Cenk and Anna on his podcast.

stop giving them attention you fucking retards

who cares

tbf they were alright when they went after dumbass neocons and dumb ass commie democrats it was funny

Then they realized they get more hits when they blame the white man and sucks the minority's dick

If he was dispensing redpills while being fat and angry, we'd like him just fine. His looks are pretty okay for politics.

Being a degenerate babeboom

this. stop shilling you fucking kikes.

you nailed it.

Young turks are morons.

They say what leftists want to hear

well..... why someone like anita sarkisean can get half of million dollars for do shit with others youtubers can do for 30 dollars... this world its full of retards ,mate. :)

Only commies

No one does, the same reason why no one takes Alex Jones seriously. two sides of the same coin

>Goddess Ana will never verbally berate you while stepping on your balls


I was playing Need for Speed online the other day when some Dutch guy started asking me about our politics and media. He was ranting on about how corrupt and idiotic our media was, and I was loving it. He goes on to say there's only one American news source he trusts, so I ask him and he says "the young turks, they're pretty great"

Spent awhile redpilling him but I'm not sure if it worked. Stupid Dutchbro

> You will nevee stuff your tongue in Ana's anus

Why even live

good god i hate american "debate" shows,
>people clap at everything
>so obviously biased
>arguments are beyond dumb
>they think yelling = making a point
>childish as fuck mudthrowing and insults

>Using a common Alex Jones saying to dismiss him